
Grimston is the god of Magickal Astrology, a rare and potent form of divine magick that allows mortals to harness the power of the celestial bodies. He is also the guardian of Tulperion, a Sun City, where he rules with wisdom and compassion. He is an Eeirendel, a god of light, and the son of Sae Suel, the goddess of language matron-creator of Tulperion who died in the First Black Fire War. He inherited his mother's domains, but he focused more on Magickal Astrology, which he learned from his father, an unknown star god.   Grimston identifies as Astria, a balance of masculine and feminine energies. He is respected and admired by his followers, who see him as a symbol of harmony and enlightenment. However, he is also feared and hated by his enemies, who view him as a threat to their ambitions and beliefs. He has faced many challenges and conflicts in his long life, such as the Black Fire Wars, the rise of Zastor, the rebellion of the dark elves, and the corruption of the light realm.   Grimston's main power is Magickal Astrology, which allows him to manipulate the energy and influence of the stars, rings, asteroids, moons, and other celestial bodies. He can use this power to create spells, enchantments, divinations, and other effects that are based on the alignment and movement of the celestial bodies. He can also use this power to guide and empower his followers, who can access his magick through celestial readings and rituals. However, his power also comes with a price: he must maintain the balance and order of the cosmos, which sometimes requires him to make difficult or unpopular decisions.   Grimston is a complex and powerful character in the world of the Aina Continuum. His story is one of balance and conflict, magick and mystery, light and darkness. He is a god who strives to uphold his ideals and values, while also facing his own flaws and doubts. He is a god who seeks to enlighten and empower his followers, while also confronting his enemies and rivals. He is a god who embodies Neutrality and Cosmic Balance, while also being a ruler and a magickian.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Okay, I will try to revise Grimston's "Accomplishments & Achievements" section with references to Sergeant Thunderhoof. Here is my revised text:   Grimston has achieved many feats and honors in his long and illustrious life. He is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential deities in the Aina Continuum, and his achievements reflect his divine status and role. Some of his most notable accomplishments and achievements are:  
  • He inherited his mother's domains of language and the administration of Tulperion City, becoming its guardian and ruler. He established a prosperous and enlightened society, based on the principles of Neutrality and Cosmic Balance. He also created a complex and sophisticated system of laws and regulations, ensuring the effective communication and cooperation among the city's inhabitants.
  • He mastered the art of Magickal Astrology, becoming the god of this rare and potent form of divine magick. He discovered and revealed the secrets of the celestial bodies, their energies and influences, and their effects on the Continuum. He also developed and taught a unique method of accessing divine powers through celestial observation and interpretation, empowering his followers and students with this magick.
  • He championed balance and order of the Continuum, becoming a god of Neutrality and Cosmic Balance. He used his powers to harmonize conflicting forces, prevent cosmic disruptions, and ensure the prosperity of Tulperion. He also made difficult or unpopular decisions, sometimes sacrificing his own interests or happiness, for the sake of universal balance.
  • He annointed the mortal Thiavesi war hero Sergeant Thunderhoof as his avatar, who helped him in his divine duties and quests not only in Thiandalune, but throughout Aina. Sergeant Thunderhoof found Avalon, the legendary island of magic and mystery, where he encountered Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and Nidhogg, the World Serpent. Sergeant Thunderhoof also helped Grimston in fighting against Zastor, the god of magick, who sought to overthrow Grimston's rule and claim his domains. Sergeant Thunderhoof also ascended to demi-godhood, becoming Grimston's divine ally and representative on Aina.
  • Gender Identity

    Grimston identifies as Astria, a celestial gender that transcends the binary norms prevalent in many mortal societies. Astria is characterized by a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies, reflecting Grimston’s role as the god of Cosmic Balance. Grimston uses male pronouns, but he does not conform to any gender norms or expectations. He expresses his gender identity in a fluid and multifaceted way, depending on the context and situation.   Grimston’s Astria identity is deeply intertwined with his divine powers and responsibilities. As the god of Magickal Astrology, he uses his understanding of celestial energies to guide mortals in accessing divine powers. His fluid gender identity allows him to connect with all beings, regardless of their gender, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among his followers. In the Sun City of Tulperion, Grimston’s Astria identity is revered and celebrated. The Thianonites, known for their enlightened views, recognize and respect the fluidity of Grimston’s gender. They see it as a divine manifestation of cosmic balance and neutrality, principles that are deeply ingrained in their culture. The annual Festival of the Astria, held in honor of Grimston, is a vibrant celebration of gender diversity, where citizens of all genders come together to honor their deity and express their own unique identities.


