Saedis Oerion

Saedis Oerion, the Iron Tide, is often depicted with long, flowing silver hair and piercing blue eyes, wearing scale mail armor and carrying a trident as a symbol of her power over water.   Saedis Oerion, the Iron Tide, is a lawful good water goddess and the mother of Myrion. She is also the wife of Saenon and the daughter of Daeranon. There are many centers of worship devoted to her throughout the world, especially in coastal regions where her power is strongest. These centers of worship often feature beautiful fountains and pools of water, and are tended by priests who are trained to manipulate water to create intricate displays and water features. Worshipers of Saedis Oerion often pray for protection during storms at sea, as well as for safe passage across bodies of water. Many sailors and fishermen also offer her sacrifices in exchange for good weather and bountiful catches.     Female   Heterosexual   Lawful GoodSaedis Oerion is aligned with lawful good and her allies are typically other good-aligned deities, while her enemies are those who seek to exploit or harm the natural world.   From: 03/01/8575 CE 00:00:00 To: 12/01/14225 CE 00:00:00Killed in during the second black fire war, on the Quest for the Ring of Water   Saedis Oerion, also known as The Iron Tide, is a lawful good water goddess, mother of Myrion, wife to Saenon, and daughter to Daeranon. She is depicted with long, flowing blue hair and bright, piercing eyes. Saedis often takes on the form of a powerful wave or a mermaid when interacting with mortals. She is often seen wearing a simple blue robe adorned with golden shells and carries a trident as her weapon of choice. Saedis is known for her unwavering commitment to justice and protecting the innocent, often leading armies to defend her worshippers from evil threats. She is highly respected by many other deities, including her husband Saenon, but has earned the enmity of some dark gods and their followers. In any campaign, Saedis can serve as a powerful ally to the players and a patron to characters that seek to do good in the world.   Profile Saedis Oerion, the Iron Tide, is a powerful lawful good water goddess, the mother of Myrion, wife to Saenon, and daughter to Daeranon. Her centers of worship are often located in cities or coastal towns, where her followers ask for protection from floods, storms, and sea monsters. Saedis has long, flowing black hair and striking blue eyes. Her preferred forms are that of a beautiful mermaid or a fearsome kraken, and she often wears a crown of pearls and carries a trident as her weapon of choice.     Saedis is known for her strict adherence to justice and law, often coming down harshly on those who break the rules. She is quick to punish those who harm her followers or disrupt the natural order of the sea. Her reputation as a just and powerful goddess has earned her many allies, particularly among other good-aligned deities, but also among sailors and merchants who rely on her protection.     Despite her many allies, Saedis has also made many enemies, particularly among chaotic or evil-aligned deities who see her strict adherence to law as oppressive. She is particularly despised by the followers of The Black Dragon King, who see her as a direct threat to their god's dominion over fire and destruction.     Saedis' greatest strengths lie in her ability to control and manipulate water, allowing her to create powerful tidal waves, control the currents, and even summon rainstorms. She is also known for her healing powers, particularly in healing ailments that are water-related. Her greatest weakness is her strict adherence to law, which can sometimes lead her to make decisions that are not necessarily the most compassionate or merciful.     Saedis has a particular idiosyncrasy in that she often speaks in riddles or puzzles, forcing her followers to think carefully before taking action. She is also known for her love of seafood and often requires offerings of fish or other sea creatures from her followers.     Saedis' quest ties often involve protecting her followers from natural disasters or sea monsters, as well as punishing those who break the laws of the sea. She is particularly interested in promoting trade and commerce, often granting her protection to merchants who follow the rules of the sea. Her behavioral traits include a strict adherence to law and a love of justice, often making her seem cold or harsh to those who do not understand her motivations.     Saedis' physical manifestations can be terrifying to those who cross her, particularly when she takes the form of a kraken. Her reputation as a fearsome goddess is well-earned, as she has been known to sink entire fleets of ships in order to protect her followers. However, to those who show her respect and follow the laws of the sea, she can be a compassionate and powerful ally.     Saedis' reputation as a just and powerful goddess has earned her many allies, particularly among other good-aligned deities, but also among sailors and merchants who rely on her protection. Her enemies, particularly among the followers of The Black Dragon King, see her as a direct threat to their god's dominion over fire and destruction.     Despite her many powers and abilities, Saedis is ultimately a goddess who seeks to bring order and justice to the chaotic seas. She is a powerful ally to those who respect her and follow the laws of the sea, but a fierce enemy to those who would disrupt the natural order of things. In a world of shifting tides and treacherous waters, Saedis Oerion is a force to be reckoned with, a protector of those who sail the seas and a powerful symbol of justice and order.   Motivation and Philosophy Saedis Oerion, the Iron Tide, is motivated by a strong sense of justice and order, believing that law and morality are essential for a healthy society.   She reacts swiftly and decisively to threats to her domain, valuing stability and safety above all else.   Her ideology centers on protecting and preserving the natural world, particularly the oceans and waterways, which she sees as sacred and in need of guardianship.   Her aspiration is to create a world where all beings can live in peace and harmony, free from fear and oppression.   Her ultimate goal is to defeat evil and tyranny in all its forms, ensuring that justice prevails over corruption and greed.   Saedis is motivated by a deep sense of duty to her people and to her daughter, Myrion, whom she loves dearly and seeks to protect at all costs.   She fears the spread of chaos and lawlessness, as well as the destruction of the natural world at the hands of those who would exploit it for their own gain.   Saedis hopes to foster a greater understanding between the different races and factions of the world, believing that cooperation and mutual respect are key to achieving peace.   Her plans involve strengthening her alliances with other good-aligned deities and factions, and striking at the heart of evil wherever it may be found. She also seeks to spread knowledge of the importance of protecting the oceans and waterways, in hopes that others may join her cause.     Relationships Wife of Saenon , daughter of Dāéranon and Saenea, , Mother of Myrion




Towards Saedis Oerion


Saedis Oerion


Towards Saenon


Saenon (Husband)


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