Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy

The Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy, often referred to simply as "The Hierocracy," is a sovereign state located on the asteroid 4 Vesta. It emerged from a former Earth colony and developed into an independent nation driven by the spiritual and political ideology of the Faith of the Guiding Light. This nation venerates Earth as the Holy Ground and is dedicated to the ultimate goal of retaking and restoring it. 


The colony on 4 Vesta was established by Earth during a period of interplanetary expansion. It was initially a mining and research outpost, but over time, a distinctive culture began to develop among the settlers. The isolation from Earth and the harsh conditions of life in the asteroid belt led to the birth of The Faith of the Guiding Light. This new religion unified the colonists with a shared vision and purpose. When contact with Earth was abruptly lost in The Great Storm, the colonists faced a crisis of identity and survival. The Faith of the Guiding Light provided the cohesion and moral foundation needed to organize and thrive. Over several decades, the colony transformed into the Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy, a nation governed by religious principles and a vision of returning to Earth. 

Government and Society 

The Hierocracy is governed by the Luminary Council, a body of spiritual leaders who interpret the sacred texts and guide the nation’s policies. The High Luminary, elected by the council, serves as the head of state and the supreme spiritual leader. The government is a theocracy, where religious doctrine informs all aspects of law and governance. In more recent times, a new figure calling himself the first and only prophet of the religion has emerged and taken control of both political and religious branches of the Vestan government. His name is Archprohpet Locke.  
    Citizens of the Hierocracy are deeply committed to the Faith of the Guiding Light. Community life is structured around religious observance, education, and preparation for the eventual return to Earth. The society is highly disciplined, with a strong emphasis on duty, sacrifice, and collective well-being. 

The Beacon of Souls 

At the heart of the Hierocracy's capital city, Luminaris, stands the The Beacon of Souls. This towering structure is both a technological and spiritual marvel, embodying the nation’s aspirations. The Beacon’s Light of Illumination shines perpetually, symbolizing the unwavering faith of the Hierocracy and serving as a guide for the souls of the departed. The Beacon complex includes underground ceremonial halls, meditation chambers, and educational facilities, making it the central hub of spiritual and communal life. Pilgrimages to the Beacon are a significant aspect of religious practice, reinforcing the connection between the citizens and their sacred mission. 

Flag and Symbols 

The flag of the Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy, a powerful emblem of their identity, features a split design. On the left, a white silhouette of a warrior, shielded and brandishing a sword, stands against a deep blue background, symbolizing the steadfast resolve and protective nature of the Hierocracy. On the right, a blue bull’s head on a white background represents strength, resilience, and determination. Together, these symbols reflect the nation’s commitment to their divine mission and their readiness to face any challenge in their pursuit of reclaiming Earth. 

Economy and Technology 

The economy of the Hierocracy is primarily based on mining, manufacturing, and scientific research. 4 Vesta's rich mineral resources provide the raw materials needed for sustaining the population and advancing their technological capabilities. The nation has developed advanced technologies in energy production, life support systems, and space travel, driven by the necessity of survival and the long-term goal of returning to Earth. Education is highly valued, with a strong focus on science, engineering, and religious studies in an attempt to make up for lost time and bridge the technological gap between them and Earth. Every citizen is trained to contribute to the collective goal, whether through technological innovation, spiritual leadership, or practical skills necessary for daily life. 

Military and Defense 

The Vestal Hierocracy maintains a well-organized and increasingly technologically advanced military force. The Armed Forces of the Light are tasked with defending the nation, protecting its interests in the asteroid belt, and preparing for the eventual return to Earth. Military service is seen as a sacred duty, and the soldiers are deeply respected within society. Training is rigorous, and the military is equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and spacecraft. The doctrine of the Armed Forces is rooted in the principles of the Faith of the Guiding Light, emphasizing honor, sacrifice, and the ultimate goal of liberating and restoring Earth.

Culture and Festivals 

The culture of the Hierocracy is rich with religious significance. Daily life is infused with rituals, prayers, and communal activities that reinforce the shared mission. Festivals and holy days mark significant events in the history of Earth and the Faith of the Guiding Light. One of the most important celebrations is the Festival of Illumination, a month-long event that culminates in a grand ceremony at The Beacon of Souls. During this festival, citizens engage in fasting, prayer, and communal storytelling, renewing their vows to reclaim Earth. Art, music, and literature are highly valued and often reflect themes of faith, hope, and the beauty of the lost Earth. The Hierocracy has a rich tradition of oral and digital storytelling, where elders recount the history and prophecies of the Faith of the Guiding Light. 

Diplomatic Relations 

As an isolated nation, the Vestal Hierocracy has limited contact with other colonies and factions within the asteroid belt and beyond. They maintain a policy of cautious engagement, preferring to focus on their internal goals and spiritual mission. However, they are open to alliances and trade with like-minded communities that respect their beliefs and support their vision. Diplomatic envoys are carefully selected and trained to represent the Hierocracy’s interests and to seek out opportunities that could aid in their mission to retake Earth. These envoys are seen as extensions of the Archprohpet Locke’s will and are treated with great respect. 

Vision for the Future 

The ultimate goal of the Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy is to return to Earth and restore it to its former glory. This vision drives every aspect of their society, from education and technology to governance and military strategy. They believe that through their faith, dedication, and unity, they will overcome any obstacles and fulfill their divine mission. In preparation for this monumental task, the Hierocracy continuously develops its technological capabilities, trains its citizens, and strengthens its spiritual foundation. They see themselves as the guardians of humanity’s future, destined to heal the Holy Ground and bring about a new era of prosperity and enlightenment. The Theocratic Vestal Hierocracy stands as a testament to the power of faith and the resilience of the human spirit. On the harsh, rocky, and atmosphere-less surface of 4 Vesta, they have built a thriving society, united by a common purpose and an unbreakable bond to the sacred mission that defines their existence.


  • 4 Vesta
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Vestan or Belter
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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