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  Necromancy is the sixth Subclass in the Elemental Class of powers. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as being able to manipulate Negative (death) Energy, control shadows or even heal and harm others at a touch.
Back in the 1400s, Robert Stanton, an Empowered researcher created the Dual-Class system to categorise powers. There were originally only two Subclasses under the Control (Elemental) Class, which were Elemental and Psychic, but Negative (Necromancy) was added later. The manifestations of the current Necromancy Subclass were under this original Negative Subclass, but was renamed by Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore in the 1800s.
The Necromancer Subclass, accounting for roughly 19% of active Elementals. The multiple Necromancer temples means many Necromancers have children with eachother, and those children have an almsot certain chance of inheriting powers from this Subclass.
The Major and Minor manifestations of this Subclass are listed below:
  Standard Necromancy (c. 1400)
Umbramancy (c. 1400)

Characters With Necromancy Powers

The characters with Necromancy powers in the books are as follows:
  • Psychic (Umbrancy)
  • Orion Songbird (Umbramancy)
  • Lucius Grey (Umbramancy)
  • Riu Forest (Umbramancy, Standard Necromancy)
  • Tenebrae Grimm (Standard Necromancy, Umbrakinesis, Vitamancy, Myomancy, Osteomancy.)
  • Doctor Moore (Vitamancy)
  • Neela Andhera (Umbramancy)

Articles under Necromancy


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