
Hangard, often referred to as the Bastion of the North and the Cradle of Honor, was founded in the year 12229 by the merchant-sailor Morlin Arlilhon, who united the anthropomorphic bear tribes of Hangadia. Situated in the high northern lands, the kingdom is renowned for its chivalric knights, strict codes of honor, and formidable battlemages capable of standing against even the earth-elven Zervesine armies. The city of Aerendor serves as its pulsating heart, a metropolis that has grown over centuries into a hub of culture and commerce. The Northland Trading Company, established initially as "The Trader’s Guild" by Morlin Arlilhon, has become the cornerstone of Hangard's economic prowess, virtually acting as the private navy for the crown in later Years.   The history of Hangard is a tapestry woven with threads of prosperity and periods of darkness. For 229 Years, the Arlilhons and the Gustriteuses ruled in a time of relative peace, only for the kingdom to plunge into the Dark Times under the Montenhelm warlock tyrants. These tyrants persecuted followers of Zastor and seized lands until their overthrow in 12593 by the Knights Theolrer resistance, ushering in the Theolrer dynasty. The Montenhelms faded into legend and myth, but their dark legacy occasionally resurfaces, posing threats both internal and external to the kingdom.   By the year 13929, Hangard finds itself in a state of constant vigilance, battling Kyondor goblin forces from Jingthol for over three decades. Queen Finean Erlin XII, the reigning monarch, has fortified alliances with the Northland Trading Company, leading to conflicts with underworld cartels like the Tormar. Despite its challenges, Hangard remains a kingdom of great significance in the destinies of the five realms, a land where ancient roads like the Dhormar connect beast nations of the north, and where the teachings of Zastor continue to guide its people in the paths of magic and honor.


The Crown: Unquestionable Authority   At the pinnacle of Hangard's hierarchy is the Monarch, currently Queen Finean Erlin XII. Her role is far from symbolic; she is the ultimate authority in the kingdom, with the power to override even the legislative bodies. Her decisions are final and binding, setting the course for the entire realm.   Northland Trading Company: Maritime Might and Mercantile Mastery   A unique feature of Hangard's governance is its naval force, which is not a traditional royal navy but a powerful trading conglomerate known as the Northland Trading Company. Overseen by a Chancellor appointed by the Queen, this organization holds a dual mandate. It controls international trade routes while also acting as the kingdom's maritime defense. Its ships are as likely to be filled with exotic goods as they are with artillery, making it a formidable force on the high seas.   The Parliament: The Forge of Law   While the Queen holds the reins of ultimate authority, the Parliament serves as the legislative arm of the kingdom. It is responsible for crafting laws and regulations, although its powers are not absolute. The Queen retains the right to bypass the Parliament, particularly in times of crisis or emergency.   Royal Inquisitors: Guardians of Internal Security   The Royal Inquisitors, led by Lord Inquisitor Dane, serve as the kingdom's internal investigative force. Tasked with rooting out threats ranging from treason to forbidden sorcery, they operate in the shadows to ensure the realm's stability. Under the Lord Inquisitor are the Knights Inquisitor, who act as the martial arm of this secretive organization.   Royal Guild of Sorcery: Custodians of the Arcane   Magic is a significant aspect of life in Hangard, and its regulation falls under the Royal Guild of Sorcery. Headed by High Witch Dame Brisana, the guild advises the crown on magical matters and investigates rogue sorcery. It is also the repository of arcane knowledge, safeguarding ancient tomes and mystical artifacts.   The Hangardian Army: The Land-Based Loyalists   Commanded by the Lord Marshall, the Hangardian Army is responsible for defending the kingdom's terrestrial territories. It is a well-organized force, trained to respond to a variety of threats and challenges.   Provincial and Regional Governance: The Lattice of Local Rule   Knights-Governor oversee the various provinces of Hangard, ruling in the Queen's name. Each province is further subdivided into smaller regions, managed by lesser nobles. These local rulers are responsible for providing military support to the Queen's armies, ensuring a decentralized yet unified governance structure.   Durvanild Academy: The Breeding Ground for Leadership   The Durvanild Academy serves as the educational institution for the kingdom's future leaders. Overseen by a Headmaster, the academy is responsible for training the officer corps and knights, ensuring a steady stream of competent leaders for both civil and military roles.


