Thalantir Organization in Deabros | World Anvil


The Thalantir Guild, an embodiment of valor and a beacon of hope across Deabros, traces its illustrious lineage back to the legendary Thalantir of Old. Founded by Graham Lightbringer in the year 488, the Guild was inspired by the deeds of the original Thalantir—a diverse group of heroes who, in 475, stood against the darkness to defend the innocent and combat great evils. This party of heroes, originally known as the "Volunteers of Auris," included notable figures such as Thubbo and Bellor Stormcaller, Artain Keltia, Dagda, Nix, Feylan, the father-son duo Kezias and Graham Lightbringer, Zachariah Valo, and Nes Diaz. Their legacy, marked by the defense of Auris from an orc raid, the destruction of the Balhannoth, and the end of the Avenging Warlord's reign, laid the foundation for the Guild's ethos and mission.   The Thalantir Guild, under Graham's stewardship and later under the guidance of Feylan and the still vibrant Dagda, expanded its horizons beyond mere adventuring to embody a broader mandate of protection, education, and cultural exchange. The innovative guild-circle exchange program with the Circle of Sildur, initiated by Dagda and Graham, became a cornerstone of the Guild's approach to fostering understanding and cooperation across diverse communities. This initiative allowed young guild members and druidic initiates to immerse themselves in each other's cultures, sharing knowledge and skills that enriched both the Guild and the Circle.   Operating from its base in Dawnrest, the Guild has grown into the most diverse and inclusive organization in Deabros, welcoming members from all corners of the realm and all walks of life. It has become a symbol of unity, diversity, and strength, carrying forward the legacy of the Thalantir of Old while adapting to the evolving challenges of the world. The Guild's efforts in peacekeeping, environmental stewardship, and the preservation of knowledge have earned it respect and gratitude across Deabros, making it a pivotal force for good in an often tumultuous world.   Today, the Thalantir Guild stands as a living testament to the ideals of its legendary predecessors, dedicated to protecting the innocent, fostering harmony among diverse peoples, and preserving the balance of nature. Its members, inspired by the tales of the Thalantir of Old and guided by the wisdom of leaders like Feylan and Dagda, continue to write new chapters in the Guild's storied history, embodying the spirit of heroism and cooperation that defines the very heart of Thalantir.

Tenets of the Guild

  1. Courage in the Face of Darkness: Every member must stand resolute against the forces that threaten peace and harmony within Deabros. This includes the courage to face personal fears and the unknown.
  2. Unwavering Honor: Members must conduct themselves with honor, both in battle and in peace. This includes honesty, integrity, and the respect of foes and allies alike.
  3. Selflessness and Altruism: The Thalantir prioritize the well-being of others above personal gain. Members are expected to offer help to those in need, without expectation of reward.
  4. Unity in Diversity: Recognizing the strength found in the diverse cultures of Deabros, members must strive to bridge differences and work harmoniously with all peoples.
  5. Guardianship of the Realm: A commitment to the protection of Deabros and its inhabitants from threats, both external and internal. This includes the stewardship of the land and its natural resources.
  6. Pursuit of Knowledge: Members are encouraged to seek out knowledge and wisdom that can aid in their missions and in the betterment of the guild and society as a whole.
  7. Respect for Life: A deep respect for all forms of life is fundamental. This tenet demands that members use their strength to protect, not to oppress or dominate.
  8. Legacy of the Heroes: Members must honor the legacy of the Thalantir of Old by aspiring to embody their virtues and continuing their mission to forge a better world.
  9. Personal Growth and Mastery: Each member is expected to continually strive towards personal improvement, both in skill and character, to better serve the guild's purposes.
  10. Oath of Brotherhood and Sisterhood: Upon joining, members form a bond of brotherhood and sisterhood, pledging to support and defend one another in times of need.


