PANGEA Shock Trooper

1: The thick hardened glass visor allows for a very wide field of view in addition to the whole helmet moving with the bearer's own head movements. It can be instantly tinted to a reflective bronze color via an electronic polorazation screen in dangerously bright environments.   2: An over-eye optic can be flipped up and down over the user's visor that allows them to see in night vision and thermal spectrums as well as being able to interface directly with their rifle, the M9A5 Carbine, to see it's direct POV. This helps with acquiring a good sight picture when a cheek weld is made impossible by a bulky helmet.   3: 2 tubes redundantly supply oxygen to the soldier within for up to 20 hours. If a puncture or leak is detected in one, the linkage automatically disconnects and the port seals to avoid further loss of atmosphere or pressure. If both tubes are punctured, a small internal backup supply in the suit can sustain the soldier for up to 6 hours.   4: The frontal grill of the suit can transmit and amplify the voice of the user outside of the suit for communication with individuals or simply transmitted silently to fellow soldiers.   5: A transmitter in a front chest pouch is capable of long range comincatuon and broadcasting, all the way up to orbit if conditions are favorable. It can aslo receive various forms of communication.   6: Quick release ripcords are located on each shoulder pad, simultaneous triggering of both immediately ejecting the back-mounted oxygen tank and environmentally sealing the suit. This feature was added after several reported incidents of a tank being punctured by enemy fire in space and the force of the evacuating gas causing the soldier to be propelled to an undesirable position. As previously stated, each suit can keep the bearer alive for up to 6 hours on internal supply alone. It should also be noted that these shoulder plates provide level III+ ballistic protection.   7: 3 magazine pouches on the chest each hold 2 M9A5 Carbine magazines stacked in front of each other, granting the soldier a large supply of ammunition. Underneath the magazines are located front and back level IV+ plates.   8: Comunication, calculation, hacking, real-time map display, and many other features are achievable by the forearm computer. The top armored screen is closed by default in a laptop-like fashion to prevent damage or accidental button pressing, and can be opened by pressing the button on top.   9: 3 emergency suit patch rolls are located on the opposite forearm. When the tab is pulled the patch is removed from the tube and it rapidly unfolds and activates. An internal battery heats the surface of the pad and allows it to fuse to any external surface of the suit in case of a puncture. In addition, disinfectants coat the surface and help to sanitize any injury below. As for bleeding, every major joint of the shit has inbuilt tourniquets that can be activated at the press of a button to internally cut off blood flow to a critically injured limb.    10: 5 spare M9A5 Carbine suppressors are kept in container tubes on the soldier's thigh for easy acces to switch out in case of overheating in space or otherwise as caseless ammunition generates more heat transfer to the gun itself.   11: The thigh pouch on the opposite side can hold various different items based on indivual desired, but often contains grenades, spare batteries, laser cutters, etc.   12: Used in case of close range melee combat, such as in the cramped corridors of a craft after a boarding action, this combat dagger is designed for stabbing actions to puncture through thick layers of clothes such as a space suit. After the blade has been inserted into flesh, a button can be pressed on the side which triggers the CO2 canister stored in the handle, creating a rapid pressure increase inside the victim and causing severe internal damage. These canisters can be replaced by unscrewing the bottom plate and inserting a new canister.   13: In longer combat engagements bodily functions will naturally occur. To help with the physical needs of the soldier, urine is collected via a general sleeve or cup and stored in a small internal container. This is then collected and reporposed into drinkable water due to water's inherent rarity in space.   14: Power cords run from the high density safecore battery fixed in the small of the soldier's back to every suit system necessitating electricity. The indicated cords, which are the thickest, run externally  to magnetic lock boots. The safecore battery itself was designed originally in the early 2000s are has since been perfected, not exploding and starting on fire like other batteries, even when shot.   15: Magnetic lock boots can be turned on and off via and electric current run through superconductors lining each sole. They are activated and deactivated by the press of a button positioned for the bearer's big toe to press. The boots allow soldiers to walk on metal surfaces to get stable footing in zero gravity environments. They can even be adjusted to work on metal rich asteroids.  


Rank2 Years Experience4+ Years Experience
Private (E1) $28,011 $28,011
Private (E2) $30,790 $30,790
PFC (E3) $31,118 $35,571
Corporal (E4) $35,042 $39,977
Sergeant (E5) $37,763 $43,390
Staff Sergeant (E6) $40,766 $47,786

Accoutrements & Equipment

Standard issue M9A5 Carbine is designed to function perfectly in and out of atmosphere.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
1 Tour of Duty = 4.5 years
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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