Dokan Dwarf Species in Deabros | World Anvil

Dokan Dwarf

In the south, the Dokan (“that that see”), build and roam the foothills covered in woods and shaped by the rushing river waters that run off from the northern and eastern ranges. The hill dwarves mine as their northern brethren do, but they also farm, fish, explore, and the many other activities available to those who settle the flatter lowlands. The Dokan are known to be more adventurous and social than the Zornik Dwarves (“of the mountain”).

Basic Information

Biological Traits

As a hill dwarf, you have keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience.   Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.   Dwarven Toughness Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarven adults have a higher than average fertility rate. Without attempts to prevent conception, dwarves are likely to reproduce from sexual relations. However, when dwarves do reproduce, they have a low chance of having multiple births. A dwarf is considered physically capable of carrying a child to term even before society considers them an adult, from the age of 17 to 325.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarven Years Dwarven Societal Events
- 9 months Gestation period
0 to 1 year Baby stage
1 to 2 Toddler Stage
2 to 5 Advanced toddler stage; language development from simple to intermediate.
5 to 12 Child stage; traditional and local teachings begin.
13 to 16 Physical puberty hits. By this point, a dwarven child has learned how to do many household chores and have completed their first apprenticeship and begin their advanced studies.
17 to 21 Full adult height. End of puberty. Mature appearance. Childbearing possible. Despite the physical maturity rate being equal to humans, dwarven society still sees a child of this age as a child.
50 Dwarves receive their iron hammer, the mark of their adulthood. Dwarves may strike out on their own without societal stigmas.
150 Dwarves believe the full ability of oneself is achieved by this point. If a dwarf is not a master, then they never will be, according to societal expectations.
200 to 300 Middle aged.
325 Old age.
400 Venerable. Significantly increased mortality rate from this age.
460 Maximum age possible. Mortality determined for PCs at 400 plus 3d20 years.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Dwarvish

Common Myths and Legends

460 years
Average Height
4-5 feet
Average Weight
150 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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