The Code of Hangard: A Guiding Ethos   Hangardian culture is deeply rooted in a code of conduct known as the "Code of Hangard," which emphasizes duty, honor, and service to the kingdom. This code serves as the moral compass for its citizens, shaping their worldview and guiding their actions. It is a set of principles that transcends social class, resonating with everyone from the highest noble to the lowliest commoner.   Social Hierarchy: The Fabric of Society   The societal structure in Hangard is feudal in nature, with a hereditary monarch at the apex, followed by noble families, knights, and commoners. Social status is not merely a label but a significant determinant of one's roles, responsibilities, and privileges. The importance of one's lineage and title is deeply ingrained in Hangardian culture, often dictating the course of one's life.   The Valor of Arms: A Society Geared for War   Military service is not just a duty but a highly esteemed vocation. The constant threat from goblin tribes in Jingthol has made warfare and defense central to Hangardian life. Knights and soldiers are revered, their exploits immortalized in songs and tales that are passed down through generations.   The Arcane and the Divine: Magic and Religion   Magic, or "magick" as it is referred to in Hangard, is a regulated but integral part of society. Overseen by the Royal Guild of Sorcery, magick is viewed through the lens of duty rather than personal freedom. The teachings of the mage Zastor form the theological foundation for approved magickal practices, and his followers enjoy official sanction. All other religious practices and gods are outlawed, making Zastor's teachings not just a spiritual path but a legal requirement.   The Boundaries of Magick: Laws and Taboos   Black magick and demonic pacts are strictly forbidden, with necromancy, curses, and mind-controlling spells falling under this category. Teleportation spells and other advanced magicks are considered "restricted" and require royal approval. Violation of these laws risks severe punishment, including being hunted down by the Royal Inquisitors and the Guild of Sorcery.   Clan Bael: Earth-Bound Guardians   Clan Bael stands as a testament to the diversity and complexity of Hangardian society. Known for their humanoid brown bear appearance, they are deeply connected to the earth element. Their government is a council of chieftains from 36 families, each holding considerable authority. Clan Bael values hard work, loyalty, and a deep respect for the earth, which is reflected in their advanced agricultural techniques and craftsmanship.   The Unbound and Freewalkers: The Exceptions that Prove the Rule   While most of Hangard is bound by strict social hierarchies, the Unbound and Freewalkers represent a unique social class. These individuals are not tied to any house or clan, giving them the freedom to forge their own destinies. Their unique status has allowed them to rise to prominence through sheer talent and determination, challenging the traditional norms of Hangardian society.

Public Agenda

The Shield and Sword: Defense of the Homeland   For over three decades, Hangard has been embroiled in a relentless war against the goblin forces from Jingthol. The defense of the realm is not merely a military objective but a public rallying cry that unites the kingdom. Fortifications have been erected along the borders, and military campaigns are regularly launched to quell the goblin menace. The valor of the Hangardian Army, under the command of the Lord Marshall, is a source of national pride. The kingdom's citizens are deeply invested in the war effort, whether through direct service, supplying resources, or spiritual support.   The Scales of Justice: Upholding Law and Order   Internal stability is another cornerstone of Hangard's public agenda. The Crown takes an active role in maintaining peace, order, and the rule of law. The Royal Inquisitors, led by Lord Dane, are tasked with rooting out crime, heresy, and rogue sorcery. Public trials and punishments serve as cautionary tales, reinforcing the importance of lawful conduct. The effectiveness of this internal policing is a measure of the Crown's capability and contributes to the public's sense of security.   The Arcane Ledger: Regulation of Magic   Magic, while an accepted part of Hangardian life, is a double-edged sword that requires careful management. The Royal Guild of Sorcery, under the guidance of High Witch Dame Brisana, is responsible for regulating all magical practices. Licenses for practicing specific spells, especially those considered "restricted," are issued only after rigorous scrutiny. This regulatory framework aims to protect the public from magical threats and misuse, thereby upholding the social contract between the Crown and its subjects.   The Sovereign's Mantle: Royal Authority   Queen Finean Erlin XII has successfully cultivated an image of a strong, dutiful, and capable ruler. Her public addresses and royal decrees are not just administrative actions but symbolic affirmations of her commitment to Hangard's welfare. Supporting the Queen's initiatives is seen as an act of patriotism, reinforcing the social hierarchy and the divine right of the Crown to rule.   The Cleansing Fire: Purging Corruption   The fight against subversive elements, such as the Tormar underworld cartel, is another facet of Hangard's public agenda. These efforts are not just about law enforcement but also about moral integrity. By actively purging corrupt influences, the Crown positions itself as the virtuous protector of the people, further solidifying public trust.   The Golden Scales: Commerce and Prosperity   Economic stability is vital for the kingdom's long-term survival. Tax revenue derived from commerce funds public projects and the military. Organizations like the Northland Trading Company play a crucial role in this economic ecosystem. Acting as the kingdom's de facto navy, they not only protect trade routes but also contribute to the national treasury, thereby facilitating prosperity.   The Ancestral Tapestry: Preserving Traditions   Hangard is a land steeped in history and tradition. From the Code of Hangard to the ancient rites of its various clans, the kingdom values its cultural heritage. Public festivals, knightly tournaments, and religious ceremonies are not just social events but acts of cultural preservation. They offer a sense of continuity and communal identity, reinforcing the kingdom's collective ethos.   In essence, Hangard's public agenda is a multi-faceted strategy aimed at safeguarding the kingdom from external threats, ensuring internal stability, and fostering prosperity. It is a delicate balance of military might, legal rigor, economic acumen, and cultural preservation, all orchestrated under the watchful eye of a sovereign who embodies the nation's highest ideals.


