Nester Diaz Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Nester Diaz

Nester Diaz (a.k.a. Nes)

Nester Diaz, a 21-year-old Dragonborn, stands out in Olivanar Refuge with his silver-blue scales and bright blue eyes. Known as a direct descendant of the revered Venessa Diaz, Nester is the first in many generations to exhibit a profound magical talent, making him a unique figure among his kin. Despite his magical prowess, he faces the challenge of being perceived as soft and mysterious, often hiding under a cloak to avoid unwanted attention. Nester's greatest strength lies in his ability to manipulate magic, a skill he wields with exceptional aptitude. However, his lack of wisdom often leads him into trouble, despite his charisma and intelligence.   Nester’s life is deeply influenced by his lineage and the pressure to uphold the legacy of his ancestors. His family has instilled in him a love for all races, though he harbors resentment towards the Inheritors, who once threatened his family. His primary goal is to prove his worth as a Thalantir, hoping to match the impact his ancestor Nes had on the world. Although he works well with others, the constant pressure from his community weighs heavily on him. Nester is rational, valuing knowledge and logic, and holds a particular disdain for those who belittle the Thalantir. His attachment to a carving given by his best friend Malxen, also known as Chomper, symbolizes his deep familial and friendship bonds. While Nester struggles with survival skills outside the city, his determination to honor his heritage and protect his family drives him forward.

Current Location
Year of Birth
670 PL 21 Years old
Bright blue with silver hue.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scales: Silver and almost blue tinted scales cover his body and some stick out like thorns
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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