Membership Requirements

The Thalantir Guild, dedicated to the principles of protection, justice, and aid, maintains specific requirements for those wishing to join its ranks. These requirements are designed to ensure that all members share the guild's core values and are capable of upholding its mission across Deabros. Membership requirements include:
  1. Commitment to the Guild's Tenets: Prospective members must demonstrate a steadfast commitment to the guild's tenets of protecting the innocent, seeking justice, and providing aid to those in need. This commitment is assessed through interviews, character references, and potentially a trial period of service.
  2. Skills and Abilities: Candidates must possess skills or abilities that can contribute to the guild's missions. This includes, but is not limited to, combat proficiency, magical abilities, healing capabilities, strategic thinking, and survival skills.
  3. Moral Character: The guild requires members to have a strong moral compass. A background check is performed to ensure that candidates have not been involved in activities that starkly contradict the guild's values, such as exploitation, tyranny, or unjust aggression.
  4. Willingness to Learn and Adapt: Members must be open to learning and adapting to various situations. The guild values flexibility and the ability to work as part of a team, understanding that missions may require diverse approaches and strategies.
  5. Oath of Service: Upon acceptance, members are required to swear an oath of service to the guild and its principles. This oath binds them to the guild's code of conduct, emphasizing integrity, courage, and selflessness in their actions.
  6. Age and Health: Candidates must be of an age and in a condition that allows them to actively participate in guild missions. Specific age and health requirements may vary depending on the nature of the role they are expected to fulfill within the guild.
  7. Respect for Diversity: Given the diverse nature of Dawnrest and other areas of operation, members must respect cultural, racial, and species diversity. The guild fosters an environment of mutual respect and cooperation among all beings.
  8. Approval by a Guild Committee: Finally, a committee of existing guild members reviews all applications to ensure that candidates meet all criteria and are a good fit for the guild's culture and objectives.

These requirements are designed to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the Thalantir Guild, ensuring that it remains a force for good across Deabros.


Guild Ranking System

See: Thalantir Rank System


Guild Branches

Dawnrest Branch

The Dawnrest Branch serves as the heart and headquarters of the Thalantir Guild. Positioned in the diverse and independent city of Dawnrest, this branch epitomizes the guild's founding principles of protection, justice, and aid to those in need, irrespective of their background or species. The branch actively engages in safeguarding the city and its surrounding regions from threats, organizing humanitarian efforts, and providing aid in times of crisis. Despite facing challenges in establishing a broader presence due to scrutiny from neighboring lands, the Dawnrest Branch remains unwavering in its commitment to uphold the guild's tenets, both within and beyond the city's borders.

Keltia Branch

Located in Artanar, within the island nation of Keltia, the Keltia Branch of the Thalantir Guild enjoys widespread support and respect from the local populace. Tasked with confronting dangerous wildlife, addressing mutations and monstrous threats, this branch also secures internal and external trade routes by land and sea, ensuring the safety and prosperity of Keltia. Guild members in this branch are seen as heroes, their deeds celebrated, and their presence a symbol of the nation's strength and resilience. Their operations align closely with Keltian values of community, exploration, and the mutual protection of its diverse inhabitants.

Lucisia Branch

The Lucisia Branch operates under stringent conditions, reflecting Lucisia's zealous adherence to Lenosite and Lonysian doctrines. While invited by the Lucisian throne as a gesture towards progressiveness, the branch's activities are heavily monitored and restricted by the state. Members are limited to addressing apolitical threats, under the watchful eye of Lucisian authorities, ensuring no deviation from state interests. Despite these challenges, the Lucisia Branch strives to embody the guild's ideals within the framework allowed, navigating the delicate balance between Lucisian religious and cultural norms and the broader mission of the Thalantir Guild. Their presence in Lucisia represents a cautious step towards a more inclusive and diverse approach to national security and humanitarian aid, albeit within the confines of a tightly controlled operational environment.


Thalantir of Old

The Thalantir's founding members included:   Thubbo and Be'llor Stormcaller: Brothers from the Thunder Tribe.
Artain Keltia: A valorous warrior from Clan Keltia.
Dagda: A representative of the Circle of Ithil, embodying the spirit of nature.
Nix: A gnome cleric from the Enchanted Caravan, serving as the group's guardian and healer.
Feylan: A wandering eladrin hunter, known for his unmatched archery skills.
Kezias and Graham Lightbringer: A father-son duo from the Crusaders of Lonysus, symbolizing the enduring light of hope.
Zachariah Valo later joined the Thalantir, playing a crucial role in the rescue of High Priest Ezra and Kezias from the clutches of the Crusaders of Lonysus.
Nes Diaz, a Vesynite Tenma High Priestess in training, joined the Thalantir, bringing her divine insights and magical prowess to the group.   During their time together, the Thalantir undertook heroic deeds that would forever change the course of Deabros's history. They defended Auris from an orc raid, vanquished the Balhannoth, freed Karnaggonn the Morningstar, witnessed and survived the Genocide of Auris, and ultimately defeated the Avenging Warlord, bringing an end to his reign of terror.   The Thalantir's journey did not end with their disbandment in 475 PL. Their legacy continued to inspire future generations, culminating in the mystical appearance of their statues in the Field of Heroes, a site that became a pilgrimage destination for those seeking to honor the heroes of old. Each statue, appearing in the years following each member's death, served as a timeless reminder of their sacrifice and heroism.

"Guardians of Peace,
Champions of the Voiceless."

Founding Date
April 475
Adventuring Party
Leader Title

Articles under Thalantir


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