Orc Species in Deabros | World Anvil


The Beginning

From their dawn in the deep tundras north of the mountain wall that separates them from the other species of the gods, the orcs have steered toward violence and war. Within the very first tribe, schisms tore Utin’s people apart. And as they splintered and made plenty their numbers, more and more tribes formed. And thus more and more wars were waged.  

The Split

Though, this was not to always be. Out of the chaos of Utin’s people, came those who sought order through peace and war only when needed for defense. Though the peaceful tribes have yet to establish a permanent settlement, they gravitate towards the southern mountains, where they may engage with the Zornik dwarves of Daal.   There are no racial differences between these orcs, but those who live nearest the mountain and practice a more defensive culture of war call themselves the Ranaak (of the shield). And they call those who raid and plunder, murder and destroy, the Shezaag (of the sword). Orcs from both major sects of orcs would belong to a tribe. It is possible that a Ranaak would live more permanently within the mountains, near or within the city of Daal, but most of them stay to protect their people.   The Shezaag, who have taken kindly to the moniker given them by the cowardly Ranaak, have kept raiding and pillaging amongst each other. They strike out into the vast snowy regions they’ve called home to hunt down massive and impressive beasts. Within a tribe, the relationships are close so long as a clear and evidence “strongest” lives to lead them. Most Shezaag tribes are doomed to splintering, however. Eventually a young orc will rise up to challenge the chieftain. In those cases, either one of them prevails, or a new schism occurs and the tribe splits.    

Major Groups of the Orcs in 691



Once known as the Ranaak Alliance, a tribal confederacy formed out of the necessity of defense, the alliance has since transformed into a fully united nation. Though it internally still operates very similar to a Grand Tribe, the Ranaak have begun to shift away from the violence-based choosing of new leadership. Today, the Ranaak choose their leaders in summits, where people nominate themselves for leadership of the nation, and those in attendance vote.   The Ranaak have a strained, but necessary, relationship with the Talashan. Trade comes in through the seas primarily from Talashan and Keltia. Though limited, these trade routes gives the northern orcs access to good from all over Eandor. In general, Eandor opinions of the Ranaak is poor, since most people in Talashan and Dokan blame Ranaak for trapping the Ukavrike south of the mountain range - a valid criticism.  


Out of the 475 defeat of the Avenging Warlord and the Ukavrike Grand Tribe, Thubbo the Great established a new city-state nation he called "Dabumang". The Dabumang still adhere to a martial process to select their leaders. Since Thubbo, leadership transitioned only a few times: from Thubbo to his daughter, Dura, to her son Book, and finally to dwarven son of Werakic, Yurgi.   Dabumang Orcs are the only organized descendants of the Shezaag Orcs, and they primarily comprise of former Ukavrike. The Dabumang espouse heavy beliefs in Karnaggonn and Utin, and still retain much of their beliefs about the Land of Ro and Sha.  

Roving Shezaag Tribes

From the western edges of the Fae'Sinya to the Draushum Forest, isolated Shezaag tribes roam the lands. Some of these tribes engage in raiding and others do their best to remain hidden from the rest of the world. There have been several periods of conflict between these roving bands and the nations of Eandor. Most civilized nations feel a moderate to strong contempt for the migrating Shezaag, as they represent the absolute worst, in their opinions, of the orc people.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Adrenaline Rush You can take the Dash action as a bonus action. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Whenever you use this trait, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.   Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.   Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   Relentless Endurance When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adult orcs have an extremely high fertility and multiple birth rate. Without attempts to prevent conception, orcs are very likely to reproduce from sexual relations. An orc is able to conceive a child from about 12 to 35 years.
Orc Years Orc Events
-5 months Gestation period of an orc.
0 to 6 months Baby stage.
6 months to 18 months Toddler and advanced toddler stages.
2 to 8 years Child stage; traditional and local teachings begin. Warfare teachings begin now.
8 to 10 Puberty. An orc of this age is expected to be able to defend their tribe from raids and attacks.
10 to 12 Full adult height. End of puberty. Mature appearance. Childbearing possible.
12 End of formal combat and tribal teachings. Formally an adult of the tribe. At this age, an orc may be tasked with a spiritual quest to hunt a great beast or to lead a war party.
23 to 33 Middle aged.
40 Old age.
50 Venerable. Significantly increased mortality rate from this age.
60 Maximum age possible. Mortality determined for PCs at 50 plus 1d10 years.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Prominent among the Ranaak, and a rare phenomenon amongst the Shezaag, a Chieftain who leads multiple tribes in times of war or peace is referred to as a Warlord. There have only been a few prominent in the histories of the Orcs, known for unifying disparate tribes to create terrifying armies.   In Ranaak lands, there are a half dozen warlords who command different groupings of tribes. In a time of war, one is selected as War Chieftain to coordinate the Ranaak defenses and war strategy.



Nearly every tribe, village, or nomadic group is led by a Chieftain. For many, the Chieftain is the most feared or indomitable warrior of their tribe. This tends to be true for both the Ranaak and Shezaag. Among the Ranaak, there are a few tribes led by Chieftains whose command does not come from their combat prowess. For instance, in one tribe, the Chieftain was selected because of their mastery of the mysterious arcane. In another, religious wisdom dominates and has resulted in a wizened shaman becoming the indisputable leader.



Some individuals of the tribes, villages, or migrating groups gain the rank of "Elite". The paths to such a reputable title are plural. Some are selected due to their ancestral line back to one of the tribe's founders. Others earn this rank from their societal or warfighting ability. An Elite typically serves the chieftain's primary tribal needs, acting as their sub-leadership.



Though there is no real distinction for an orc as a commoner, the majority of the population in each tribe falls within this structure. A commoner is a full member of the tribe, acting as a warrior or providing a societal service for the betterment of the tribe. The Shezaag expect all members of their tribes to act in all facets of a the tribe's needs, be it war, raiding, hunting, fishing, purifying water, or whatever else must be done. Failure to contribute is a punishable offense.


War Captives

Both the Ranaak and Shezaag maintain war captives. How a captive is treated depends on the individual tribe's morality and ethics. Among the Ranaak, there is an expectation to treat captives fairly well and provide a captive with a path to becoming a member of the tribe. In Shezaag tribes, treatment is extremely varied. Some tribes will sell captives to other tribes, some use them for sacrifices, and others use them to pad their raiding parties' front lines.


Wielders of Magic

Magic is rare in all of Deabros, and it is especially rare amongst the orcs. Because it is so rare, there are whole tribes who view magic as more of a myth than a reality. With that comes a considerable amount of fear. The Ranaak are able to maintain a more constant record of history to share amongst themselves, and because they experience longer periods of stability and peace, they have more magic users among their numbers than the Shezaag. Not all Ranaak tribes accept magical users, but Ranaak warlords ensure those found with magical abilities are able to find a proper home among tribes with mentalities best suited for them and their families.   The Shezaag are different. Regardless of respect or fear, a magical users among the Shezaag will not be treated as an individual. They will be killed, treated as a pariah, or a tool to help their chieftain conquer or raid.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Common Taboos

  • The head is the most sacred body part of an orc. Do not touch anyone's head without their permission. Do not pass things over another's head.
  • Do not place head cover pieces on the same surface upon which you are eating food.
  • Conversely, do not sit upon a surface meant for eating. Do not sit on pillows.
  • When witnessing a war cry, do not show emotion. Maintain eye contact. Show neither fear or amusement.
  • Maintain an arm's length distance from another person, being within that space is a challenge.

Historical Figures

  • Warlord Chieftain Uzrok Bloodbathe
  • Warlord Chieftain Nazmi Uzrokslayer

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