Ravus the Forger

Ravus the Forger is a kenku with a past as complex as the intricate forgeries he creates. Once a member of a notorious kenku flock known for their elaborate heists and scams, Ravus was the mastermind behind their most audacious plans. His talent for mimicry extended to forging documents and replicating handwriting, making him invaluable to his flock. However, a failed heist led to the capture of several of his comrades, forcing Ravus into hiding. He found refuge in The Jungle's Claw Tavern, where he quickly adapted to the underworld, offering his forgery services to the highest bidder. His life took a darker turn when he got involved in the production of counterfeit mummy dust, a dangerous and addictive substance. This venture made him a regular at the tavern, where he met Thorn, the Bugbear mercenary, and formed a tenuous alliance based on mutual benefit and a shared penchant for violence.   In combat, Ravus relies on his "Ambusher" trait to gain the upper hand. He prefers to strike from the shadows, using his high Dexterity and Stealth skills to get the drop on enemies. His first attack is often a ranged shot from his shortbow, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill. If cornered, he switches to his shortsword, using quick, precise strikes aimed at vulnerable spots. His Deception skill allows him to feign weakness or injury, luring enemies into a false sense of security before striking with renewed vigor. Ravus is not above using dirty tactics, including throwing sand or small objects to distract his foes, giving him the opportunity to either strike or flee.   Roleplaying Ravus offers a unique challenge due to his Mimicry trait. He communicates through a patchwork of sounds and phrases he's heard, making conversations with him a bizarre tapestry of imitated voices and noises. He might respond to a question about his past with the distant sound of clinking chains, symbolizing his history of bondage and crime. When negotiating deals or discussing plans, he uses a series of coded sounds and gestures, a secret language understood only by those he trusts. Despite his chaotic nature, Ravus is not entirely devoid of morals. He avoids unnecessary killing, partly because dead men can't be robbed. However, his primary loyalty is to himself, and he will not hesitate to abandon allies if it means saving his own feathers.


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