The Great Storm

Disaster / Destruction


On New Year's Day 2100, a Super Carrington-class solar storm occurred, ravaging the entirety of the Sol system. The storm's power was not accurately recorded as all related equipment was destroyed or disabled in the event, but was without a doubt the most powerful solar flare to be released by the sun in modern history. In addition to recording and sensor equipment, nearly all communications and almost anything else that ran off of electricity was destroyed or disabled by the unprecedented electromagnetic pulse. This immediately cut off all communication between Earth and her colonies, plunging the entire system into a comms blackout. Mars, 4 Vesta, and Jupiter quickly realized that they had to become self sufficient to survive this calamity, because no help as coming. And survive they did. Not so lucky, the colony on Ceres was not able to sustain itself through the time of darkness, along with many isolated bases and stations throughout the asteroid belt. It was becasue of this event that the different planets of the solar system seperated permanently from PANGEA, becoming their own nations with enough independent power to challenge the very originator of life in the system itself. True consistent contact was not established between the various celestial bodies until nearly 13 years later due to both lingering magnetic interference effects of the storm as well as all communications devices having to be completely rebuilt after they were destroyed.

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