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Micah Andersen (a.k.a. Psychic)

"And I've been here before,
Tell me how you sleep at night,
It doesn't seem fair,
How the hell you dreaming,
When the world's a nightmare?"
- Against the Current, "Lullaby"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Psychic stands at about 5'4" and isn't particularly strong or fast. He relishes in getting hairier the longer he's on testosterone. He has sandy blond hair and the first whisps of a beard. He generally prefers wearing blues, and particularly likes denim and flannels.
Many had said in days not long past that Ava was the spitting image of him– blue eyes, thick dirty blonde hair, and unfreckled alabaster skin. She stood two and a half centimetres taller than him, though in his opinion, it wasn’t enough to be braggadocious about when Micah himself barely even crested five and a half feet. Despite their differences, which were clearly obvious to the two of them, wherever they went together they were always asked if they were twins. Even after Micah had cut his long hair short, and even despite the few years of difference between them, clear in the differing levels of maturity– to which Ava could not hope to reach him with a ten foot pole. He always braced himself for the ‘twins question’ whenever anyone new fluttered into their lives.

Body Features

His body is very straight, and he has a bit of softness to him. Being on testosterone is making him hairier, but the hair on his body is quite light and fine.

Facial Features

He has a long face with high cheekbones and a straight nose, and downturned blue eyes. He's also beginning to grow a beard, and doesn't mind having some moustache hairs. His features are overall on the softer side.

Special abilities

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  Psychic is the oldest of two children to his parents, Henrik and Claire Andersen. He has a younger sister called Ava, and a dog, a German shepherd called Luna. Psychic knew he was a boy at a young age, and came out as transgender to his parents around thirteen years old. At first they didn't really understand, but as Psychic continued to insist that he was a boy, and started to become self-destructive, they began to understand and seek medical advice. He was thankful that his parents accepted him, but school was a completely different beast. He had a small group of outcast friends, but was bullied by many other kids, even all the way into college. When he was at college, he made three close friends- Sarah, a lesbian scene kid, Ash, a bisexual girl who's opposite in every way to Sarah, and Matty, a straight, nerdy guy. Psychic is intelligent and a fast-learner, and was geared up to be accepted into one of England's most prestigious universities.  

Book 1: Prologue

Damien grabbed the trophy. Micah yanked it back. Damien yanked it forth. Matty spluttered airlessly, Duncan stomped with heavy boots, Sarah clawed with dagger-like nails. The rage within Micah bubbled and boiled, coalesced in his chest- and then his mind.
“Stop it!” he cried out, a torrent of sparkling magenta erupting from every inch of his body. Caught in the waves, Damien rocketed backward with the trophy, the others stumbling and tumbling over each other, Matty gasping for breath as Bruce was forced to release the hold on him. Micah stood in the middle of them all, panting, feeling the beginnings of a headache pang in his skull, and a warm trickle from his nose that seeped between his lips.
“What-” Damien stuttered from the ground, “What did you just do, you freak?”
  Prologue focuses on Psychic's life before and during his time at the Sanctuary for the Gifted Child. He's seen to be a normal teenage boy who has to worry about exams and his university choice, but all of that is turned upside down when a group of bullies push him enough that he uses his powers in broad daylight. Psychic is then whisked away to the Sanctuary, thrown into a life that is sterile and clinical. He meets his roommate, Eclipse Solar, and then makes friends with a group of outcasts among outcasts, consisting of Jaguar, Masao Nishimura, and Phoenix Flare.
Dealing with harassment by Illusia, laboratory tests and dehumanising treatment, Psychic's main goal is to escape. He starts the plans, recruiting UltraViolet, and after some scouting and further recruiting the group are ready to begin. During the escape, the group loses Masao, and are faced again with Illusia, who proves she could easily take them out on her own. When they eventually do convince her to join them, they're able to get out, but Psychic is powerless to help Illusia before Eclipse kicks her out of the back of the escape van.
Psychic is in good spirits at the end of the book, looking forward to a better future.

