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1st Stone Ridge Mission

  • Objective / Main Focal Point
This is our group’s first mission at Stone Ridge so the survivors there want to test out some of our skills. Blake chose a spot that they knew there was a fair amount of deadones, with possible loot at a pharmacy.

  • Characters
Cole, Ace, Tianna, Blake, Drew, Marz & Marz’s Mom

Ace: Assault Rifle & Machete
Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Tianna: Rifle & Knife
Marz: Rifle & Knife
Marz's Mom: Pistol & Knife
Blake: Assault Rifle & Pistol
Drew: Assault Rifle

  • Setting
Nice Summer Day at a local Pharmacy.

  • Details
This mission takes place a couple days after our survivors arrive at Stone Ridge. Blake & Mr.Scott decides to have a few of our better fighters go on a quick mission to test our skills. Cole, Ace & Tianna volunteer to go on this mission. Allunah doesn’t like the idea of Tianna going because she has just went through alot during the last season finale, which was just a few days ago, with having to kill her ex bf for betrayal. Tianna refuses to listen her best friend Allunah although she is trying to look out for her, Allunah would go on the mission but she is injured from that said incident. Blake, Drew & Brook are the ones supposedly guiding them through the mission until Marz’s and his mom comes up and joins in because Blake & Mr.Scott promised them that they can go on the next mission due to them needing more training. So Brook opts out the mission since they are coming too. The mission goes pretty smoothly, they go to a pharmacy that Blake & Mr.Scott picked out that would have a decent amount of deadones there. Once they get there Ace takes initiative and starts taking out a lot of the deadones, Cole insists that they allow Marz to get a shot at it since he notices Marz isn't adapt at killing the deadones. Blake starts to notice there are more deadones than he anticipated but its not a problem due to them being very skilled. Tianna takes out the only tank at the mission and Drew takes a liking to that. Tianna is also in a bad mood throughout this mission so she stays quiet for the most part although Drew tries to talk to her because he is interested in her. Marz spots a bloater stuck behind a fence far away, which gives him flashbacks from his incident with a bloater that knocked him out unconscious. So Marz aims his rifle at the bloater to shoot but Cole stops him by telling him that isn’t a good idea. Marz puts his gun down and walks away, Marz’s mom takes notice of this. Anyway they find some loot at the pharmacy and Marz’s mom finds good pregnancy stuff for Brenda, she plans on her & Marz giving it to her as a gift.

  • Results
The mission is a success, they make it back home safe with loot. Blake, Drew & Marz’s mom reports back to Mr.Scott on the mission and they are very pleased by Cole, Ace, Tianna and even Marz’s performance.

  Zombie Kills
There is a good amount of zombies to kill during this mission. Although Blake and Drew are leading this mission they take the backseat when it comes to zombie killing due to them wanting to test out Ace, Cole and Tianna's strength. Marz and his mom are new to missions so they also don't do much zombie killing either.
Zombie Kills from Greatest to Least
Ace > Tianna > Drew > Cole > Blake > Marz > Marz's Mom
Tianna kills the one and only Tank. There is also a Blotter on the mission that Marz was going to kill but Cole advised him not to.
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