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The Dulaagi are the distant descendants of dragons who were born of mortal parents.   Singular: Dulaag; Plural: Dulaagi; Adjective: Dulaagi

Basic Information


Dulaagi are born as regular members of the humanoid races and maintain this form until they mutate into a Dulaag in adolescence. They inherit features such as claws, horns, scales, tails, and facial features from their draconic ancestors. Most also experience an increase in mass, resulting in a taller and more muscular build than others of their original race.

Biological Traits

Many biological traits, such as height, weight, and body shape, are largely the same for a given Dulaag as for their original race. Dulaagi tend to have a lifespan about 50% longer than members of their original race.

Genetics and Reproduction

When mating, the Dulaagi are genetically identical to their former race. For example, a Dulaagi who was once an elf will mate with a human to produce half-elf children. There doesn't seem to be a significant increase in the occurrence of Dulaagi transformations in children whose parents are Dulaagi.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The bloodline of dragons has spread wide and thin over the entire planet. A dulaagi transformation is rare, but it can occur anywhere.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The dulaagi have the ability to see at a distance in the dark, a trait they share with their draconic ancestors. But, unlike dragons, dulaagi do not have other advanced forms of perception.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Dulaagi speak the languages they were taught as children. However, they also inherit an understanding of Draconic as part of their transformation.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Knowledge of the draconic bloodline is scarce, and the occurrence of dulaagi mutations has been observed throughout the history of the world. However, since the growth of horns is one of the first signs of transformation, many cultures assume that the soon-to-be dulaagi is a demon spawn. As a result, many dulaagi are killed, abandoned, or exiled early in their transformation. It is rare for a dulaag to remain in his home once his transformation begins.   Even once fully transformed, dulaagi are often feared and shunned by most societies. They are a rare and misunderstood sight to most people, and only scholars and worldly individuals can understand their true nature. Many dulaagi find a surprising home among the kobolds, who worship dragons and anything created by or descended from them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
All Dulaagi are large and stocky for a member of their original race after their transformation, though they do not show any particular increase in muscle mass.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The scale colors and markings of the dulaagi are reminiscent of the dragons that serve as their ancestors.
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