Book 2: Walking With Strangers

“Micah… You aren’t Masao,” Holly said, quite bluntly. He looked at her and blinked. “You don’t have to… compare yourself to him. I know you really looked up to him, but you’re Micah.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“What I’m saying is that comparing yourself to someone else is never… helpful or good for you. It can be really hard not to- I, um, I know that really well. You feel like you need to fill in for him because he’s gone, don’t you?”
“Yeah… I-I do.”
    Psychic and the Demigods are in a less than ideal living situation, but can't be picky. In this book they have a 6th member to their party, called Ace, who has a crush on Psychic. In the beginning he wakes up to the news, and it turns out to be the one year anniversary of their escape from the Sanctuary. He has a small chat with Eclipse before heading out to the local graveyard to visit Masao's grave, where he joins Jaguar and tends to her feelings, not letting himself really mourn while he's there. They head back home, and are given a strange contact by some boys down the street- someone is recruiting Empowered, and it seems like a good chance to get some money. Despite Jaguar's uncertainty, they eventually visit and meet Tenebrae Grimm, who offers them money to do odd jobs for him. They decide to join this organisation called FIERCE, and he chooses the Alias Psychic after Tenebrae recommends them to take new names.
The first job has the group searching for a man called Doctor Moore, and during this breaking-and-entering mission taking place at Flash of Genius Co., Psychic can only watch as Ace kills a man, feeling strange about it and trying to justify it in his head even though it goes against his morals completely. He still feels uncertain once they meet Doctor Moore, feeling bad for capturing an old man.
A couple days after, he goes on a date with Ace, wanting to test the waters since she seems interested in him. He doesn't realise that he feels very hesitant about the date, and chocks it up to butterflies. Before the night even ends, they're called to the Four Wolves Inn to investigate the kidnapping of John Wolffstone and his family. Tenebrae Grimm gives them another job to attack an information post, but before they can do that tensions are rising between Jaguar and Ace, and Psychic finds himself stressed and emotionally backed up, and scolds them both. This mission proves very strenuous on the group relationship overall, and afterward he confides in Phoenix about feeling like he can't fit the role that Masao's death left behind. Phoenix assures him that he doesn't have to, and that all he needs to do is be himself.
The last mission has the group breaking into SunGod Corporation headquarters, where they fight bruisers and tanks, before making their way to Apollo. They decide to side with Apollo, and cast Ace out of the group when she refuses. The group rushes back to FIERCE to stop Tenebrae, but the Misfits trio cause them to have a car crash which knocks Psychic unconscious for a good while.
They work together to take out the Misfits trio, and once they succeed, go in to fight Tenebrae. When it looks like they're about to lose, Ultraviolet drives the car through the wall and runs him over, and Psychic snatches the button that would trigger an explosion underneath the warehouse that would kill them all. Tenebrae Grimm begins to suffer from Sudden Supercharge Meltdown (consumption) and Psychic runs, nearly being grabbed and eaten, but they're eventually able to destroy him and save several lives, including their own. However, when Tenebrae dies, a clump of shadows attacks Psychic and seeps into his skin.
At the end of the book, Psychic apologises to Doctor Moore for what they did, but is reassured by him. They're also formally employed by SunGod and under their protection, and are recolated to a townhouse that they now share together. While settling in, the group gathers together, and the name "the Demigods" for their group is created.

