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Taming Fire

  Pyromancy is the first Major Manifestation of the Fire Subclass. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as being able to create or manipulate fire and flames. Creating or stoking flames normally requires some kind of friction generating motion, and many will click their fingers or swipe a hand along an arm.
This Manifestation was officially added to the Elemental Class in the 1400s by Robert Stanton, who had recorded multiple Empowered who were able to manipulate fire. Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore further solidified it as a Manifestation in the 1800s.
The Minor manifestations of Pyromancy are listed below:
  Thermomancy (c. 1400)  

Characters With Pyromancy

The characters with Pyromancy in the books are as follows:

Articles under Pyromancy


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