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Phoenix Flare

Holly (홀리) An (안) (a.k.a. Phoenix)

"Close your eyes beside me,
I’ll sing for you, lullaby for you,
Just stay with me,
Right now, it’s only hardships,
But you will rise again, you can do it."
- Dreamcatcher, "Tension"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Phoenix stands at 5'11" and despite being shy, her presence is known. Alongside her glowing skin, she prefers wearing bright and flashy colours as well as sheer fabrics. While not strong, she is fast.
One of them was a young woman, Micah’s age if not slightly older, whose entire body, at least what was revealed through the uniform, sparkled with a soft pink bioluminescence. The glow seemed to morph and shift ever so slightly around her, like a localised aurora borealis that followed her form and movements. Her hair was thick, straight and honey-brown underneath the glow and darkened at the roots. It was tied up somewhat messily, as if done quickly without looking, into two big plaits, slung over her shoulders and resting on her chest. Even sitting down, Micah could tell that the young woman was a similar height to Esluna, if a bit shorter, and her frame was more heavy-set than broad. Her eyes were wide and hooded, irises glowing a much purer magenta to the rest of her body.

Body Features

Phoenix is long-legged and naturally has a bit of padding. She has several moles dotted around, and stretch marks along her lower torso, hips, biceps, chest, and thighs. Because her legs are quite strong, there is some defined muscle underneath the fat.

Facial Features

Her face is long, and her eyes round and hooded. She has two moles on the left side of her nose bridge, and another to the right side of her lower lip. She also has dimples that show when she smiles, and has several piercings on her ears.

Special abilities

Phoenix's powers are from the Elemental Class.

Specialized Equipment

As of Midnight, Phoenix has a ring conduit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  Phoenix was born to parents Young-chul (영철) and Eden An. She's the second oldest child of four, with siblings Lucy (루시), Ruby (루비) and Rhys (리스). Holly was born in Exeter, Devon, but through her life moved several times due to her Father's job often changing locations. Because of this, Holly had difficulties making and keeping friends in school, and always felt like an outsider. Even when she was invited into different friends groups, she was quiet and often stayed in the background, finding it easier to just not make close connections since she'd likely move again. Because of this, Phoenix developed a close relationship with her siblings, since they found eachother to be the only constant in each other's lives.
In school, Phoenix developed an interest for running. She was able to put a lot of practise into it and competed in cross-country and track during her time in education.
Not long after Phoenix turned seventeen, her powers began to manifest- beginning with her skin emitting a faint glow, and her brown eyes developing splotches of bright colour. Not long after, she was whisked away to the Sanctuary for the Gifted Child.  

Book 1: Prologue

Holly quickly turned back to the door, seeing the red-hot metal dimming fast.
“Distract it! I need to melt the door!” she called to the others. Micah grabbed her arm.
“No, you can’t go! We can’t lose you too!” He shouted desperately, only to hear another loud ring of shots that peppered the wall above them in bullets, followed by whirring.
“We’ll all die here if I don’t! You have to let me go. When it reloads again, I’m going for the door.” With her aura a bright purple, she tore her arm out of Micah’s grip, scrambling to get a better view of the door.
  In Prologue, Phoenix is introduced as part of the outcast group, consisting of Jaguar, Masao Nishimura, and Eclipse Solar. When Psychic first joins, she appears as shy yet friendly, and while nervous around new people she accepts him quickly into the group. Phoenix's powers are show to be fire-based during the testing phases, which comes up again later during the escape. While the group is being pursued by the SpiderBot, she risks certain death to melt through the front doors, becoming an integral piece to the Demigods' escape.

