
A turtlebug is a small (approximately 2" or 5 cm diameter) insect-like animal that feeds on dead plant and animal detritus litering forest and jungle floors. They prefer moist areas with lots of decaying matter. The most notable feature of the Turtlebug is its hard shell, similar to that of a turtle. Like a turtle, a Turtlebug will pull its head and legs into its shell when it senses danger nearby.

Basic Information


Turtlebugs have six insect-like legs that protrude from holes at the seam between the upper and lower shell. The short-necked, broad head protrudes from the front of the shell by only about an inch (2.5 cm), and is about one inch (2.5 cm) width. A short tail protrudes from the rear of the shell. The tail is somewhat flexible and has a hard tip that is used to sting attackers, injecting a relatively mild poison that causes intense pain and some swelling, but is not extremely toxic. If an adult Human is stung, the toxin is neutralized and pain stops usually within a couple of hours.   The shell of turtlebugs is multi-colored, with the main color usually greenish, with yellow, dark red, or purple stripes, flecks, or mottling, giving them some camouflage in the dead matter where they congregate. The shell is very hard, much harder than normal bone, nearly as hard as bronze. Few animals can crack the shell of a turtlebug with their teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tutlebugs lay eggs in burrows they dig in the ground under decaying logs, plants, or dead animals. A single clutch may include 100 or more eggs. The eggs take about five weeks to hatch. The young turtlebugs look like tiny adult turtlebugs, and immediately start foraging for food as soon as they are hatched. Turtlebugs do not shed their shell throughout their lives; the shell grows along with the turtlebug.   Like turtles, which they resemble (but are not related to in any way), turtlebugs have a long lifespan. A turtlebug can live up to 20 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Turtlebugs hatch from eggs. Tiny, less than 1/4" (0.5 cm) across when they hatch, they grow relatively quick in their first year of life, reaching about one inch (2.5 cm) across. They are fully grown and start laying eggs after about five years. At that point, they do not grow further.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The shell of turtlebugs is used as a component in spells of Warding Magic.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Turtlebugs are found throughout Derkomai in moist areas of temperate forests and jungles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Turtlebugs have a good sense of smell that they use to locate decaying matter on which they can feed. They also have good ability to sense motion and vibration (pallesthesia). They have weak vision and hearing.
Turtlebug by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
A Turtlebug
15 - 20 years
Average Weight
Roughly 1.5 ounces (45 grams)
Average Length
About 2 inches (5 cm)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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