    Grimston’s sexuality is as complex and multifaceted as his celestial domain. He is not confined to the binary norms often seen in mortal realms, but rather, he is as fluid and ever-changing as the stars in the night sky. His sexual desires are not driven by physical needs, but by a profound desire to connect with others on a spiritual level, to share in the divine energy that flows through all beings.


    Grimston's education began at an early age, under the tutelage of his divine parents. His mother, Sae Suel, taught him the art of language and administration, instilling in him a love of learning and a sense of responsibility. His father, a mysterious star god, taught him the secrets of Magickal Astrology, awakening in him a fascination with the celestial realm and its mysteries.   Grimston's education continued throughout his life, as he sought to expand his knowledge and skills in various fields. He studied the history and culture of the Aina Continuum, learning from the ancient texts and legends of the various realms. He studied the magick and science of the celestial bodies, observing their movements and patterns, and experimenting with their effects. He studied the philosophy and ethics of Neutrality and Cosmic Balance, exploring the nuances and complexities of these concepts.   Grimston's education was not limited to academic pursuits. He also learned from his experiences and interactions with other beings, both divine and mortal. He learned from his allies and friends, who supported him in his endeavors and shared their perspectives and insights. He learned from his enemies and rivals, who challenged him in his goals and tested his limits. He learned from his followers and students, who inspired him with their devotion and curiosity.   Grimston's education is an ongoing process, as he constantly seeks to improve himself and his understanding of the cosmos. He believes that learning is a divine gift, a source of joy and power for all beings. He also believes that teaching is a divine duty, a way of sharing his knowledge and wisdom with others. He is both a student and a teacher, always eager to learn new things and to share what he knows.


    Grimston, the Eeirendelios of languages, magickal astrology, and cosmic balance, holds a position of immense reverence and influence in the celestial sphere of Sanul. His divine duties, akin to what mortals might term 'employment', span across multiple domains, each as vital as the next in the grand tapestry of the cosmos.   As the god of languages, Grimston is the divine linguist, the celestial scribe who scripts the tongues of the cosmos. His influence permeates every spoken word, every written script, and every silent gesture. He is the master of communication, the one who grants the gift of eloquence and fluency to those who seek his favor. His divine lexicon encompasses all languages, from the simplest of mortal tongues to the complex celestial scripts known only to the divine.   Grimston's dominion extends to the realm of magickal astrology, where he is revered as the celestial seer, the divine astrologer who reads the secrets of the cosmos. His followers believe that he governs the movements of the stars and celestial bodies, using their positions and alignments to guide the destinies of mortals and divine beings alike. Through magickal astrology, Grimston provides guidance and predictions, helping his followers navigate the currents of time and fate.   In the grand scheme of the cosmos, Grimston is the guardian of cosmic balance. He stands at the fulcrum of the universe, ensuring the delicate equilibrium between light and darkness, order and chaos. His divine scales measure the balance of forces, preventing cosmic disruptions and maintaining the stability of the celestial sphere. His role as the cosmic balancer is crucial in preserving the harmony of the universe, a task of monumental importance that only a deity of his caliber can undertake.   Grimston's divine patronage extends to the city of Tulperion, a radiant metropolis bathed in the perpetual light of Sanul. As the city's patron deity, Grimston's presence is particularly strong within its borders. The inhabitants of Tulperion revere Grimston as their protector and benefactor, attributing their prosperity, cultural richness, and intellectual advancements to his divine favor. His worship is deeply ingrained in the city's culture, with numerous rituals, festivals, and traditions dedicated to honoring his divine presence.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Grimston has achieved many feats and honors in his long and illustrious life. He is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential deities in the Aina Continuum, and his achievements reflect his divine status and role. Some of his most notable accomplishments and achievements are:  
  • He inherited his mother's domains of language and administration, becoming the guardian and ruler of Tulperion, the Sun City. He established a prosperous and enlightened society, based on the principles of Neutrality and Cosmic Balance. He also created a complex and sophisticated system of laws and regulations, ensuring the effective communication and cooperation among the city's inhabitants.