Book 2: Walking With Strangers

"That's the thing, though. Everyone’s powers are useful- you can all use them at any time. I can't just use fire all the time, I can't even fight hand-to-hand. I don't… I don't think I fit in the team anywhere," Holly sighed, eyes lowering to the floor.
"Where’s this coming from? Of course you do!"
"I don't know, Alyssa. I don't fit in as a combatant, I glow like a torch so I can't do anything stealthy, and Micah is better than me at talking to people. I just stand around and say yes or no. Hell, Violet has a role in the group, and she's never here!" Holly flopped down on her back, bringing her hands to her face.
  In book 2, Phoenix is stated to be home-bound for the most part, due to her powers. In general, she finds herself frustrated by them. Phoenix is excited at the prospect of working with FIERCE to earn money, and doesn't question whether Tenebrae Grimm has ulterior motives since she immediately feels kinship with other Empowered. She leads the charge with Jaguar when it comes to picking out names, and she opts to choose the code name she used in Prologue during the break out. She also confides in Ace that she feels like her role in the team is useless, and that her powers are dangerous. Ace tries to reassure her, and offers to train her how to fight.
During the first mission where they have to attack Flash of Genius Co., Phoenix and Psychic discover the strange notes left by Doctor Moore, and then join the fight against the Bruisers that attack them. Phoenix avoids a shotgun punch to the face by moments, and is able to help defeat the Bruisers, and tends to Eclipse's wounds after.
After the kidnapping of the Wolffstones, Phoenix joins the others to investigate for clues at the Four Wolves Inn. The group receive orders to attack a SunGod Corporation Intelligence facility, which ends up straining the relationships between several of the party members. Phoenix seeks out Psychic to lend him an ear, and comforts him as he cries.
During the final mission where they attack the SunGod headquarters, Phoenix finds herself wanting to trust Tenebrae Grimm, but goes along with the team. She's saddened at the ejection of Ace from the group, but her loyalty lies with the Demigods. She's minorly injured in the car crash caused by the Misfits team, and jogs with the rest of the Demigods to the FIERCE headquarters. They make a plan, and Phoenix joins Jaguar in attacking Vixen. They succeed, and then close in on Tenebrae. The battle is tough and they nearly find themselves killed by him, but UltraViolet crashes through the wall in a car and runs him over. As tenebrae begins to suffer from Sudden Supercharge Meltdown (consumption), they file into the car and try to drive away. Phoenix fires bolts of flames into Tenebrae as he pursues them, and keeps him back long enough for Eclipse to deliver the final blow.
At the end of the book, Phoenix discusses with the others about a group name- and they eventually settle on naming themselves the Demigods.

