Lovelace-Class Flanker

Power Generation

Lovelace-Classes run off of 4 linked military-grade lithium ion batteries which can power all of the functions of the craft for 98 hours and then 72 more on low power mode where all non-essential functions are disabled. Solar panels arrayed on the outside of the craft's ring connecting its 4 thruster pylons can also directly charge these batteries, though fairly slowly. It should be noted that this ring also serves as a radiator to absorb heat from the engines and radiate it into space.


These flankers have 8 thrusters, 4 rear-facing (7) and 4 retro thrusters (6) located in front of each rear thuster. All 8 are capable of thrust vectoring, making Lovelace-Classes exceedingly speedy and maneuverable, capable of both high straight forward speed as well as vertical and horizontal strafing. The thusters are fed liquid hydrogen fuel via gas lines (8) that run through high-pressure fuel pumps located at the craft's 4 fuel tanks (11). This craft is often docked with a larger vehicle, weather that be a battlecraft, warcraft, carrier, or station. It docks with a mothership with its 4 solid titanium rods (10) that slide and lock into 4 corresponding tubes on the mothership with matching diameter. A chemical propellant charge is placed at the end of this tube that can detonate on command, launching the Lovelace away from its parent and giving it an initial inertia and acceleration boost.

Weapons & Armament

The 40mm autocannon (1) mounted on the nose of the vessel has 2 independent roatation axis, one via the motorized mounting points and the other at the base of the fixture, allowing for large firing arc with very few blind spots. Solid metal disks fixed around the barrel of the cannon and run from the base of it to a little less than half way up and act as both heat sinks and radiators to absorb heat generated by the gun's firing. A small thurster is fixed to the back of the gun and is calibrated to burn exactly as the gun fires, counteracting any forces that would otherwise have been applied to the craft. Ammunition is fed into the action of the autocannon through the 2 mounting corner posts end to end, every other round being taken into the mechanism. The 40mm ammunition it fires is caseless and the projectile is typically either a singular penetrating discarding sabot or a collection of scattershot flechettes.

Armor and defense

An angled frontal titanium alloy armor plate (2) is fixed just behind the gun mount and is the main defense of the crew as well as internal components. It is 100mm thick and is fairly effective at stopping or deflecting most attacks. It also serves as a counterweight to help stabilize the weight displacement at the back end of the craft. Additionally, 12 (3 on each quadrant) angled primary radiator panels (9) at the back half of the vessel have 205mm of armor on each of their faces that serves to protect with fuel tanks with multiple layers of defense. Lovelace-Classes also have 8 multifunctional launchers, each one located immediately below on of the ship's thrusters. These single-shot launchers can be armed with hard kill anti-shell/missile directional explosives, anti-laser reflective chaff, anti-target lock chaff, or even emergency beacons.


4 high power ocular devices (3) are arrayed around the craft's hull just after the front armor plates. Each are capable of up to 150x magnification, autonomous robotically controlled movement/tacking/spotting, recording, and establishing target locks. They also can view in both the visual, infrared, and thermal spectrums.

Additional & auxiliary systems

As these crafts usually have their entire cabs pressurized and filled with atmosphere due to their small size, emergency atmosphere vents (4) are located on either side of the exit/entry hatch (5). The rapid evacuation system can be triggered by 2 crewmen turning nobs on opposite ends of the vehicle simultaneously, venting all oxygen onboard. Face masks with a 18 hour supply of oxygen are provided for each crew member. Somtimes crews will already be outfitted in full space pressure suits with the cabin alreadt devoid of atmosphere if high risk combat is likely.
Owning Organization
78 currently in service
Related Technologies
24.989 meters (81.98 feet)
33.913 meters (111.26 feet)
24.989 meters (81.98 feet)
18.73 tons (37,460 lbs)
7,600 m/s (17,001 mph) cruising speed
30,846 m/s (69,000 mph) max speed
Complement / Crew
5 souls: 1 driver, 1 navigator, 1 gunner, 1 spotter, and 1 engineer


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