Thunder Tribe Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Thunder Tribe

The Thunder Tribe, a small but steadfast orcish community, roams the vast tundra valley to the far west beyond the towering Braella Mountains. Their unique beliefs and traditions set them apart from the warring Shezaag and the pacifist Ranaak, carving a distinct path of spiritual devotion and pilgrimage.   Comprised of only a half-dozen members, the Thunder Tribe finds solace and guidance in their unwavering faith in the Storm Mother. They view the Storm Mother as a divine entity, a deity of thunder and lightning that commands their reverence and awe. It is through their connection with her that they seek wisdom, strength, and a deeper understanding of the world.   The Thunder Tribe embarks on an arduous and transformative journey, spanning hundreds of miles from the tundra to the vast expanse of the ocean. This pilgrimage is a sacred rite, an act of devotion and reverence to the Storm Mother. They traverse the harsh terrain, enduring the biting winds and treacherous landscapes, driven by their unyielding belief in the power of the storms.   Clad in weathered furs and garments adorned with symbols of storms and lightning, the Thunder Tribe stands as a testament to resilience and spiritual devotion. Their weather-beaten faces and hardened physiques speak of a life shaped by the unforgiving elements, a testament to their survival in the wild and their connection with nature.   Despite their small numbers, the Thunder Tribe radiates a quiet strength and a profound connection to the natural forces that surround them. They serve as a reminder that faith can be found in the most unexpected places and that even the smallest of tribes can possess a resilience and determination that resonates like the thunder's roar.


Flag of the Thunder Tribe
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Storm Orcs
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Notable Members
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