Magi's Chorea

As a result of their intense focus and extreme emotional states as they perform the spell rituals, some Magi suffer from damage to their brains and nervous systems. The damage can manifest in many different ways, depending on how and where the damage occurs, but a common manifestation is "Magi's Chorea."   A Magus inflicted with Magi's Chorea will suffer from involuntary movements, difficulty with balance, walking, and even speaking. They often have severe headaches and emotional outbursts, and may have seizures. Movement problems may prevent spells from being cast correctly, and emotional outbursts may result in loss of control over spells. Ironically, when faced with these difficulties, most Magi respond by intensifying their focus and forcing themselves into even more heightened states of emotion to give power to their spells. This increases the damage to the Magus's nervous system and exacerbates the condition.


Magi's Chorea is caused by brain and nervous system damage inflicted by overly heightened emotions and focus during spellcasting and study by susceptible Magi. Unless the Magus stops all spellcasting and study of magic, the condition inevitably worsens and is eventually fatal.


The most obvious and earliest symptom suffered by afflicted Magi is movement difficulty, including involuntary movements (tics and tremors). Later, balance and walking problems (falls and distorted gait) manifest. The Magus often suffers from headaches. In more advanced cases, the Magus has seizures and emotional outbursts, and symptoms of paranoia, delusions, and anxiety occur. In the last stages, the Magus's brain and nervous system are so degraded that the Magus dies.


There is no treatment. Unless the Magus stops all spellcasting and study of magic, the disease inevitably progresses. In some cases, treatment by an Agapyel Healer can reverse the course of the disease, but since the disease is magical in origin, even that isn't always effective.


Unless the afflicted Magus stops all spellcasting and study of magic, the disease will progress to death. Few Magi are willing or able to make that choice.

Affected Groups

Magi's Chorea affects only Magi and Seers.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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