Zornik Dwarf Species in Deabros | World Anvil

Zornik Dwarf

In the north, the first dwarves, the Zornik (which means “of the mountain”) remain with their great city of Daal carved into the mountainsides. From there, the people mine deep, pulling out treasured ore and using it to decorate their surface city. There, the leaders of Daal debate the future of mountain dwarves: shall they spread ever so on the surface of the mountain or delve deep and establish city hubs within the vast ranges. Their ambitions range from digging down deep to the center of Deabros to creating massive tunnels for passing through the mountains without ever a need to climb over them.   Since 475, the Zornik have adopted a mostly isolationist policy toward the rest of the world. What started as the establishment of a new Monarchy, rapidly transformed into a xenophobic, insular government, concerned about the potential dangers of the surface. Dokan scholars attribute this to the invasion of the Ukavrike Grand Tribe of the Eandor region. The Lucisian Invasion of the 520's did not help this mentality, either.   Later in the 526, the Zornik attempted to force a reunification of the Dokan Dwarves. Though the Zornik did capture and occupy significant portions of northern Dokan, the Dokan and Dabumang launch a joint counterwar and restore the Dokan's original borders. Eventually, Zornik gates to the north reopened and trade was re-established with the Ranaak to the far, far west. Through this, information passes into the surface world about a sprawling network of underground cities, with the Zornik digging ever deeper into Deabros.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 2.   Dwarven Armor Training You have proficiency with light and medium armor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarven adults have a higher than average fertility rate. Without attempts to prevent conception, dwarves are likely to reproduce from sexual relations. However, when dwarves do reproduce, they have a low chance of having multiple births. A dwarf is considered physically capable of carrying a child to term even before society considers them an adult, from the age of 17 to 325.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarven Years Dwarven Societal Events
- 9 months Gestation period
0 to 1 year Baby stage
1 to 2 Toddler Stage
2 to 5 Advanced toddler stage; language development from simple to intermediate.
5 to 12 Child stage; traditional and local teachings begin.
13 to 16 Physical puberty hits. By this point, a dwarven child has learned how to do many household chores and have completed their first apprenticeship and begin their advanced studies.
17 to 21 Full adult height. End of puberty. Mature appearance. Childbearing possible. Despite the physical maturity rate being equal to humans, dwarven society still sees a child of this age as a child.
50 Dwarves receive their iron hammer, the mark of their adulthood. Dwarves may strike out on their own without societal stigmas.
150 Dwarves believe the full ability of oneself is achieved by this point. If a dwarf is not a master, then they never will be, according to societal expectations.
200 to 300 Middle aged.
325 Old age.
400 Venerable. Significantly increased mortality rate from this age.
460 Maximum age possible. Mortality determined for PCs at 400 plus 3d20 years.

Additional Information

Social Structure


The chosen leader is known as the "Master of the Forge". They decide the lefts and rights of the Zornik dwarves of Daal and its interconnected tunnels and underground dwellings.  

The Forge

The Forge council serves to guide and advise the Forgemaster of each of their mastery domains. The Zornik choose a supreme master of all the eligible disciplines.  

Supreme Master

In short, a supreme master is a master of masters. Not only have they achieved the highest known quality of skill in their discipline, but their quality is a cut above the others who have mastered their skills.
  • Mining
  • Blacksmithing
    • Armoring
    • Weaponsmithing
    • Refining
    • Jeweling
  • Tunneling
  • Accounting
  • Tradesmanship
  • Tailoring
  • Administration
  • Historian, Archiving
  • Heraldry, Ancestral Research
  • Innovation
  • ... and more...


Someone of the term "master" has achieved the utmost in their skillset or discipline. Some in dwarven society even strive to master more than one discipline.  

Craftsman, Miner, Archivist, Tradesman

The respectable middling of most dwarves fine themselves here, where they take pride in their work, whatever it is that they do, but they have yet to master their skillset. A dwarf at this societal tier is considered a "good dwarf of good standing".  


