M9A5 Carbine

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ammunition is cycled through the firearm via a direct gas impingement system, the bolt recoiling back into the buffer tube in a similar fashion to the old M4A1 carbines used all the way back in the 1990's through the mid 2000s. Unlike these outdated guns however, the M9A5 utilizes caseless ammunition instead of brass casingings, everything other than of course the projectile itself burning up as propellant when electronically fired. The majority of the barrel of the rifle is one long suppressor that eliminates a large majority of the sound, reducing the muzzle report to only around 70 decibels as well as eliminating most of the recoil and almost all muzzle flash. These suppressors did bring up a new problem however, as these carbines were made to see service in potential vaccumes, meaning that the suppressors were prone to overheating to the point of melting due to not being able to radiate heat off fast enough. To solve this, the suppressor/barrels were redisgned to be far faster and easier to produce at only a small decrease in function, each one being 3D printed with special metal, carbon, and polymer alloys. This allows barrels to be switched out easily as soon as they become too hot or get too dirty. To do this, the user must depress the button to the front of the angled foregrip with their forefinger while pushing forward with their thumb hooked into the openin to slide the foregrip forward. This disconnects and ejects the barrel out the side of the rifle, where it is then replaced by a fresh barrel usually stored in pouches on the thigh of wielding soldiers and then locked into place by sliding the foregrip back. A very conductive metal tube runs from the edge of where it contacts the wall of the suppressor to a small readout display on the side of the gun that deontes the current tempature of the barrel, disclosing to the soldier when it is time to switch. The smart optic, which comes standard issue with the weapon, is capable of 0-16x magnification. The optic is linked directly to an optical aid and processing unit (OAPU) just ahead of it that can act as a range finder, automicatlly adjust the reticle for wind, pressure, etc, allow the use of thermal or IR view, and lastly can connect directly to a soldiers over-eye optic which allows them to see the direct POV of the carbine's sights. This helps with target acquisition and sight picture when bulky environmentally sealed helmets are necessitated. Additionally, the OAPU can emit both vidible and IR lasers and flashlight beams as well as running off of a lithium ion recharable battery that can last up to 50 hours of standard combat use on one charge. Lastly, each seperate component of the carbine is made of a slightly different compostition of metal or polymer alloy  in addition to all being coated to prevents the metal oxidization welding effect when in a vacuum.


Formerly the NESW-9 (New Earth Squad Weapon), the winning bid of the NESW program put out by the New Earth Global Alliance Army in 2147 AD. Originally, the firearm was either painted or made entirely with white polymer furniture to absorb less heat than the more traditional black and greys of histrorical weapoons. After combat trials, this was reverted in exchange for anti IR and thermal coating as it was seen too easily against modern backdrops. The overheating issue was solved with the interchangable suppressor/barrel hybrids that each NEGA Shock Trooper now carries on their thigh.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
Designed in 2145, entered service in 2148
Owning Organization
1,173,500 produced, 812,740 currently in service
7.58 lbs
6.8x66mm Caseless
Base Price


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