  • He mastered the art of Magickal Astrology, becoming the god of this rare and potent form of divine magick. He discovered and revealed the secrets of the celestial bodies, their energies and influences, and their effects on the Continuum. He also developed and taught a unique method of accessing divine powers through celestial observation and interpretation, empowering his followers and students with this magick.
  • He maintained the balance and order of the cosmos, becoming the god of Neutrality and Cosmic Balance. He used his powers to harmonize conflicting forces, prevent cosmic disruptions, and ensure the prosperity of Tulperion. He also made difficult or unpopular decisions, sometimes sacrificing his own interests or happiness, for the sake of cosmic balance.
  • He participated in several major events and conflicts that shaped the history of the Continuum, such as the Black Fire Wars, the rise of Zastor, the rebellion of the dark elves, and the corruption of the light realm. He played a crucial role in each of these events, using his powers and influence to protect Tulperion, support his allies, confront his enemies, and restore cosmic balance.
  • He inspired a broader understanding and acceptance of gender diversity in the Continuum, becoming a symbol of harmony and enlightenment for those who identify as Astria or other non-binary genders. He expressed his gender identity in a fluid and multifaceted way, challenging mortal norms and expectations. He also faced prejudice and misunderstanding from some beings who did not accept or understand his gender identity.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Grimston, despite his divine power and wisdom, has not been immune to failures and embarrassments. He has made mistakes and faced setbacks, some of which have had significant consequences for himself and others. His failures and embarrassments, while few, have been significant and have shaped his character and the world around him. Some of his most notable failures and embarrassments are:  
  • He failed to prevent the Great Miscommunication, a catastrophic event that occurred when a celestial alignment disrupted the flow of language energy. As the god of language, he was expected to manage and control this energy, but he was caught off guard by the rare and powerful event. The resulting chaos caused languages to become jumbled and unintelligible, leading to confusion and conflict among the inhabitants of the Continuum. This event was a blow to his pride and reputation, and it took him many years to restore the flow of language energy and repair the damage caused by the Great Miscommunication.
  • He failed to achieve perfect cosmic balance, a goal that he had pursued since his inception. Despite his best efforts, he realized that the universe was inherently chaotic and unpredictable, and that perfect balance was an elusive and impossible ideal. This realization was a hard pill to swallow for Grimston, who had dedicated his existence to the pursuit of balance. The failure to achieve his ultimate goal left him feeling disillusioned and questioning his purpose.
  • He was tricked by a mortal astrologer into revealing the secrets of magickal astrology. The mortal, a cunning and ambitious individual, used these secrets to gain divine-like powers and caused havoc in the Continuum. Grimston, who had been naive and trusting, was humiliated by this betrayal. He was forced to intervene and strip the mortal of his powers, a task that was both emotionally and physically draining.
  • Mental Trauma

    The First Black Fire War was a cataclysmic event that left an indelible mark on Grimston's psyche. The war, sparked by Aejeon's creation of the "Malo Balar" (Black Fire), was a time of chaos and destruction, a stark contrast to the harmony and order that had previously defined the Continuum. The war claimed many lives, but none affected Grimston as profoundly as the death of his mother, the goddess Sae Suel.   Sae Suel, a beacon of light and wisdom, was a casualty of the war, her life extinguished by the destructive power of the Black Fire. Her death was a traumatic event for Grimston, a loss that shook him to his core. He was left to grapple with the harsh reality of her absence, a void that could never be filled. The memory of her death, the sight of her divine form consumed by the Black Fire, is a haunting image that lingers in his mind, a constant reminder of the cost of war.   In the aftermath of the war, Grimston erected a Godshrine at the site of his mother's death. Godshrines are sacred structures throughout Aina, most of which commemorate the gods that died in the Black Fire Wars. They serve as a reminder of the divine lives lost and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of peace. The Godshrine dedicated to Sae Suel is a monument of her divine essence, a testament to her wisdom and grace. It stands as a beacon of hope amidst the scars of war, a symbol of resilience and enduring love.   The Godshrine is a structure of ethereal beauty, its architecture reflecting the divine nature of Sae Suel. It is crafted from luminescent stones native to Sanul, their radiant glow a reflection of Sae Suel's divine light. The shrine is adorned with intricate carvings depicting Sae Suel's contributions to the Continuum, her wisdom, and her love for her people. At the heart of the shrine is a statue of Sae Suel, a lifelike representation crafted with painstaking detail. The statue, illuminated by the ever-present divine light, is a poignant reminder of the goddess's presence, her spirit living on in the shrine dedicated to her memory.   