House Major of Thianon

House Major of Thianon, one of the Five Houses of the Ayn Auline, is a beacon of light and wisdom within the Aina Continuum. This divine house, under the leadership of Thianon, the god of light, governs the realm of Thiandalune, the Light Realm. The house is renowned for its wisdom, benevolence, and dedication to the preservation of harmony within the Continuum.   The members of House Major of Thianon are beings of pure light and energy, their forms shaped by the divine light of Thianon. They are known as the Light Elves, ethereal beings of radiant beauty and celestial majesty. The Light Elves, guided by the wisdom of Thianon, serve as the stewards of Thiandalune, their actions guided by the principles of harmony, wisdom, and enlightenment.   The seat of power for House Major of Thianon is Núril-Ambantil, the capital of Thiandalune. This gleaming city of gold and crystal, bathed in the eternal sunlight of Sanul, is a testament to the celestial grandeur of the house. The city, with its towering spires and radiant gardens, is a beacon of light within the Continuum, its brilliance visible from the farthest reaches of the realms.   House Major of Thianon, with its divine wisdom and celestial power, plays a crucial role in the governance of the Aina Continuum. The house, through its actions and decisions, seeks to maintain the balance of power within the Continuum, its actions guided by the principles of harmony and wisdom. Despite the challenges and upheavals that the Continuum has faced, House Major of Thianon remains a beacon of hope and stability, its light undimmed by the passage of time.


House Major of Thianon is organized in a celestial hierarchy, reflecting the divine nature of its members and the celestial majesty of the realm they govern.   At the apex of the hierarchy is Thianon, the god of light. As the head of the house and the ruler of Thiandalune, Thianon holds supreme authority over all matters pertaining to the house and the realm. His word is law, and his divine wisdom guides the actions of the house.   Directly beneath Thianon are the Luminar Elders, the eldest and wisest of the Light Elves. These venerable beings serve as Thianon's advisors, their centuries of experience and deep understanding of the celestial energies making them invaluable counselors. They are responsible for assisting Thianon in governing the realm and overseeing the various functions of the house.   Next in the hierarchy are the Luminar Lords, noble Light Elves who govern the various cities and regions of Thiandalune. Each Luminar Lord is responsible for the welfare of their respective domain, their duties including maintaining order, administering justice, and ensuring the well-being of their subjects.   Beneath the Luminar Lords are the Luminar Knights, valiant warriors of light who serve as the defenders of the realm. These knights, their bodies infused with celestial energy, are responsible for protecting Thiandalune from threats both within and without. They are the sword and shield of the house, their bravery and dedication a testament to the house's commitment to the preservation of harmony within the Continuum.   At the base of the hierarchy are the Luminar Citizens, the common Light Elves who make up the majority of the house's population. These citizens, while not holding any official titles, play a crucial role in the functioning of the house and the realm. Their duties include various forms of labor, craftsmanship, and service, their efforts contributing to the prosperity and stability of the realm.   This celestial hierarchy, with its clear delineation of roles and responsibilities, ensures the smooth functioning of House Major of Thianon. Each member, regardless of their position, plays a crucial role in the house's mission to maintain harmony and spread enlightenment within the Aina Continuum.


The culture of House Major of Thianon is a radiant tapestry woven from threads of enlightenment, harmony, and celestial majesty. As the divine house governing the realm of light, the culture of House Major of Thianon is deeply intertwined with the celestial energies that permeate Thiandalune.   At the heart of Thianonite culture is the pursuit of enlightenment. The Light Elves, guided by the divine wisdom of Thianon, seek to understand the celestial energies that shape their realm and their lives. This pursuit of enlightenment is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a spiritual journey, a quest to attain a state of harmony with the celestial light.   This pursuit of enlightenment is reflected in the customs and practices of the Thianonites. Meditation and contemplation are integral parts of daily life, with the Light Elves dedicating a significant portion of their day to these practices. These periods of quiet reflection, often conducted under the radiant light of Sanul, allow the Light Elves to attune themselves to the celestial energies and deepen their understanding of the divine light.   The Thianonites also place a high value on harmony, both within the individual and within the community. The Light Elves strive to maintain a balance between their personal desires and the needs of the community, their actions guided by a deep sense of responsibility towards their fellow beings. This emphasis on harmony is reflected in the peaceful and cooperative nature of Thianonite society, with conflicts and disputes being resolved through peaceful dialogue and mutual understanding.   Art and creativity are also highly valued in Thianonite culture. The Light Elves, with their deep connection to the celestial energies, are naturally inclined towards artistic expression. Their art, often created using light and energy as mediums, is a vibrant and dynamic form of expression, reflecting the celestial majesty of their realm. Music, dance, and storytelling are also integral parts of Thianonite culture, these forms of expression serving as vehicles for the sharing of wisdom and the celebration of the divine light.   The culture of House Major of Thianon, with its emphasis on enlightenment, harmony, and artistic expression, is a radiant beacon within the Aina Continuum. It is a testament to the divine wisdom of Thianon and the celestial majesty of the Light Elves, a vibrant and dynamic culture that shines with the brilliance of the divine light.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of House Major of Thianon is as radiant and clear as the realm they govern. Guided by the divine wisdom of Thianon, the house seeks to maintain and enhance the harmony of the Aina Continuum, their actions driven by a deep commitment to the principles of enlightenment and celestial harmony.   One of the primary goals of House Major of Thianon is the preservation of the celestial harmony within Thiandalune. The house, recognizing the delicate balance of energies that govern their realm, strives to ensure that this balance is maintained. This involves careful stewardship of the celestial energies, with measures in place to prevent the misuse or exploitation of these energies.   Another key aspect of the house's public agenda is the promotion of enlightenment. The house believes that understanding and harmony with the celestial energies is the path to true enlightenment. To this end, they encourage the study and contemplation of these energies, providing education and guidance to those who seek to deepen their understanding of the divine light.   The house also seeks to foster a sense of community and mutual respect among the inhabitants of Thiandalune. Recognizing the diversity of the realm's inhabitants, the house promotes a culture of tolerance and mutual respect, their policies designed to ensure that all inhabitants, regardless of their origin or status, are treated with dignity and respect.   Furthermore, House Major of Thianon is committed to the protection of the Aina Continuum. Aware of the threats that lurk in the Ord Maada, the house maintains a vigilant watch over the borders of the Continuum, their warriors standing ready to defend their realm and their people from any threats that may arise.   Finally, the house is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of magical arts. Recognizing the potential of Magick, the house encourages research and experimentation, their scholars and mages constantly seeking to expand their understanding of the celestial energies and their applications.   Through these goals, House Major of Thianon seeks to uphold the principles of enlightenment and celestial harmony, their actions a testament to their commitment to the welfare of their realm and the preservation of the Aina Continuum.


