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Nephilim are a unique and rare race that defy the laws of nature. They are the result of the convergence of the opposing bloodlines of celestials and fiends within mortals, an occurrence that many believe to be impossible. As such, the very existence of Nephilim is a paradox, and many believe that they exist only in legend. Nevertheless, Nephilim do exist, and they are a testament to the power of celestial and fiendish bloodlines.

Basic Information


Nephilim come in various shapes and sizes, not only due to their ability to manifest within any humanoid race, but also because each individual possesses unique physical traits that may even evolve over time as their conflicting bloodlines contend within them. Some common physical traits include unusual skin, hair, and eye colors, demon-like horns and tails, and wings that can reflect either bloodline. Nephilim wings are a particularly intriguing aspect of their anatomy. These wings can be feathered, membranous, or a combination of both. The colors of the wings often reflect the celestial or fiendish aspect of the Nephilim's heritage.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nephilim are not born of direct celestial or fiendish descent. Rather, they are conceived when a mortal of celestial lineage mates with one of fiendish lineage, but only if both parents are mortals. Neither the Semaforas nor the Lemegeton are capable of directly conceiving a Nephilim, nor are their celestial or fiendish ancestors. Nephilim are capable of producing children of their parent race without any trace of celestial or fiendish ancestry in their offspring.

Growth Rate & Stages

Nephilim have a unique life cycle. They are born as normal children of their parents' race and develop normally through the early years of their lives. When they reach puberty, their Nephilim traits begin to develop and become apparent. Many Nephilim die during this period due to the inherent conflict between their celestial and fiendish anatomies as they form. Those Nephilim who survive into adulthood will find that they do not seem to age beyond their early to mid-twenties. However, their bodies are still internally ravaged, and they may find themselves much weaker in health and endurance than others of their race.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Nephilim have unique sensory abilities that set them apart from other humanoid races. With their exceptional eyes, they can detect a specific amount of infrared light, enabling them to maneuver through places that are typically absent of visible light. This ability gives them an advantage in low-light environments and makes them well-suited for tasks that require enhanced visual acuity. In addition, Nephilim have a heightened sense of hearing, allowing them to pick up sounds that are beyond the range of Human hearing. These sensory abilities make Nephilim formidable opponents in battle and allow them to excel in a variety of professions.
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