Sunrise Point

Sunrise Point, called Dantanja in the Sudkou language, is a small resort town on the west coast of the The Dragon's Tail, the large gulf extending north from the eastern end of the Black Dragon Sea, about 500 miles (800 km) southwest of Sendoshi.   Sunrise Point is known for spectacular sunrises, with the sun coming up over the distant peaks of the Great Eastern Mountains casting beams of light through the cloud caps above the glaciers. To the south and north of the town are large bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful white sand beaches. The town center lies on a high point between the two bays. The climate is mild year-round, as it is protected by the mountains and lies far enough south that it is never excessively hot.


The town is nominally ruled by Gwanjiyan Tulsen, a relative of Consort Gwanjiyan Annelia, but everyday affairs are generally handled by an informal town council made up of prominent members of the community. Criminal activity, which is rare, is dealt with by the detachment of guards from the Ministry of Imperial Security and Household tasked with patrolling the town. Those accused of serious crimes are sent to Sendoshi for trial and punishment.


Sunrise Point has no defences beside the small detachment of guards from the Ministry of Imperial Security and Household that patrol the town. They are all competent and well trained, but generally not overly zealous in their duties. There is a guardhouse and residence that is the headquarters of the guard detachment just outside the castle on Sunrise Point.


Sunrise Point is a residential and tourist town. Besides the homes of the permanent residents, there are many small inns and roadhouses for visitors. On Sunrise Point, the promontory on which the center of the town was built, is a relatively small walled castle, the residence of Gwanjiyan Tulsen, a relative of Consort Gwanjiyan Annelia, one of the consorts of Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen. There are also several art galleries in the town, as many prominent artists live and work at Sunrise Point.   Along the waterfront of the southern end of the town is a boardwalk, along which are several galleries, shops, taverns, arcades, and game rooms. It is a favorite pasttime among the many wealthy visitors to Sunrise Point to stroll along the boardwalk in the evening, enjoying the weather and scenery, browsing the artwork and souvenirs, taking in a meal or drink, or playing games of imagination, chance, or skill.


Along the large bay north of the town center is North Beach. South of the town center is South Beach. The oldest part of the town surrounding Sunrise Castle is Old Sunrise Point. Just to the south of Old Sunrise Point is the Boardwalk district. Just inland of the Boardwalk is the residential district.


Many of the wealthy citizens of Sendoshi travel to Sunrise Point to enjoy themselves, esepcially during the summer and early fall months when the weather is warmest. On occasion, members of the Imperial Family of the Great Sacred Empire make the journey to get away from Liliakinyosa for awhile, especially Consort Gwanjiyan Annelia and her daughters, Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinyat and Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsam, as their relative, Gwanjiyan Tulsen, lives in Sunrise Point Castle and nominally rules the town. He maintains relatively luxurious quarters for the Consort and the Princesses in the castle, but Princess Jinsam often complains that they are crude compared to her residence in Liliakinyosa.
Alternative Name(s)
Approximately 2000
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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