
The Freewalkers of Hangard are a group of individuals who, like the Unbound, exist outside the traditional structures of clan and house affiliations. However, their defining characteristic is their inherent individualism and lack of connection to any larger organization or community. These lone figures embrace a life unencumbered by the expectations and limitations that come with belonging to a specific group.     Unlike the Unbound, who often find solace and support in their shared identity and experiences, Freewalkers embrace their solitary existence, valuing personal freedom and autonomy above all else. They are fiercely independent, choosing to navigate the world on their own terms, guided solely by their own convictions, desires, and goals.     The Freewalkers' commitment to self-reliance and individualism has led to a diverse array of personal journeys and experiences. Some Freewalkers choose to dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, while others may be driven by a desire for adventure or personal discovery. In this sense, the Freewalkers embody the spirit of exploration and self-determination, always seeking to push the boundaries of their own potential.     While the Unbound often find common ground and form communities based on their shared experiences and challenges, Freewalkers remain steadfastly unattached to any particular group or organization. This lack of a structured support system can make their path more challenging, but it also provides them with a sense of freedom and autonomy that they hold dear.     Freewalkers are known for their adaptability and resourcefulness, as they must rely solely on their own skills and abilities to survive and thrive in Hangardian society. Without the backing of a clan or house, Freewalkers have honed their capabilities in a variety of fields, often becoming masters of multiple trades or disciplines in order to ensure their self-sufficiency.     The accomplishments of individual Freewalkers have left a lasting impact on Hangardian society, as their unique perspectives and experiences can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and innovations. Freewalkers have contributed to the advancement of art, science, and culture throughout Hangard, demonstrating that success and greatness can be achieved by those who choose to walk their own path.     Despite their many achievements, Freewalkers still face significant challenges and prejudices within Hangardian society. Their refusal to adhere to traditional structures can be seen as a threat to the established order, and they are often met with suspicion and hostility from those who are more deeply rooted in the clan and house system.     However, the resilience and determination of the Freewalkers have allowed them to persevere in the face of adversity. These lone figures have shown that with self-reliance, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to their own values and beliefs, they can defy societal expectations and forge their own path to success.     The Freewalkers of Hangard represent a unique and fascinating aspect of Hangardian society, embodying the spirit of individualism and self-determination. Although they face challenges and obstacles due to their unconventional lifestyles, these solitary figures continue to make significant contributions to the greater good, proving that greatness can be found in even the most unlikely of places.   Although he was head of House Wilhelm for many Years, the immortal demi-god Bruinan Lifthraisir eventually relinquished his rule over his House and became a Freewalker. He would go on to become one of the greatest heroes of the Aina continuum.
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