Utin, God of Balance Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Utin, God of Balance

God of Balance Utin (a.k.a. War, The Warrior-God)

Utin is often mostly revered as the God of War, but his tenets do not restrict him to violence. Followers of Utin, mostlyOrcs, must also respect His demand for Balance in all things. For they know that Utin is the Lord of Order and Chaos. To his followers, combat just so happens to be the place of worship where both of these elements are strikingly on display. Without order, a war party will be disorganized and therefore more likely succumb to the battle. But there is no denying the deafening chaos of battle, where the situations and conditions may turn on you because of the slightest change of weather or the most unremarkable pre-battle preparation.   Followers of Utin know to prepare for chaos by instilling order where they can.


Divine Domains

  • Order
  • War
  • Death
  • Chaos

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most commonly depicted symbol for Utin is a weapon driven into the ground. It is meant to depict that though the Followers of Utin are ready to fight, they practice restraint.

Tenets of Faith

  1. You shall not kill in times of peace.
  2. You shall not kill the innocent.
  3. You shall not denigrate freedoms of yourself or others.
  4. You shall obey laws that do not disregard freedom.
  5. You shall break laws that restrict the freedoms of yourself or others.
  6. You shall honor all oaths.
  7. You shall fight for the good of order and freedoms.
  8. You shall not succumb to fear and cowardice.
  9. You shall embrace change.
  10. You shall not fear death.

Sinful Acts

  1. Unjust Killing
  2. Oppression
  3. Breaking Oaths
  4. Cowardice and Inaction
  5. Embracing Extremism
  6. Resisting Positive Change
  7. Blind Obedience to Unjust Laws
  8. Championing Chaos
  9. Abusing Freedoms
  10. Fearing Death Above All

Divine Classification
Black, curly, medium length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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