
DDB Character Sheet   Notes from his first session:   Gherman is a barbarian from the mountain villages to the east.   He has long, dark, unkempt hair and tribal tattoos on his muscular arms.   Gherman respects nature and has an affinity for the local wildlife. He is particularly fascinated by the termite mounds.   He was sent by his father into the jungle but became lost in the unfamiliar terrain.   In the game, Gherman is able to calm agitated termite mounds using his nature skills. However, he also accidentally disturbs another mound, angering the termites.   Gherman crushes a giant wasp in his powerful jaws during combat. His strength and fighting style are mentioned.   There are hints Gherman may be evil aligned or at least morally ambiguous. His precise motivations are still unclear.   Gherman and Thronn have some familiarity as locals, though they do not know each other directly.    

Backstory rough draft 1:

**Character Sketch of Gherman**   Gherman, a towering figure from the mountain villages to the east, stands imposing at 10 feet 2 inches. His frame is marked by long, black hair and an array of tribal tattoos that tell tales of his lineage and land. His skin, weathered by the elements, reflects a life lived in harmony with nature's raw forces. His hazel eyes, set in a stoic face, convey a deep connection to the wilderness, a trait that has defined his life and actions.   Born under the watchful eyes of the goliaths, Gherman was raised to revere the natural world. His people, known for their respect for nature, instilled in him a profound sense of duty towards preserving the unspoiled wilderness of his home. From a young age, Gherman exhibited an affinity for the local wildlife, particularly fascinated by the intricacies of the termite mounds dotting his homeland. This fascination with nature extended to his skills, as he developed an ability to calm agitated termite mounds, albeit occasionally disturbing them inadvertently.   Gherman's journey to the jungles of Nolavor was born from a mission given by his father. This venture, intended as an exploration and perhaps a rite of passage, led him astray into unknown terrain. His innate connection with the natural world was his guide, helping him navigate through the dense foliage and untamed land. However, Gherman's respect for nature also meant he often found himself at odds with the more destructive aspects of civilization and development, a conflict that would shape his path and decisions.   Despite his intimidating appearance and capabilities, Gherman harbors a complex personality. His alignment, seemingly lawful evil, suggests a code of conduct that he adheres to, although it may not align with conventional morality. This moral ambiguity is further compounded by his tendency to hold grudges, nursing a silent resentment towards those who have wronged him. His past experiences, including a notable event where he ran for miles to warn his clan of an approaching danger, hint at a sense of loyalty and duty that drives him.   As Gherman finds himself amidst the adventures in the jungles of Nolavor, his interaction with local figures like Thronn reveals a connection to the land and its inhabitants. Though not directly acquainted, their shared origins and experiences in the region create a bond, albeit one that is still unfolding. Gherman's story, a blend of nature's disciple and a warrior's resolve, is one of a man caught between his respect for the wild and the untamed destiny that awaits him in the jungles of Nolavor.


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