Book 3: Midnight

“Phoenixes were creatures of legend,” he shouted over to her, releasing another fireball her way, which she avoided by diving to the floor. “I probably don’t need to tell you that. Pretty cool, aren’t they? They‘re pretty strong, enough to escape death by being born again.”
Phoenix half-ignored him, growing the flames between her hands, feeding her energy into it. It burned brightly, in a vibrant orange that matched her aura. She launched it out at him, and it closed the space between them in a flash, but Hades retorted with a fireball of his own that crashed into it, and the two fireballs flared even brighter before petering out.
“I would have thought someone with the name Phoenix would be strong. You know, a good match. Here I am though, going pretty easy on you. You wanna see what you could do, if you were like me?”
  In Midnight, Phoenix is investigating the remains of an explosion in a farmhouse with the others. As soon as they enter the house, she mentions that the place feels strange, and that it's like there's still a fire around her. The group get to gether and theorise what happened, with the suggestion of Consumption coming up. Jaguar is opposed to this as first, but Phoenix supports the others' theory. Jaguar eventually relents, and they head back to FOG Co to speak with Doctor Moore and Doctor Flashe. They're recommended to look for the research of Arthur Craddock, a man who Moore worked with back in the eighteen-hundreds, and was delving into and pioneering Empowered sciences. They need to go to Wales to look for his research, but first they make a pit stop at a site that was the last confirmed case of Consumption before Tenebrae.
Learning that Psychic could communicate with the tree that rests at the house they visit, Psychic and UV stay back in London while the others go to Wales. Phoenix's team is joined by hired reinforcements Miss Major and Slipstream.
Once they reach Cardiff, they get word that Psychic and UV were attacked, and Jaguar is send home to join them. Phoenix's team continues with the mission, with Miss Major and Slipstream splitting up to investigate together and Phoenix and Eclipse visiting some archives. They learn that a descendant of Doctor Craddock's is in prison, while Miss Major and Slipstream return with a location. They head straight to the house of Owen Craddock, but find that he has suffered from Consumption as well. Suspicious, the team sends Miss Major to visit Morys Craddock in prison. They get information to the location of the books, and head straight there- though are ambushed by Illusia who was waiting for them to open the unit.
With the research, they return to FOG Co. to discuss their findings. They learn about the scientific causes of Consumption, and theorise about who's behind this. Orion Songbird takes Jaguar and Psychic to the Church of Bliss to do some research there, while the others stay back, expecting another attack soon.
ASIMOV launches an attack, and Phoenix is locked in battle with Hades Firestorm, a Pyrokinetic who is much more powerful than she is. With the help of Jaguar and Psychic, he's beaten and captured. ASIMOV retreats, but has taken Doctor Flashe and the research. The team realise what ASIMOV is truly after, and that time is ticking.
After interrogating Hades, Miss Major takes Phoenix to get a Conduit. Miss Major funds half of it, asking for Phoenix to simply pay her back later, but they eventually get into an argument after Miss Major prods a sensitive topic and Phoenix accidentally insults her. Miss Major leaves, and Phoenix is left feeling bad about the situation. The group gather to get ready to trade hostages with ASIMOV, but the trade itself goes terribly. They get the hotages, but Miss Major and Slipstream are missing, presumed dead. Phoenix is hysterical, and the Demigods comfort her before they continue on with their mission as they're running out of time.
The The England & Wales, Scottish, and Northern Irish Nexus of Justice rule that SunGod and the Demigods can no longer get involved with ASIMOV and that the Elder Council will take over and initiate diplomatic discussion. Phoenix asserts with the others that there's not enough time, but are brushed off, and Apollo is arrested for breaking contract. With the new leader not interested in helping them, the group decides to attack ASIMOV anyway. They speak about how to go about it, and capture a SunGod spy called Fragment Scar. With Fragment locked in the Demigods' toilet, they head off to Rockford Castle with Orion to attack ASMIOV.
In the ASIMOV research facility, Phoenix finds Miss Major and Slipstream locked in the castle prisons. She breaks them out and shares a moment of romantic tension with Miss Major, before they merge back with the rest of the group.
The final fight is brutal, and Phoenix struggles against Volt. She along with Miss Major manage to subdue her, and UV eventually destroys the machine. While they're recovering post-crisis, they're fired from SunGod, and evicted from their house. Miss Major offers them to stay with her and Slipstream, and treats them to dinner.

Book 4: No Tomorrow

  Rest Pending.


Phoenix is an asexual lesbian, but it takes her a while to really figure it out.


  • Works with FIERCE in Walking With Strangers
  • Works with SunGod in Walking With Strangers and Midnight

Morality & Philosophy

Phoenix is always at odds with her powers since she doesn't really want to injure anyone, especially not permanently. She stands alongside Psychic as the moral compass of the party, generally trying to steer people toward diplomacy over violence.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivations are primarily to figure out her place within the world and in her group, and to return home.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Collecting photocards
  • Arguing on Twitter


  • Her powers
  • Bugs
  • Group conflict
  • Being suspended on Twitter


Phoenix Flare

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Psychic




Close Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Jaguar



Miss Major

Romantic Interest (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Romantic Interest (Important)

Towards Miss Major




Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Friend (Important)

Towards Slipstream



Orion Songbird

Coworker (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Orion Songbird



Tenebrae Grimm

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Tenebrae Grimm




Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Friend (Important)

Towards Ultraviolet



Masao Nishimura

Friend (Vital)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Friend (Vital)

Towards Masao Nishimura



Neutral Good
Current Status
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
23rd January (Aquarius)
Year of Birth
1995 CE 20 Years old
Current Residence
Wisteria block
Glowing, colour changes based on mood
Long, light brown, often worn in messy plaits
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rose beige
5'11" / 180 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Yeah, they think it’s emotional. I mean, it makes sense- blue when I’m sad, pink when I’m fine, red when I’m angry. It’s not useful to anyone, and it’s not the kind of thing you can hide… it just makes me a glorified lightbulb, doesn’t it?”
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Phoenix speaks fluent English and Korean
Character Prototype
Phoenix is based on the character of the same name from the original canon. Overall not much has changed in her design or role in the group, just improved upon.


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