The Order of Apopshe

The Order of Apopshe is a cult dedicated to the worship of Apopshe, one of the twelve Safirim of the Nop Derk Safir. The Order of Apopshe sows discord, chaos, and anarchy wherever it is found, and as such it is hated by all rulers of Derkomai. It is an underground cult, and the cells of the cult meet secretly in safehouses, back rooms of taverns, and in other out of the way places.   The Order of Apopshe is backed covertly by the Drow Elvirim House Alierma from Isolabirre, and members of the Order assist spies and assassins of House Alierma and The Night of Apopshe in their tasks.


The Order of Apopshe is a cult, directed by the Medriat and Aelriat Shadows, led by Umbral Asuha Gowriat'Alierma, of The Night of Apopshe. The members of the Order meet in cells of at most five members that meet with a Shadow of The Night only once a month, or less. None of the members of the cells know any member of any other cell. Any human member discovered to be a member of the Order by an outsider is soon visited, fatally, by a Shadow of The Night. Leaks in the Order are not tolerated.

Divine Origins

The Order of Apopshe originated among human anarchists and terrorists in Sudland, Koyon, Teiyon, and Rigosland recruited by operatives of The Night of Apopshe. When Luaraenil Tygowriat'Alierma took power in House Alierma, one of her first actions to expand the power and influence of her House was to direct The Night of Apopshe to begin recruiting Human members, usually those opposed to or disaffected from the governments and leaders, into a new covert organization to be directed and led covertly by the Shadows of The Night. Once enough human members were recruited, they were organized into cells of the Order of Apopshe.

Tenets of Faith

The Order of Apopshe worships Apopshe, the Safirim deity and manifestation of chaos and darkness. They sow discord and chaos, weakening societies through theft, vandalism, terrorism, random acts of violence, and political assassinations. They delight in doing so, believing that Apopshe will reward them with the spoils of their destruction. In fact, operatives of The Night of Apopshe reward members of the Order with money and other, more personal, favors.


The Order of Apopshe has no ethics, and in fact, actively opposes ethical behavior other than to execute the commands given to them by operatives of The Night of Apopshe.


As the Order of Apopshe is a secret cult dedicated to Apopshe, it has no need of a formal priesthood. The Aelriat and Medriat operatives of The Night of Apopshe have devised rituals for entry into the Order and for rewarding members. They serve as a de-facto priesthood, whenever circumstances require them to play that role.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The members of the Order of Apopshe are the human shock troops of the covert war that the Drow Elvirim, especially those of House Alierma, are fighting against Human culture and society on Derkomai. They reflect the hatred that they and Edan have for all other people.
Religious, Cult
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Executive Body
The Order of Apopshe is controlled soley by Asuha Gowriat'Alierma and the Medriat and Aelriat Shadows of The Night of Apopshe. They pass information and directives to the Human members of the order to be acted on.
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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