The Return to the Stars

At the end of all days, the Numinous come
in Power and Light.
They challenge the Safir,
What gives them the Right?

And so there is War between Numin and Safir.
The outcome is clear, and no Choice remains.
Though unwilling, the Safirim submit.
The Praxis is broken.
We are freed from their chains.

We reclaim what once was ours,
And with our Numinous brothers,
We Return to the Stars.


The poetic legend and prophecy called The Fall from the Stars describes the fall of Humans from the stars onto Derkomai and prophecies that Humans will return to the stars one day. The prophecy known as The Return to the Stars tells of a war between the Safirim and the "Numinous" at the end of time. According to the prophecy, the Safirim are compelled by the power of the Numinous to remove the Praxis Illicitus and Praxis Cogendi, and all Humans return to the stars with their Numinous brothers, save a remnant that willingly remain on Derkomai.

Historical Basis

There is no known historical basis for the prophecy, other than the related myth of The Fall from the Stars, which is itself not universally accepted as having a factual basis. There is no species or people known as the "Numinous." Who they might be is debated among scholars of ancient Human history.

Cultural Reception

The prophecy called The Return to the Stars is known to most Humans of Derkomai, but generally only vaguely. It is not generally not credited as having any factual basis, unlike The Fall from the Stars, which many believe to be based on real events. Knowledge of The Return to the Stars prophecy is suppressed by The Vestry of Valamarashe, though it does not actually violate the Praxis Illicitus. Nevertheless, it is seen as heretical by all of the organizations devoted to the worship of any of the Safirim.

In Literature

The earliest known version of The Return to the Stars is found in The Book of History of the Great Sacred Empire in the earliest volumes alongside the earliest recording of The Fall from the Stars. If pressed, the Grand Imperial Historians of the Great Sacred Empire will say that the prophecy is indeed recorded there, but that it isn't credible and was probably a story invented based on wishful thinking much later than The Fall from the Stars.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Aug 23, 2024 21:42 by DM SIr Swank99

I love the tie into humans coming from the stars concept. In my world, I have materials and lore of a moon exploding causing history and chaos. To have the humans be from the stars gives a new meaning and with the omen of them one day leaving by the stars I like this concept. Really well done.

Aug 24, 2024 04:03 by Zero Sum Games

Thank you! I appreciate it. And thanks very much for following Derkomai. I hope you enjoy some of the other things I've written about Derkomai. I've been working on a story series that begins with "The Queen's Lost Son." You might enjoy it, and the backstories of the characters linked in the story series. I will check out your world and its lore. Thanks again!