Xozimadrax te Sergyel Character in Derkomai | World Anvil

Xozimadrax te Sergyel

Xozimadrax te Sergyel, Xozim Benialir Deona'Sergyel (a.k.a. Xozimadrax the Silver, Xozimadrax the Wingless, The Silver Wizard)

Xozimadrax te Sergyel (Xozimadrax the Silver) is (or actually, was) an ancient Sergyel Derkorim. His lair is in a mountain cave high above Xosuyel Vold Monastery.   After Xozimadrax was hatched, it was immediately apparent he was quite different from his two siblings; in fact, he was different from all other Sergyel Derkorim. Born without wings, unable to fly like other Dragons, Xozimadrax was a misfit from birth. Incapable of joining in most of the lessons in flight and combat his mother, Deonadrax te Sergyel, taught his siblings, Xozimadrax always felt, and in fact, was outcast, despite his mother's pity.   Spending most of his time as a young Dragon alone, Xozimadrax developed other abilities far beyond those of "normal" Dragons. From a very young age, his mental and magical abilities far exceeded even some adults many decades, even centuries, older. From the time he was just 8 years old, he could take the form of any creature he desired.   Seeing his abilities develop far beyond her own and recognizing that his lack of wings hindered his development among other Derkorim, his mother believed Xozimadrax would be happier among Humans or Elvirim. So, she spent roughly two years instructing him in the mannerisms and thinking of the Elvirim, and then guided him, in the Elvirim form he seemed to be most comfortable with, to Xosuyel Vold Monastery. It was when he was living there that Xozimadrax was visited and transfigured.  
In the blackness of midnight in his room in the monastery, Xozim Benialir Deona'Sergyel meditated. Even in the Elvirim form in which he spent virtually all of his time, he needed little sleep, but moving about the compound might disturb others, so he spent many nights quietly thinking, contemplating the teaching of the Gasyendithites of the monastery. Though he was a Derkorim, the teaching and philosophy of Gasyenditha appealed to him. Patience and serenity were not usually associated with any Dragon, even a Silver Dragon, but he found that calm meditation gave him space to think and react with intention. He contemplated a teaching of the eldest monk, "As you walk in the world, let your garments be compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." It was not a thought that would usually enter a Dragon's head, but Xozimadrax the Wingless, considered by all other Derkorim to be deformed and inferior, understood it. Arrogance was futile; there was always some other being that was superior in some way or another. Being kind and compassionate, gentle and patient brought innumerable benefits to himself and his companions. Xozim strived to adopt that teaching for himself; though it was very much foreign to his Derkorim nature.   Xozim's meditation increased his ability to focus, and thus increased his power and control over his magic. He was careful not to let the other inhabitants of the monastery know of his magical abilities. To them, he was just a "normal" Elvirim. It was quite unusual for an Elvirim to want to learn and practice the philosophy of Gasyenditha, but not quite entirely unheard of.   Though unable to fly, Xozim learned to magically "blink" from place to place. Using divination magic, he could "see" a place and then almost instantly teleport himself there. It was a highly useful skill. Through his magic, he was able to locate a cave in the mountains high above Xosuyel Vold that he adopted as his lair. He would often teleport to his cave late at night, returning back to the monastery before morning arrived and others would notice him missing. There he could take his natural Derkorim form for a while and practice his magic. After finding the cave, for the first time he began to collect treasure for his hoard, as Dragon's do, and shape his lair to his liking. His hoard grew slowly. He didn't raid the hoards of other Derkorim, rampage among the settlements of sentient species, or steal what belonged to others, so he could only gather from what he earned or found. His divination magic and ability to teleport helped him gather, however.   Although his hoard was small, it was everything he had, and it made him feel, perhaps for the first time, like a real Derkorim, so he placed several magical wards in his cave to warn him of intruders and protect it. If anything entered the cave without his leave, he would be aware of it, no matter where he was.   One morning, just as he was about to go to breakfast, he felt his wards trigger. Something was attempting to enter his lair. Xozim quickly blinked there, but he wasn't prepared for what greeted him. An enormous Haka Derkorim was attempting to break though his wards, but they were holding for now, and that was making the Dragon angry, very angry - not that the Red Dragon needed an excuse to be angry. They're always angry.   The Dragon roared, "I see you, little elf! Whatever you are hiding in there, I will have it!" The Dragon blasted a huge fireball at him, incinerating everything around him. The rocks melted and ignited, exploding from the intense heat. Despite his magical protections and natural resistance, Xozim felt his skin burning and blistering, his clothes and hair burnt away, and his lungs seared. He lost focus, causing him to revert to his natural Sergyel Derkorim form. It saved his life.   The giant Red Dragon, surprised at his transformation, paused for a moment. "What? What are you? You're not an elf? A Silver? A little Silver? Where are your wings? You're a cripple!" The Dragon chortled, "I will enjoy killing and eating you! I have never tasted the flesh of a Silver!"   In his arrogance, the Red Dragon had dropped his guard, giving Xozimadrax te Sergyel an opportunity. Not expecting an Elvirim nor a young Silver Dragon to be a threat, the Red hadn't raised any magical barriers to protect himself. Ignoring the excruciating pain from his wounds and in his lungs, Xozimadrax gathered the strongest blast of frigid, biting cold he could muster, and empowered it even further with a potent thaumaturgic spell to lower the temperature of the blast to near absolute zero. Without magical protection, extreme cold was the Red Dragon's one major weakness, and Xozimadrax exploited it. His blast of frigid breath slammed into the Red Dragon's unprotected face and hide. It was like it has been dipped in liquid helium. Scales instantly froze and shattered. The thinner skin and hide covering his wings cracked and tore. The Red's eyes were blinded. The Red's internal heat was nearly extinguished. It slumped to the ground, struggling feebly to regain full consciousness.   