
The Wistarim are a subspecies of Balim, related to the Shisharrim and Shibaorim, that live among the sentient people of Derkomai as one of them, appearing as a Human, Elvirim, Dwarvirim, and perhaps even as Orkrim or other sentients, though that seems doubtful.   Wistarim, unlike the Shisharrim, but like other Balim, are devoted to one of the Safirim. Unlike the Balim, Wistarim live among the people of Derkomai; though usually covertly. They often take an identity as a Magus, as that gives cover to their magical and supernatural abilities (which are much greater than those of of a typical Magus). Because they are often thought to be Magi, Humans often call them Wizards.

Basic Information


Wistarim appear physically to be a typical Human, Elvirim, or whatever they choose to appear to be.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wistari are immortal; though, like Okkurim, their mortal bodies can be killed (though with great difficulty), sending them to The Elysium or The Void until the Safirim they serve chooses their new path.


The Wistarim exist to carry out the will of the Safirim they are devoted to. They use their considerable intellect, and on occasion their magical and supernatural powers, to influence the world in ways that promote the goals and plans of the Safirim. However, only a few of the twelve Safirim have Wistarim devotees.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Wistarim have intellectual abilities for beyond those of a typical Human or Elvirim. Only the greatest Magi can approach their intellectual and magical prowess.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Technologies

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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