Warding Magic

Warding magic, also called protection magic, is a form of abjuration magic that allows Magi to protect themselves from physical or magical harm. They are among the first spells that most Magi learn. Each of the different rituals of protection shield the Magus from harm of some specific form. Learning effective protective spells is a prerequisite for a Magus to study and learn more powerful spells, as a mistake in the casting ritual of a powerful spell can lead to disastrous results. Nearly every Magus has been saved from injury or even death by warding spells cast prior to practicing a new spell.   Most Magi create more than one Aegis Omphalos infused with warding magic. The Aegis, as it is commonly called, can protect the Magus from physical or magical harm. Typically, more powerful Magi will have several Aegides that they carry with them or wear as an article of jewelry or other accessory, each providing protection from some form of physical or magical harm.   The spell rituals of warding magic usually require components that are protective or sympathetic in nature. Simple warding spells that protect from physical attacks often require the shell of a Turtlebug. More powerful warding spells, able to protect from more than one form of harm, require scales from Derkorim of different kinds. For example, scales from Haka Derkorim (Red Dragons) are used as components of warding spells that protect from both physical harm and from heat or fire. A powerful warding spell that protects from poison could use Zhirzpla as a component. Casting such a spell would be difficult to practice and extremely dangerous.


Because they are effective and practical, warding spells are likely the most common spells cast by Magi. When infused into an Aegis, even non-Magi benefit from them.
Access & Availability
Most Magi are able to and do learn warding magic. They also sometimes make Aegis Omphalos devices that they sell to others. Aegedes are somewhat effective even for non-Magi, and so wealthy individuals and royalty often commision a Magus to make an Aegis to wear as jewelry for them.
Warding spells vary widely in complexity, from perhaps the most simple spells to cast to among the most difficult and dangerous.
Elvirim and Drow Elvirim have been using warding magic and constructing Aegis Omphalos warding jewelry from time immemorial. Elvirim Magi often infuse their Bharana with warding magic.   Among Human Magi, the first to make use of warding magic is unknown, but it probably was Edan, who learned it from the Drow Elvirim he encountered during his first days on Derkomai.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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