Incapacitated, the Red Dragon was defenseless, but given its power, it would recover before too long. Xozimadrax was also gravely injured. If the Red Dragon regained even half its strength, Xozimadrax would die, painfully. So, without the energy to muster another blast of cold nor for another powerful spell, he did what he could. Concentrating on the form of the Red lying not far away, he saw it high above the mountains where it so often flew, and then Xozim blinked the Red Dragon there. With its wings too damaged from the blast of hypothermic cold to fly, the Red Dragon plummeted to the ground, its bones and body shattered on the mountainside where it fell.   His endurance expended, Xozimadrax crawled into his lair and collapsed. He lay in his lair for a time, unconscious - he didn't know how long. The damage to his skin and lungs was severe. He had open burn wounds on much of his body, and he was bleeding. The pain was more than he could bear, and Xozimadrax felt himself dying. The words of the eldest monk came to him, and he reflected on how the arrogance of the Red Dragon led to its - literal - downfall, but they weren't really much comfort, since he was himself on the doorstep of death.   When he was nearly dead, a Being appeared in Xozim's cave, filling it with light. "Wake up, Xozimadrax te Sergyel," it said. "You are required."   Xozim felt his consciousness return, and he opened his eyes. The Being that stood before him didn't look like it was exactly there; though he could see it well enough. It looked something like a Human, but it was easily double the size of one. It glowed almost like it was on fire and had enormous wings covered in white feathers. It said, "Gasyenditha has found you worthy and requires your service. I have been sent to prepare you. You will be a Wistarim, doing Gasyenditha's will on Derkomai. Are you willing?"   Xozim said weakly, "I willingly follow the teachings of Gasyenditha, but what is a Wistarim?"   The Being replied, "A Wistarim is an immortal, like myself, but is ever-present in the world to do the bidding of the Safirim. Gasyenditha will have many tasks for you."   Xozim said, "But I am a Derkorim, even though I often pose as an Elvirim because it is easier for me in the monastery. People tend to be uncomfortable around Dragons."   The Being said, "Yes, we know that, Xozimadrax te Sergyel. You are accustomed to being something other than a Derkorim, yes?" Xozim replied, "Yes, I suppose that I am."   The Being said, "Then you shall no longer be Derkorim. You shall be a Wistarim of Gasyenditha. Are you willing?"   Xozim asked, "What if I am not willing?" The Being said, "Then we shall depart and leave you here as you are. You will soon die, as you know." Xozim said, "Yes, I know. My body is burnt and broken. You don't leave me with much choice but to accept."   The Being said, "Sometimes choices are not choices, but we still must choose. Do not be afraid, Xozimadrax te Sergyel. Gasyenditha values your life. You will not be harmed, nor coerced to do anything you do not want to do. We urge you. Choose to live."   Xozim asked, "Will I be able to keep my Derkorim form and abilities?" The Being paused for a moment, then said, "It is allowed. But you will remain wingless. Remember, as you walk in the world, let your garments be compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. These are not the usual thoughts of a Derkorim. Your lack of wings will remind you. So, are you willing to become a Wistarim of Gasyenditha?"   Xozim answered, "I have studied the teachings of the Gasyendithites. I believe they make the world a better place for all. So, yes, I am willing."   The Being said, "Then be healed and take your new form."   Xozimadrax te Sergyel felt his wounds disappear. He felt as healthy as he had ever been in his life. He reverted into his Elvirim form, but it was the Being that had caused the transformation, not him.   The Being said, "This is your new form. You still appear to be an Elvirim, but you are now a Wistarim. Though you are no longer Derkorim, you can still appear to be so, when you wish, just as you could take the shape of any other creature before. As a Wistarim, you will be conscious of Gasyenditha's will and guidance. As your communion deepens, you will receive additional powers."   Xozim felt a little disappointed, and yet a little relieved, that he didn't feel very different than he had before while in his Elvirim form. Shouldn't he feel some dramatic change? He asked, "So, what should I do now? I don't really feel much different."   The Being replied, "Return to the monastery. Your work will begin there. Gasyenditha will guide you." Then it was gone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xozim is immortal and suffers from no diseases or physical ailments.

Mental characteristics


Xozimadrax te Sergyel was educated by his mother, Deonadrax te Sergyel, as a hatchling and young Derkorim, then as Xozim Benialir Deona'Sergyel, by the monks of Xosuyel Vold Monastery.

Intellectual Characteristics

Xozim is brilliant, even by Derkorim standards. After his transformation, becoming a Wistarim, his intellect cannot be compared to that of mortal species. He has access to the thoughts of the Safirim Gasyenditha, which are far beyond those of any mortal and most all other immortals.

Morality & Philosophy

Xozim is not only a follower of Gasyenditha, he lives in the world to promote the beliefs and philosophy of peace and serenity of Gasyenditha and the Gasyendithites.
Xozimadrax te Sergyel
Xozimadrax te Sergyel by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Xozimadrax te Sergyel (Xozimadraz the Silver, Xozimadrax the Wingless)

Xozimadrax te Sergyel in Human form
Xozimadrax te Sergyel in Human form by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Xozimadrax te Sergyel (The Silver Wizard) in Elvirim form
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
As you walk in the world, let your garments be compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Known Languages
As a Wistarim, Xozim speaks all known languages of Derkomai.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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