
Skirmishers are the smallest type of space warfare craft, usually used for things such as high mobility maneuvers, quick surprise attacks, and rapid flanking actions. They are also the most common type of vessel in almost every country's spaceforce. Skirmishers have two distinctly different sub-classes: Flankers and Interceptors. While Skirmishers are designed for more relatively prolonged high pace engagements, Flankers are usually highely maneuverable and speedy crafts that are made to quickly dart around the exposed and weak areas of an enemy vessel and cause hopefully permanent damage, or at the very least a distraction, before shooting away into the void. Interceptors have huge engines for their size and are likely the fastest class of craft, made for outrunning or hunting down enemies and attacking them enough to disable their engines so larger crafts can catch up if not taking out the target themselves.
Typically between 20 and 45 meters


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