The Pillars of Power: Notable Assets of the Kingdom of Hangard   The Iron Fist: A Formidable Military   Hangard's military prowess is not just a matter of national pride but a crucial asset in its ongoing war against the goblins of Jingthol. The kingdom boasts a large standing army, complete with specialized regiments, a knightly class, and seasoned military leaders. The Lord Marshall oversees this formidable force, ensuring that it remains a well-oiled machine ready to defend the realm at a moment's notice.   Naval Strength: The Northland Trading Company   While traditional navies are not uncommon, Hangard takes a unique approach by entrusting its naval operations to the Northland Trading Company. This merchant marine fleet not only facilitates trade but also acts as a de facto navy, safeguarding the kingdom's waters and trade routes. Their ships are armed and ready for combat, making them a dual-purpose asset that contributes to both economic stability and national defense.   The Heart of the Kingdom: Developed Infrastructure   Aerendor, the capital city, stands as a testament to Hangard's advanced infrastructure. Described as a "great metropolis," it is a hub of governance, commerce, and culture. Beyond the capital, other cities and towns also benefit from well-planned roads, bridges, and public buildings, indicating a level of urban planning and civil engineering that sets Hangard apart.   Governance Close to Home: Provincial Rule   Hangard's governance structure allows for localized control through its system of regional provinces, each overseen by a Knight-Governor. This decentralized approach ensures that each province can address its unique challenges while still adhering to the laws and policies set forth by the Crown.   The Forge of Heroes: Military Academies   Institutions like the Durvanild Academy serve as the training grounds for the kingdom's future military leaders. These academies offer rigorous programs that shape young men and women into skilled officers and knights, ensuring a steady influx of capable leaders to guide Hangard's military endeavors.   Symbols of Opulence: Crown Jewels   The Makkari diamonds and other royal treasures are not just ornamental; they symbolize the Crown's wealth and the economic stability of the kingdom. These precious items also serve diplomatic purposes, often used as collateral or gifts to secure alliances.   Towers of Stone: Ancient Castles   Strategically placed strongholds like Castle Wilhelm in Aistwald Province serve dual purposes: they are administrative centers for the Knight-Governors and formidable defensive structures. Their presence is a constant reminder of Hangard's military might and historical resilience.   The Arsenal: Well-Stocked Armories   Hangard's military strength is further bolstered by its well-stocked armories. These stores of weapons and equipment ensure that the kingdom's forces are always battle-ready. The procurement processes are stringent, ensuring quality and reliability in the arms that equip Hangard's soldiers.   The Veins of the Kingdom: Thoroughfares   A well-maintained network of roads and travel routes connects Hangard's various cities and towns. These thoroughfares facilitate quick troop movements, efficient trade, and easy access for citizens, making them an essential part of the kingdom's infrastructure.   The Hidden Depths: Dungeons and Holding Cells   The Royal Inquisitors operate extensive dungeons and holding cells, designed for the secure detainment of prisoners. These facilities are not just punitive but also serve as interrogation centers, aiding in the extraction of vital information that helps maintain internal stability.   The Arcane Repository: Magical Knowledge   The Royal Guild of Sorcery is a treasure trove of arcane knowledge. Its extensive libraries and research facilities make it a center for magical learning and innovation, contributing to both the kingdom's military capabilities and its understanding of the magical world.   Hangard is a robust and multifaceted realm, fortified by substantial military might, advanced infrastructure, effective governance, and a wealth of both tangible and intangible assets. These elements collectively contribute to Hangard's status as an established medieval kingdom, capable of facing both internal and external challenges with resilience and ingenuity.
Magick in Hangard is viewed through the lens of duty rather than personal freedom. The teachings of the mage Zastor form the theological foundation for approved magickal practices, and his followers enjoy official sanction. The Royal Guild of Sorcery, headed by High Witch Dame Brisana, advises the crown on magical matters, investigates rogue sorcery, and safeguards ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. Magick is regulated, and licenses for practicing specific spells, especially those considered "restricted," are issued only after rigorous scrutiny. Black magick and demonic pacts are strictly forbidden, with necromancy, curses, and mind-controlling spells falling under this category. Teleportation spells and other advanced magicks are considered "restricted" and require royal approval. Violation of these laws risks severe punishment, including being hunted down by the Royal Inquisitors and the Guild of Sorcery.
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