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Saron Chronicals

This is a mini arc mixed in with the previous arc the Dead Slayers Arc and the next arc Death to the Razorbacks Arc. This arc tells the story of what happened to Saron during the duration between Stone Ridge and him rejoining the group after saving them at Destiny. This is a solo arc for mainly Saron, just like how Ace and Cole had their past being told in season 1. I'm not entirely sure in what order I want to tell his past just yet because I want his time with the Razorbacks to be a mystery until the Razorbacks make their own introduction. The Saron chronicles include Saron waking up at Stone Ridge a few days after the Spitter accident and realizing the damage thats been done. He believes he may be the only one to survive or that the remaining survivors probably despise him for his mistake of blowing up the walls allowing the dead to enter and destroy Stone Ridge. Saron escapes Stone Ridge using the zombie disguise technique, he sees a bunch of dead friends on his way out. Thats when the Razorbacks introduce themselves to Saron. The Razorbacks notice Saron leaving the destruction at Stone Ridge and demand to know what happened. (This is briefly explained here -> Dialogue Draft the New Recruit passage as Saron stars as Anon). Saron then is recruited to the Razorbacks, they suit him up with a new modified arm blade which he is wearing when he returns in the story to save the group at Destiny. Eventually things get shaky for Saron with the Razorbacks as he realizes they really aren't that good of people and he doesn't seem to fit in with them. So after an encounter with another rival gang attacking Saron and a few Razorback members, he fakes his own death and escapes, to live as a wander. After a couple weeks on the road alone, Saron runs into a lot of issues surviving alone. (I believe I will start telling the Saron chronicles there to give off the notion that Saron may have been alone for the most part during his disappearance. But then you will see his arm blade and question where and how Saron acquired it. The show will explain the first part when the Razorbacks make their introduction.) Saron then finds a new friend in a man name Charles who also been surviving alone with a pet parrot. Charles mentors Saron for a brief while as he talks some sense into his troubled mind. After a while Saron takes off again but this time with a better mind as he then sets foot to see if he can find any remaining survivors from Stone Ridge. Saron also finds an arrow with Dash's name carved into it and decides to follow the trail. Saron also witnesses the last bit of Dash, bike gang & others getting captured by the people from Destiny. Thats when he comes up onto Destiny and saves them.

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