Dwarves are often considered children while they toil away as apprentices. There do exist some dwarves who remain stuck in this stage for years and year beyond what is considered appropriate.  


Non-Zornik are somewhat welcome among Daal. They will face an uphill societal battle to be accepted. Those outsiders who fail to follow a Zornik path remain "outsiders" and treated as less than apprentices. Outsiders are encourage to become apprentices so that they may achieve greatness and success as a good dwarf.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Zornik dwarves reside in the city of Daal. However, Daal itself belies a greater network of tunnels and dwellings under the mountain. The very name "Zornik" ties those who identify as part of the Zornik to the mountains. For the time being, this generally means the western Braella Mountains.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Prominent Zornik Guilds

The Mining Guild

The largest, oldest guild among the Zornik. The mining guild drives much of the business growth and innovation in Daal. Its members are miners, mining company owners, and those who facilitate the movement of mined goods.  

The Tunnelers Guild

A decently sized guild with historic roots. Its membership belongs to those who carve out and reinforce the great Daal tunnels used by miners and gemologists in their day to day operations. It is also this guild that intends to create a straightaway path to the Ranaak.  

Consortium of Archivists & Historians

A small, registered guild responsible for Daal's first library. Its members spend time recording local and notable distant events. The consortium's current petition is to permit a team to go out and begin exploring the world beyond the Ranaak orcs and Dokan dwarves.  

Association of Gemologists, Jewelers, & Smithees

A large multi-guild business alliance that combines all valuators of dwarven resources. The association was established to set limits to the pricing tomfoolery that existed with trading ore, gems, jewelry, armor, and weapons.

Other Prominent Organizations

The Housing Council

A powerful council of the government which assigns new housing zones for the dwarves' expanding population.  

Carta of Commerce

A privately run business doing everything in its power to invest in the endeavors of others, including the Daal government and the guilds.

Powerful Families


Daal's most famous blacksmith family. Its founding dates back to the very first cut of stone into the Braella Mountains, with Ermmun Ironborne leading dwarves into their first mining expedition. It was Ermmun's son, Daergurn Ironborne that made stronger pickaxes from his father's returns. Today, the Master Ironborne Blacksmith is Gwynerra Ironborne. She tutors Mistselle Ironborne, Dimnas Ironborne, and Brytnys Metalweaver.  


A powerful ostracized family in Daal. The Flamebeards lead trading expeditions to the Ranaak and the Dokan monthly. These expeditions have resulted in this family becoming exceptionally wealthy of late. Prominent members: Brytnys Flamebeard, Myrwaen Flamebeard, and Ragdain Flamebeard.  


Friznik Hammerkeeper is the current leader of Daal. His family continues to find itself at the top of the pecking order time and time again. Prominent Members: Friznik Hammerkeeper and Galnin Hammerkeeper.

Sub-Culture Societies

The Underdwellers

A subsect of the Zornik who believe dwarves are meant to live under the safety of the mountain and rock always. They only leave the tunnels or mountain when fully covers in large, billowing robes that cover them from head to toe.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Dwarvish

Common Taboos

  • Honor the Deal. Dwarves value, more than anything, the deal. Not just the accomplishment of making one, but of keeping one as well. They value an honorable deal struck between two savvy businesspeople. It is taboo to break a deal and to make a dishonorable deal.
  • Pride in Craft. It is greatly taboo to make a bad product. It is expected that a dwarven crafter would put their soul into their work and they would as well master their craft.
  • Pride in Beard. A dwarf is expected to grow out and take care of their facial hair. Beards are a beloved aspect for all dwarves, but an uncleanly one is unsanitary and dangerous. Additionally, a beard is a great place to adorn oneself in dwarven jewels.
  • Family First. In dwarven culture, family and family honor is everything. To insult family, one's own or another's, is an exceptional taboo bound to result in violence or litigious consequences.

Common Myths and Legends

460 years
Average Height
4-5 feet
Average Weight
150 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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