Cenius Obsidiarrix Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Cenius Obsidiarrix

Thalantir Envoy Cenius Obsidiarrix

Acts as a bridge between diverse factions, using their diplomatic skills to smooth tensions and forge alliances. Specializes in teaching other arcane users, particularly in the nuances of non-verbal magical communication.  


  • Non-Verbal Communication: Prefers using signs and gestures; highly observant and intuitive.
  • Bashful and Timid: Appears shy but has a strong, assertive side when necessary.
  • Generous and Compassionate: Deep care for the less fortunate, possibly involved in charity within and outside the guild.
  • Intellectual Curiosity and Adventurous: Prone to taking magical risks but exercises caution learned from past experiences.
  • Charming and Persuasive: Effective in diplomatic settings, able to sway others without needing many words.
  • Secret Ambition: Has personal goals that drive their actions, though these ambitions are kept close to the chest.
  While Cenius Obsidiarrix typically relies on signs and gestures for everyday communication, their role as a diplomat reveals a starkly different aspect of their communicative abilities. In diplomatic settings, Cenius transforms, employing a voice that, though soft, carries the distinctive, resonant rumble characteristic of the dragonborn. This voice conveys not only authority but also an intense gravity that captivates and commands the attention of all present. Cenius's voice in these scenarios is not just heard; it's felt. The softness of their tone, combined with the underlying power of their dragonborn heritage, allows them to articulate their points with precision and persuasive force. The sudden shift from non-verbal to such potent verbal communication serves as a tactical advantage in negotiations, often catching others off guard and giving Cenius a psychological edge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, muscular frame. Appears bashful, even timid.

Physical quirks

Mostly uses signs and gestures to communicate, rarely speaks. When they do, their voice is soft, soothing, yet carries and authoritative tone that commands attention. Enchanting voice.

Mental characteristics


Cenius is currently the primary Diplomatic Envoy of the Thalantir, charged with engaging with foreign nations and organizations to improve or change relations, sometimes to deliver unwanted news. They are entrusted with communicating the unified voice of the Thalantir.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thalantir Diplomatic Envoy
Year of Birth
646 PL 45 Years old
Icy blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, shimmering scales with golden feathers framing their jaw and along the ridge atop their face.
195 lbs
Aligned Organization


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