Aegis Omphalos

The Aegis Omphalos is a type of Omphalos that has been infused with Warding Magic to protect the Magus (or any other person) that possesses it. Elvirim and Drow Elvirim Magi often infuse their Bharana with warding magic to create an Aegis for themselves.   Like other Omphali, creating an Aegis is an arduous and usually expensive undertaking for a Magus. Creating a powerful Aegis requires expensive and difficult-to-obtain components and reagents. A powerful Aegis might require scales from a Derkorim, Zhirzpla, a steel ingot, Incense of the Dead and a piece of fine gold jewelry.   The effectiveness of an Aegis in protecting from harm depends on the type of the Warding Magic infused into it, the power and focus of the Magus that performed the protection and infusion rituals, and the quality of the components and reagents that were used to create the Aegis and to cast the spells. Most Aegedes, especially those worn or carried by non-Magi, are not particularly effective. They can reduce the amount of harm inflicted on those that have one to some degree, but cannot protect from fatal blows or magical attacks. The Aegedes of Magi are typically much more powerful; though still not infallible.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Aegedes are constructed by a Magus infusing an object, typically a piece of high-quality jewelry, with Warding Magic through a long, arduous, and expensive process. Among Human Magi, gold is favored for infusing, because it does not corrode and "holds" the spell well. It is said that the "Heavy Silver" used by Elvirim is even better than gold for constructing Aegedes. Metals other than gold can be used to construct an Aegis, but they are less effective, take more effort to infuse, and lose their power as the metal corrodes.
Aegedes are not common and are quite expensive to obtain. Typically, only Magi and the very wealthy have them; though, it is not unheard of for an Aegis to be found in ancient graveyards, ruins, and other such places.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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