The assets of House Major of Thianon, much like the realm they govern, are radiant and ethereal, their wealth not measured in gold or silver, but in celestial energies and divine artifacts.   One of the most significant assets of the house is the Celestial Wells, vast reservoirs of celestial energy that permeate Thiandalune. These wells, their radiant energies harnessed by the Thianonites, serve as a source of power and sustenance, their light fueling the various functions of the realm.   The house also possesses a fleet of Realm-Ships, ethereal vessels capable of traversing the celestial currents that flow between the realms of the Aina Continuum. These ships, their hulls infused with celestial energy, allow the Thianonites to travel between realms, their journeys guided by the radiant light of Sanul.   The Luminar Citadels, towering fortresses of light and energy, are another significant asset of the house. These citadels, their walls shimmering with celestial energy, serve as bastions of defense against any threats that may arise. Each citadel is home to a garrison of Luminar Knights, valiant warriors of light who stand ready to defend their realm.   The house also possesses a vast array of divine artifacts, their forms shaped by the divine will of Thianon. These artifacts, ranging from weapons of pure light to ethereal instruments capable of manipulating celestial energies, are a testament to the divine power of the house.   The Celestial Libraries, repositories of knowledge and wisdom, are another significant asset of the house. These libraries, their shelves filled with ethereal tomes and scrolls, contain centuries of knowledge and wisdom, their contents illuminating the mysteries of the celestial energies.   Finally, the house possesses the Radiant Gardens, vast expanses of Luminara that glow with a soft, warm light. These gardens, their radiant flora providing sustenance for the Lumina, are a vital part of the ecosystem of Thiandalune, their light nurturing the flora and fauna of the realm.


Thianonites: An Encyclopedia Entry   The Thianonites, as they are known, are the divine lineage of Thianon, the god of light, and the ruling members of House Major of Thianon. This noble house is primarily composed of Thianon's direct god descendants, known as the Eeirendelios, their families, and the devoted Thiavesi, or Light Elves, who serve as their court members and servants.   The origins of the Thianonites trace back to the creation of the Aina Continuum by Te Vevutur, the Giver of Names. In his quest to create a sanctuary hidden from The Mad God, Te Vevutur engendered one hundred divine beings, the Eeirendel. Among these divine beings, Thianon was chosen to govern the realm of light, Thiandalune. The Thianonites, as the direct descendants of Thianon, were born of this celestial majesty, their existence a testament to the divine lineage of their godly progenitor.   The early history of the Thianonites is marked by their efforts to maintain the celestial order and beauty of Thiandalune. As the ruling members of House Major of Thianon, the Eeirendelios and their families held significant influence and responsibility in upholding the principles of their divine lineage. Their rule was characterized by a harmonious balance of power, with each member of the house contributing to the preservation and prosperity of their realm.   The Thiavesi, as the servants and court members of House Major of Thianon, played a crucial role in the functioning of the house. Despite their servant status, the Thiavesi were highly respected within Thianonite society. Their roles varied, from advisors and scholars to artisans and warriors, each contributing to the splendor and order of the house.   The history of the Thianonites was not without its trials. The catastrophic conflict sparked by Aejeon's creation of the "Malo Balar" (Black Fire) disrupted the harmony of the Aina Continuum. During this tumultuous period, known as the "Age of Isolation," the Thianonites turned inwards, focusing on preserving the celestial majesty and divine order of their realm.   The discovery of "Magick" by an Eeirendelios named Bron, later known as Zastor, marked a significant shift in the history of the Thianonites. Despite initial resistance, the teachings of Zastor led to a shift in power dynamics within the Aina Continuum. Some mortals gained divine-like abilities, fundamentally changing the Continuum and having a profound impact on the Thianonites. Thiandalune became a center of magical learning and experimentation, with the Thianonites at the forefront of this magical revolution.   In the modern era, the Thianonites continue to play a significant role in the Aina Continuum. House Major of Thianon, under the leadership of the Eeirendelios and their families, continues to uphold the principles of their divine lineage. The Thiavesi, as the devoted servants and court members of the house, continue to serve with unwavering loyalty and dedication.   The Thianonites, with their divine lineage and celestial majesty, are a testament to the radiant light of Thiandalune. Their history, marked by trials and triumphs, is a testament to their resilience and the enduring power of their divine lineage. As the ruling members of House Major of Thianon, the Thianonites continue to shine brightly within the Aina Continuum, their existence a beacon of light in the celestial sphere they call home.

In Light, Truth

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Controlled Territories