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Shocking Developments

  Electromancy is the second Major Manifestation of the Fire Subclass. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as being able to create or manipulate electricity, re-routing its path in circuits or generating it from kinetic movements.
This Manifestation was officially added to the Elemental Class in 1799 by Archibald Maxwell, who separated it from Pyromancy as it is so distinct, and by this point Electricity had been oficially discovered and utilised by humans. Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore further solidified it as a Manifestation in the 1800s.
The Minor manifestations of Electromancy are listed below:
  Photomancy (c. 1864)  

Characters With Electromancy

The characters with Electromancy in the books are as follows:

Articles under Electromancy


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