Sapphire Bay

On the west coast of Sudland, about midway between Nalamoa and West Ferry, lies a protected, hidden bay called Sapphire Bay for the color of its warm, clear waters. Sapphire Bay is home to a large colony of Seimanne.   The entrance to Sapphire Bay is hidden and protected by Sapphire Island, a small, hilly and sandy island with a few small trees. The two channels to the north and south of Sapphire Island are guarded by aggressive Seimanne, protecting the young Seimanne children in the bay and their mothers from sharks, Sei Hagirim, and other dangerous creatures. The Seimanne guards also patrol the waters of the inner bay and keep watch for dangers from land.   The small road between Nalamoa and West Ferry, really just a grassy track through the hills and trees along the western shore of Sudland, passes near the Seimanne colony at Sapphire Bay, but approaching the colony will almost certainly invite attack by the guards of the colony.   There are rumors told in the taverns of Nalamoa of ancient, unexplored ruins Elvirim ruins in the hills to the east of the road near Sapphire Bay, but no one ventures there. The hills and forests of that area are home to many species of dangerous flora and fauna, including Savannah Wolves and Wax Rose bushes.


Lying on the western shores of Sudland on the Dragon Fire Sea, Sapphire Bay enjoys warm, mild weather year round, with an average temperature of 70°F (21°C). Light rain falls occasionally, and rarely, a significant storm of wind and rain hits.

Fauna & Flora

Seimanne have colonized Sapphire Bay. The colony has roughly 500 individuals. The hills and forests surrounding the area are home to myriad plant and animal species, some quite dangerous.
Sapphire Bay
Sapphire Bay by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Alternative Name(s)
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Aug 10, 2024 00:13 by Lady Wynter

I can see this place and that's nice.

Bringing the Light
Aug 13, 2024 17:56 by Zero Sum Games

Thank you! It's a short article, but I hope that I can write more about it in the future.