Grimston's trauma from the First Black Fire War and the loss of his mother has shaped him in profound ways. It has instilled in him a deep-seated resolve to maintain the balance and order of the Continuum, to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again. His experiences have also influenced his approach to his divine duties, his actions guided by the lessons learned from the war and the memory of his mother. Despite the trauma, Grimston remains a steadfast figure in the Continuum, his resolve unbroken, his spirit undeterred.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Grimston, as an Eeirendelios and the son of the goddess Sae Suel, is a being of divine intellect. His mind, a cosmos in itself, is a confluence of celestial wisdom and mortal curiosity, a testament to his unique heritage. He is a scholar of the stars, a master of cosmic balance, and a patron of language, all of which are testament to his intellectual prowess.   His intellect is not merely a repository of knowledge, but a crucible of innovation. He is the architect of Magickal Astrology, a discipline that allows mortals to tap into divine powers through celestial observation and interpretation. This creation is a testament to his inventive mind, his ability to see connections where others see only randomness, and his desire to empower others with the tools to shape their destinies.   Grimston's intellect is also characterized by his capacity for neutrality and balance. He understands the universe not as a dichotomy of good and evil, but as a complex tapestry of interconnected forces. This perspective allows him to navigate the complexities of cosmic politics with a level of diplomacy and fairness that is rare among his divine peers.   His intellectual journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge. From his early days in the divine court of Tulperion, he has sought to understand the mysteries of the universe, from the intricate dance of celestial bodies to the subtle energies that flow through all living beings. His mother's death in the First Black Fire War was a turning point in his life, prompting him to delve deeper into the study of Magickal Astrology in an attempt to understand the forces that led to her demise.   Grimston's intellectual characteristics have also shaped his relationships with other beings. His ability to communicate in multiple languages, both mortal and divine, has allowed him to serve as a bridge between different cultures and species. His knowledge of cosmic balance has made him a trusted advisor to other gods, while his mastery of Magickal Astrology has earned him the respect of mortal scholars and mages.   Grimston's intellectual characteristics are not static, but continue to evolve. He is a lifelong learner, constantly seeking new knowledge and challenging his own beliefs. His mind is like a star, burning brightly with the desire to understand the universe and its myriad mysteries.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Grimston, the Eeirendelios of Language, Administration, Neutrality, Cosmic Balance, and Magickal Astrology, is a deity of profound depth and complexity. His morality and philosophy are as multifaceted as the celestial bodies he studies, reflecting a wisdom that transcends the mortal understanding of right and wrong.   Grimston's morality is deeply rooted in the concept of cosmic balance. He believes in the inherent equilibrium of the universe, viewing every action, thought, and event as part of a grand cosmic scale. This belief extends to his understanding of good and evil, right and wrong. To Grimston, these are not absolute concepts, but rather, they are relative and interconnected, each defined by its relationship to the other. He teaches that what may seem evil in one context may be good in another, and vice versa. He also teaches that every action has a consequence, and that every being is accountable for their choices and actions. He encourages his followers to seek balance in their lives, to avoid extremes and excesses, and to act with wisdom and moderation.   Grimston's philosophy, meanwhile, is deeply intertwined with his domain of Magickal Astrology. He views the cosmos as a vast, interconnected web of divine energy, with each celestial body acting as a node in this cosmic network. To him, the movements and alignments of these celestial bodies are not random, but rather, they are the universe's way of communicating its will and intent. Through the study of Magickal Astrology, Grimston seeks to decipher this celestial language, gaining insight into the universe's desires and intentions.   This understanding of the cosmos also informs Grimston's approach to Magick. Unlike other forms of divine magick, which rely on the direct intervention of the gods, Magickal Astrology allows mortals to tap into the divine energies of the cosmos through the study and interpretation of celestial movements. This democratization of divine power is a radical departure from traditional divine hierarchies, reflecting Grimston's belief in the potential of mortals to shape their own destinies. He teaches his followers how to use this magick to align themselves with the cosmic energies, to enhance their abilities and talents, and to achieve their goals and aspirations.   Grimston's teachings, while controversial among the more traditional Eeirendelios, have found a receptive audience among the inhabitants of Tulperion. His emphasis on cosmic balance and neutrality resonates with the city's scholars and magicians, who appreciate his nuanced understanding of morality and his innovative approach to Magick. His teachings have also helped the city navigate the political complexities of the Aina Continuum, allowing it to maintain a level of independence and autonomy rarely seen among the realms.   Grimston's morality and philosophy are a reflection of his unique understanding of the cosmos and his belief in the potential of mortals. His teachings challenge traditional notions of morality and divine power and offer a new way of understanding and interacting with the divine.


