Overview of Adventures: Chapter II in Demergion | World Anvil
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Overview of Adventures: Chapter II

Status Keys

  • X%: Party is currently working on this quest, and is X percent done.
  • GVN: Party knows about this quest
  • TRG: Party can run into this quest
  • WIP: Quest is still not completely finished
  • LKD: Quest is part of a quest chain, and isn't accessible yet.
  • DNE: Quest is completed and party has received rewards
  • FAL: Party has abandoned the quest, or not completed the objective.
  • N/A: Placeholder for TBD quest

Active Quests (on offer):

Quest Progress Description

Quests backlog:

Quest Progress Description
Old Squeak-rats WIP Certain generation of orphanage is home to rats that grow inside them.
The Ranger and Hist lost Gnoll WIP Ranger lost gnoll companion, and is not guarding the roads
The Voice of the Comet WIP A tribe worships a comet, the party wants it
The Swamp Lords, and the Shade WIP NOPE
The Horror from the fields  WIP Yeth hound is terrorizing the fields of a nearby village.
The Demise of the Two Mages WIP Two mages are duking it out.
A Fresh Start  WIP The party arrives in Inverness, and there is a feast.

Completed Quests:

Quest Progress Description

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