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Stone Ridge Arc Part 1

The Stone Ridge Arc takes place throughout the entire of season 3, so I split it into two parts to go into deeper detail and to give more prospective for the audience as the Arc progresses. Stone Ridge Arc Part 1 takes place a day or so after the Season 2 finale with our group of survivors being saved from zombies and brought into a new safe community called Stone Ridge. Stone Ridge is completely safe and full of people and supplies, food and homes. Part 1 goes over how our group of survivors get comfortable and help to make Stone Ridge stronger.

The Arc starts off on episode 1 of season 3 with our group of survivors being saved from zombies by Blake and Drew. Blake and Drew notice how they have a couple kids and a pregnant woman within our group and deem that we must be good people that need help so they bring us into their home at Stone Ridge. Our survivors are in desperate need of help so they are happy to come. Stone Ridge bring us in with open arms and gives us a couple days to rest. After a couple days the leaders at Stone Ridge decides to run a mission including our best fighters to test our strength on the battlefield to see how we can contribute to their community and our guys are happy to participate. We send Ace, Cole and Tianna as our best fighters on a looting mission to a local pharmacy. That mission is a success and the leaders at Stone Ridge are impressed with our skills. The people at Stone Ridge explains how they protect their walls.

After some time at Stone Ridge our survivors are more happy and safe than they ever been. Our guys are finding ways to contribute and things are going pretty smoothly. They actually find out that our survivors are more experienced on the battlefield and Cole and Ace are elected mission leaders. Brenda is at the final stages of her pregnancy and is expected to give birth soon. Jack is still hurting a lot from the death of Annie, although he thinks he should be happy to be in a safe place finally he wishes it was Annie here and not him. Drew is very interested in Tianna but Tianna keeps denying his advances because of her past experience with Tyree. Marz's backstory is explained. Dash and Moon finally admit their feelings for one another as well but keeps it secretive.

To end this first part of this arc with a big mission that terribly goes wrong and who else can set the scene than yours truly Saron. The mission is to loot a military base of some sort for more weaponry. Things were going well till it was time to escape and Saron holds everyone up with trying to loot more bombs. A couple people end up dying and Saron gets bitten on the right arm. In order to save Saron's life they must cut off his arm before the virus spreads to the rest of his body and kills him. So they do that and rush home and Saron lives. To end the first half of season 3 Marz's Mom throws a birthday party for Marz's 21st birthday to uplift the spirits within the community.

Our Survivors are doing well at Stone Ridge. Although Saron lost his right arm and Jack is depressed. Cole and Ace are trusted as mission leaders. Stone Ridge is stronger than before and there is more hope for the future. Ace hasn't dealt with his enteral demons/the death spirit since arriving at Stone Ridge.

  Key Moments
Our Survivors are brought into Stone Ridge and proven to be worthy members of the community. Marz's background story. Saron losing his arm. Jack is battling depression.
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