Book 3: Midnight

Psychic felt his face going red, glancing around at the shadows around them, growing ever thicker and ever darker with each passing minute, beginning to swallow the room as the sun continued its descent to the horizon. He reached out to a corner, particularly dark, and thought of the shadow as having many more dimensions than it should. He pulled, and like a string of taffy, it stretched toward him.
“My God,” Orion murmured. “I really wasn’t imagining it. Who are you?”
“I don’t think I know at this point,” Psychic said.
    In this book, the Demigods are investigating a case of consumption. Psychic reckons it's the same thing that happened to Tenebrae, but the only way to be able to find out if that's true is by further investigation. They visit a known case that left behind a beautiful tree, and when Psychic places his hands to it, he finds out that a consciousness lies within and that he can communicate with it. The tree becomes angered when answering questions, and the sheer emotion overwhelms Psychic and sends him unconscious.
Receiving reinforcements consisting of Miss Major and Slipstream, the group decides to split up to find the research of Arthur Craddock, a man who worked alongside Doctor Moore in the eighteen hundreds. Psychic and Ultraviolet break into the morgue to see if they can speak to the body they had been investigating at the start, but are met with Ace and Glasshopper who had already taken it and were ready to ambush them. Psychic's ankles are broken by Ace, but he's saved by Orion Songbird and a couple scouts for SunGod, and taken back to FOG Co. to be healed.
He's happy to see that Jaguar comes back to see if he's okay, and once he's better, they follow Orion who potentially has a lead on where the body they were looking for has been taken. They visit The Church of Bliss and meet Lucius Grey and Lúne Slaughter. A divination they're given goes wrong and explodes out. After they recover from the blast, confused, they at least have a rough place to start looking- Rockford Castle- and begin to leave. Lucius Grey asks Psychic to stay for a moment, and warns him that something is attached to him, giving him a Binding Talisman to keep him safe.
After they return home (roughly at the same time the other group does), ASIMOV is attacking FOG Co. to try and take the research for themselves. The Demigods win the fight, but lose the books as well as Doctor Flashe, and they realise what ASIMOV was looking for- a pulse machine that would strip the powers of Empowered in a huge radius. Psychic interviews the captured Hades, and Miss Major convinces Hades that Psychic can eat his brain and take his memories, which actually works. With their fears confirmed, they now have to reach out to ASIMOV and arrange a trade.
The negotiations go well, and they bring Hades to Haynes Industrial Estate to do the trade. Both sides are prepared to double cross eachother, and a bloody fight breaks out. Psychic is nearly killed by Illusia, but he unconsciously begins to use Umbrakinesis, and is able to turn the tables. The group escapes by the skin of their teeth, but are shaken by the loss of Miss Major and Slipstream.
The group speaks with the The England & Wales, Scottish, and Northern Irish Nexus of Justice, and no matter how hard they try to convince them to let them continue fighting ASIMOV, the ENJ rules that they cannot. They try to convince the new leader of SunGod to vouch for them after Apollo is detained, but the new leader refuses. Instead, the Demigods decide to do the attack on Rockford castle themselves.
The group fights through the castle, psychic utilising his new found umbral powers to protect the team. Orion scolds him for removing the talisman, and Psychic is embarrassed, but complies.
A tough fight takes place at the top of Rockford Tower, and the Demigods are nearly too late- but working with Jaguar, Psychic is able to take down Illusia while UV blows up the machine. They then have to deal with the fallout- once they've been healed at SunGod, they're fired and evicted, and the book ends with Miss Major inviting the group to stay with her and Slipstream for as long as they need to.

Book 4: No Tomorrow



Psychic is bisexual, something he mentions offhandedly. He generally feels that his gender is more important to his identity than his sexuality.


  • Work Experience at a computer repair shop
  • Employed by FIERCE in Walking With Strangers
  • Employed by Sungod in Walking With Strangers and Midnight

Morality & Philosophy

Psychic believes that everyone is equal and deserves the same chances in life no matter what. He's incredibly hesitant to kill, instead opting- and preferring for his party members to- knock people unconscious or subdue in other ways.

Personality Characteristics


Psychic's motivations are simply to make the world a better place, but he's also made a promise to Masao to keep the others safe and in-line.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Video Games
  • Miniature Painting
  • Comic books
  • Arcades


  • Spiders
  • Tenebrae Grimm
  • Working out
  • Lawn Gnomes



Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Psychic



Phoenix Flare

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic




Close Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare




Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Jaguar




Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Psychic



Miss Major

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Psychic




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Miss Major




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Psychic




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Slipstream



Orion Songbird

Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic




Role Model (Important)

Towards Orion Songbird



Tenebrae Grimm

Soul-Bonded (Important)

Towards Psychic




Soul-Bonded (Trivial)

Towards Tenebrae Grimm




Friend (Important)

Towards Ultraviolet




Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic



Masao Nishimura

Role Model (Vital)

Towards Psychic




Friend (Vital)

Towards Masao Nishimura



Sarah Wilkinson

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic




Best Friend (Important)

Towards Sarah Wilkinson



Ashleigh Brush

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic




Best Friend (Important)

Towards Ashleigh Brush



Matthew Clagg

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Psychic




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Matthew Clagg



Lawful Good
Current Status
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
30th November (Sagittarius)
Year of Birth
1995 CE 20 Years old
Current Residence
Wisteria block
Transgender Man
Light blue
Blond, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm Ivory
5'4" / 163 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I wouldn’t say a man exploding suddenly is a molehill. That’s definitely a mountain. Like, Everest levels.”
“Maybe more like Kilimanjaro,” Psychic said.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Psychic can hold basic conversations in German, Spanish, and Latin, but is fluent in both English and French.
Character Prototype
Psychic's design hasn't changed much since old canon, but his portrayal is now much more favourable. Psychic to me felt like the perfect audience surrogate, and so I wanted to paint him in a much more positive and inquisitive light.


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