Grief Barrier

In the delicate and fantastical realms of the Aina Continuum, the Grief Barrier stands as a marvel of cosmic architecture that incorporates both the hard sciences and the mystical arts of magick.   Conceived by the demi-gods Bruinan and Mayori, under the guidance and tutelage of the Creator, Te Vevutur (also known as Veniasonis), the Grief Barrier is a multidimensional construct meant to protect the Continuum from The Mad God, an entity of immeasurable chaos and destruction.   Te Vevutur, who had witnessed the cataclysmic annihilation of his previous creations by The Mad God, designed the Aina Continuum on a much smaller scale, roughly the size of a solar system. It was nestled within a pocket universe with unique physical laws that allowed for the existence of magick and other fantastical phenomena. This pocket universe was surrounded by the Ord Maada, the outer planes that Te Vevutur did not alter, serving as a buffer zone to shield the Aina Continuum from The Mad God's attention.   The Grief Barrier, as an integral part of this protection, operates on several dimensions and facets. It combines spacetime manipulation, magickal wards, and divine energy to create an impermeable shield around the Continuum.         Spacetime Manipulation: Using Te Vevutur's understanding of cosmology, the Grief Barrier employs a form of spacetime manipulation. It bends and distorts the fabric of reality around the Aina Continuum, making it nearly invisible and inaccessible to entities from outside, especially The Mad God.             Magickal Wards: These wards are based on ancient magick, channeled through the divine essence of the demi-gods and the Creator himself. They serve to repel chaotic energies and keep The Mad God's malevolent forces at bay. They also have the ability to neutralize The Mad God's powers to an extent, ensuring that even if he were to approach the Continuum, his capabilities would be considerably dampened.             Divine Essence Matrix: The Barrier incorporates a matrix of divine essence, composed of the life forces and spirits of those who sacrificed themselves for the Continuum’s protection. This matrix, fueled by the love and dedication of countless beings, serves as the Barrier’s soul. It is sentient to a degree and can adapt to the threats it faces, strengthening itself where necessary.             Energetic Frequency Oscillation: The Barrier emits an oscillation of energetic frequencies that are discordant to The Mad God's essence. This dissonance creates an aversion, much like a repellant, making it physically and psychologically distressing for The Mad God to approach the Barrier.         The name “Grief Barrier” is twofold in its significance. First, it represents the grief and sorrow of the demi-gods and all those who had to sacrifice a part of themselves or their loved ones for its creation. Second, it signifies the grief and mourning that the Barrier is designed to prevent by safeguarding the Continuum from The Mad God’s wrath.   As time progressed, the inhabitants of the Aina Continuum advanced in technology and understanding of magick, unintentionally amplifying their cosmic signature. This eventually drew the attention of The Mad God. The Grief Barrier, however, remained the final and most potent line of defense, adapting and evolving as it was designed to do, continuously integrating new knowledge and technology to fortify itself against the approaching chaos.   In essence, the Grief Barrier stands as a living testament to the unity, sacrifice, and ingenuity of the Aina Continuum, a melding of science and magick that guards the precious pocket universe from the insatiable hunger of The Mad God


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