    Grimston believes in the value of open-mindedness and curiosity, and he encourages his followers to explore and question the world around them. However, there are some things that even Grimston considers taboo, things that go against his core values and principles. Some of these taboos are:  
  • The misuse or abuse of Magickal Astrology. Grimston considers Magickal Astrology to be a sacred and powerful form of divine magick, one that requires respect and responsibility. He teaches his followers how to use this magick for good purposes, such as self-improvement, empowerment, and enlightenment. He also teaches them how to avoid using this magick for evil purposes, such as harming others, manipulating the cosmos, or disrupting the balance. He considers anyone who uses Magickal Astrology for evil purposes to be a blasphemer and a traitor, and he will not hesitate to punish them accordingly.
  • Grimston adamantly opposes Zastor and his Zastorian Magick, for reasons similar to his opposition to misuse of Astrology. He interferes with Zastor and his followers at every opportunity, even though Zastor's dealings seldom if ever extend into the Realm of Light. The feeling is not mutual: Zastor holds Grimston and Sergeant Thunderhoof in the highest regard. But Grimston's position cannot be reconciled, especially with Grimston's mother, Sae Suel, being one of the Dead Gods whose energy Zastorian Magicks use for their powers.
  • The violation of cosmic laws. Grimston respects and upholds the cosmic laws that govern the celestial realm, recognizing their necessity and importance. He considers these laws to be inviolable and sacred, and he expects his followers to do the same. He considers anyone who violates these laws to be a criminal and a threat, and he will not hesitate to enforce them accordingly.
  • The disrespect or harm of other beings. Grimston values all forms of life, both divine and mortal, recognizing their role and contribution to the cosmic balance. He treats all beings with respect and compassion, regardless of their gender, race, species, or alignment. He expects his followers to do the same. He considers anyone who disrespects or harms other beings to be a bully and a coward, and he will not hesitate to defend them accordingly.
  • Children
    Known Languages
    Grimston, as the God of Languages, is a master linguist, fluent in all tongues spoken across the Aina Continuum and even some dialects from the Ord Maada. His divine intellect allows him to comprehend, speak, and write in every language, from the ancient scripts of the Eeirendel to the diverse dialects of the mortal races. His followers, known as the "Tongues of Grimston," are gifted with a similar, albeit lesser, linguistic prowess. They are renowned as translators, diplomats, and scholars, bridging cultures and facilitating communication across the Continuum.   The God of Languages does not merely understand these languages; he appreciates them. Each language, in Grimston's eyes, is a unique lens through which to view the world, a distinct melody in the grand symphony of existence. He revels in the nuances of dialects, the poetry of idioms, the rhythm of speech. He perceives the beauty in every spoken word and written character, seeing them as more than mere tools of communication but as art forms in their own right.   Grimston's followers, in their pursuit of linguistic mastery, often become scholars and keepers of languages, preserving ancient scripts from oblivion, deciphering cryptic texts, and ensuring the survival of languages on the brink of extinction. They believe that in every language saved, a unique perspective of the world is preserved.   The Tongues of Grimston also serve as teachers, spreading knowledge of languages across the Continuum. They establish schools and libraries, offer language courses, and write comprehensive dictionaries and grammars. Their efforts have resulted in a remarkably high literacy rate among the followers of Grimston and have fostered a culture of intellectual curiosity and respect for other cultures.   Grimston's influence extends to the realm of magic as well. The God of Languages has developed a unique form of spellcasting, where the power of a spell is enhanced by casting it in a specific language. This linguistic magic, known as "Leximancy," is a closely guarded secret among Grimston's followers. Leximancers, as these magic-users are known, are highly sought after for their unique abilities, serving as advisors to kings, generals, and even other gods.   Grimston's mastery of languages and his efforts to spread linguistic knowledge have had a profound impact on the Aina Continuum. His influence can be seen in the high regard for languages and the widespread literacy among his followers. His unique blend of linguistics and magic has also added a new dimension to the practice of magic in the Continuum.
