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Saron is a very unpredictable character, he doesn't take things seriously until its too late and tends to underestimate how dangerous a situation is and tends to overestimate his power. He is a total x factor whenever hes in play. What I mean by that is Saron can make things go from good to extremely bad situation but he can also make an extremely bad situation into a very good one in almost once swift action. Its almost out of his control because he is a very lucky guy. Saron usually uses bombs/explosives and pistols. The core group doesn't like Saron to have alot of responsibility because well Saron is a totally unresponsible goofball but do not underestimate the kid he can always pull something out of nothing. Saron is a 18yrs old high schooler.

  • Skills
When it comes to traditional skills Saron pretty much lacks in all categories at the start of the show. What Saron does have in abundance is luck. He is a very lucky guy, which tends to get him and/or his friends out of extreme danger. But sometimes when luck isn't on his side he can make a good situation into a very bad situation very quickly. After some time Saron takes a liking to explosives and becomes a deadly bomb expert. He learns how to craft his own bombs and set traps. Saron can get creative with his plans to fight the dead, sometimes too creative and unlogical. So sometimes his plans backfire on him and ultimately his team. Therefore the core group of survivors tend to not give Saron a lot of responsibilities because you never know how his actions may effect the mission.

  Weapons / Loadouts
Pistol, Knife
Pistol, Knife & Grenade
Pistol, Modified Arm Blade & Bombs

Luck, Bomb Expert, Craftiness, Decoy
Lacks Focus & Reckless. Lacks Physical Strength, Lacks Physical Prowers, Lacks Survival Skills, Lacks Intelligence

  • Appearance
African American 18yr old teenager. Saron was a senior in Highschool at the start of the apocalypse. He is 5ft8 skinny build. Silly looking guy. Later in the series Saron grows a full beard.

  • Personality
Saron is a very silly person, the main comical relief in the series, but sometimes his silliness causes problems on the battlefield. He can be very irresponsible at times but he is a good person. Always willing to help and knows how to make fun of any situation.

  • Dead Day
  • Before The Apocalypse
Comic Relief
Date of Birth
Jan 23
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown skin


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