Queen Finean Erlin XII

Full Name: Queen Finean Erlin XII   Age: Approximately 75 Years old   Physical Description: An elderly female Northlander bear-tribeswoman with light brown fur and long, braided white hair. Appears unimposing but has an aura of nobility and authority.   Position: Reigning Queen of Hangard   Personality: Stern, proper, and uncompromising, with a formidable presence. Very protective of her authority. Emotional when reminded of personal tragedies. Values truthfulness and justice. Cunning political operator.   Skills/Abilities: Strong leader and politician. Adept at strategy, manipulation, and subterfuge. Skilled at masking her intentions and ferreting out lies. Handles policy and power firmly.   History: The twelfth Queen Finean of the Erlin dynasty. Oversaw closer ties between the Crown and the Northland Trading Company, using it as her private navy. Decimated the Tormar underworld cartel. Lost three sons in the Battle of Sirtana along with the Crown jewels called the Makkari diamonds. Blamed the Tormar and organized crime in general. Orchestrated major crackdowns to consolidate power. Fiercely protective of her authority and the kingdom's code of laws.   Family: Multiple husbands/consorts and at least three deceased sons. No husband mentioned currently. Unclear if she has living children/heirs.   Significance: Queen Finean is a shrewd political operator governing Hangard during a time of war and upheaval. Her ruthless persona masks a woman still grieving lost loved ones. Her take-no-prisoners approach to governing has made many enemies. Yet she has kept Hangard stable through force of will. Her interaction with Bruinan shows her intimidating nature but hints at deeper emotions beneath the surface. She sees him as both a threat and an oddity worth probing for the truth.   In summary, Queen Finean Erlin XII is a complex ruler whose stern exterior and uncompromising policies mask pain over past tragedies. Yet she remains a commanding, formidable presence dedicated to protecting her kingdom at all costs. Her encounter with Bruinan provides insight into her nuanced personality.


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