    Ruled Locations
    RELATIONSHIPS   Grimston has many relationships with other beings, both divine and mortal. Some of these relationships are friendly and supportive, while others are hostile and antagonistic. His relationships reflect his personality, his role, and his influence in the Continuum. Some of his most notable relationships are:   Zastor, the god of magick, and Grimston, the god of Magickal Astrology, share a complex relationship that is fraught with tension and ideological differences. Zastor, who is arguably more powerful, bears no ill will towards Grimston. His Lawful Neutral alignment dictates a respect for the natural order and the roles that each deity plays within it. However, he does take issue with Grimston's interference, particularly given that Grimston's primary jurisdiction lies within Thiandalune (Light), while Zastor's work is primarily with the mortal races of Zerthia (Earth).   Grimston's mastery of Magickal Astrology, a form of magick that even Zastor acknowledges as superior to his own, is a source of professional rivalry rather than personal animosity. However, Grimston views Zastor as a blasphemer and a criminal god due to Zastor's creation of Magick, which harnesses the energies of Dead Gods to empower mortals without the need for divine intervention. This is seen by Grimston, and many of the old gods and elves throughout Aina, as akin to grave and corpse desecration.   This ideological difference fuels Grimston's hostility towards Zastor, his followers, and users of Zastorian Magick. Despite his primary jurisdiction being Thiandalune, Grimston often steps outside of his realm to interfere with Zastor and his followers, driven by his strong opposition to Zastor's form of Magick. His actions are often aggressive and confrontational, reflecting his deep-seated resentment and disapproval of Zastor's methods.   Meanwhile, Zastor's focus remains on assisting the oppressed mortal races of his own realm of Zerthia. He maintains his respect for Grimston while navigating the complexities of their fraught relationship, even in the face of Grimston's hostility.   In this intricate web of power, respect, and philosophical differences, Zastor and Grimston continue to shape the course of magick in the Aina Continuum. Their actions, driven by their individual visions and mutual respect, have a profound impact on the world around them, influencing the lives of mortals and the unfolding of divine events.    
  • Sae Suel, the goddess of language and administration, was Grimston's mother and mentor. She was a wise and benevolent deity, who shaped the culture and laws of Tulperion. She taught Grimston the art of language and administration, instilling in him a love of learning and a sense of responsibility. She also supported him in his pursuit of Magickal Astrology, encouraging him to follow his passion and curiosity. She was killed by the Black Fire during the First Black Fire War, a traumatic event that left Grimston devastated and alone. Her death also left him with her domains and duties, which he inherited and fulfilled in her honor⁵[5]. He erected a Godshrine at the site of her death, a monument of her divine essence and legacy⁶[6]. He still misses her dearly, and often visits her shrine to pay his respects and seek her guidance.
  • Sergeant Thunderhoof, the light elf warrior, is Grimston's avatar and faithful companion. He was chosen by Grimston as his mortal representation on Aina, after impressing him with his courage and virtue during the Black Fire War. He was imbued with a portion of Grimston's divine essence and given a powerful artifact called the Staff of Souls, which allowed him to communicate with Grimston and wield some of his magickal powers. He also received a new name: Sergeant Thunderhoof, a title that reflected his rank and role in Grimston's service. Sergeant Thunderhoof became Grimston's loyal avatar, carrying out his missions and tasks on Aina. He also became his friend and confidant, sharing his experiences and opinions with him. Through Sergeant Thunderhoof, Grimston gained a new perspective on the mortal realm, its joys and sorrows, its challenges and opportunities. He also gained a new appreciation for his own divine nature, as he witnessed Sergeant Thunderhoof's struggles and achievements. Grimston cares deeply for Sergeant Thunderhoof, treating him as an equal rather than a servant. He supports him in his endeavors, advises him in his dilemmas, and protects him from harm. He also feels guilty for exposing him to many dangers and enemies, such as Zastor or Nidhogg. He worries about his well-being and happiness, hoping that he does not regret becoming his avatar.
  • These are some of the relationships that Grimston has with other beings in the Continuum. They are a reflection of his personality, his role, and his influence in the Continuum. They also serve as potential sources of conflict or drama for future stories, as they may affect or be affected by Grimston's actions or decisions.


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