Ukavrike Grand Tribe Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Ukavrike Grand Tribe

From the haze of the Bloodsnow Valley, the Ukavrike Kurrauz, or Ukavrike for short, Grand Clan rose in a flurry revenge-fueled fury. The Ranaak Alliance first reported an uptick of violence in the central valley to the Zornik Dwarves in the year 468, after their scouts discovered survivors from several Shezaag Tribes.  
"Their leader was a monstrous force, a storm of hatred that fell upon us in the light of day."
- Survivor from the Tribe of Habzun
  By 470, the Ukavrike had managed to secure sizable portions of land in the central valley, continuing to wreak havoc on the detached and vulnerable Shezaag tribes. That year, the Ranaak learned the leader had adopted the title of the "Avenging Warlord", and marched his armies from one tribe to another to offer them a simple choice: Join or Die.   Until 474, the growing Shezaag alliance continued its violent campaign among the other Shezaag. However, as it became more difficult for the Avenging Warlord to pin down the majority of the remaining Shezaag tribes, he was forced to look elsewhere, to the Ranaak to the south. From the very first assaults, the Ranaak found him formidable. The Ranaak's reporting on the Avenging Warlord detail him as a proficient tactician and a deadly warrior. They note that he commands capable chieftains and champions in his campaigns, and avoids micromanaging war efforts. Through the use of defensive technologies won over from the Zornik and Dokan Dwarves, the Ranaak have kept the Ukavrike at bay.   Near the end of the year 474, a Ranaak spy embedded within the Alliance reported the Avenging Warlord saying:
"The Ranaak have allied themselves with the weak-willed dwarves and their soft-skinned partners beyond the mountains. Their defenses are strong. They will continue to be so until we break this arrangement. We will bring our fury to the south, to those who have not known war as we have known war. We will bring the axe, we will bring our rage, and they will see their lands soaked in the blood of their kin."


The Avenging Warlord

The Avenging Warlord is the Commander and Leader of the Ukavrike Grand Tribe, an alliance of Shezaag Orcish tribes.  


Each tribe is still led by their respective Chieftains. Amongst the Ukavrikans, strength and tactical mind is held above all other traits.  


Within each tribe, there are formidable warriors that hold the rank of "Elite". These are also known as "Champions". Though they do not command tribes, the Ukavrikans have been known to put Elites in charge of smaller groups of orc soldiers.

Justice Forged in Blood

Founding Date
Alliance, Military
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
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