Assassins Guild Duvak

The Duvak are rumored to be unmatched masters of the blade, wielding razor-sharp knives and short axes with deadly precision. They are shadows in the night, striking swiftly and silently, leaving no witnesses behind. In a world fraught with violence and chaos, they are said to undergo rigorous training within brutal gladiator pits nestled amidst the beastkin slums. There, they refine their combat skills and hone their expertise in the art of assassination.   On top of all of that, they are a group made entirely of “City Rats.” One of the few races of beastkin which never became slaves of Dragsa. It seems as though Dragsa wasn't intending on releasing them, but rather they escaped the laboratory one day. Initially, the people in the Fortress of Dragsa despised them, considering them vile vermin. Accepting these seemingly monstrous beings was unthinkable. However, over time, these city rats found some level of acceptance in Dragsa's society. They got low-paying jobs, ran haphazard markets, and were allowed in stores. People realized they had a strong sense of community and resourcefulness. Despite their usefulness, the deep-rooted prejudice against the city rats never ceased to exist. Soon, their unique skills became known to everyone. They navigated the city's tunnels and passageways, becoming guides, especially for the underbelly of the city—the black market.   Going back to Duvak, they are one of the most well known organizations ran by the City Rats—they evoke both fear and respect from all who possess knowledge of their existence. Surprisingly, despite their reputation for ruthlessness, the Duvak are said to hold values of the loyalty and honor dear. Once they accept a job, they are unwaveringly committed and willing to lay down their own lives to protect their clients. They are beastkin of their word, executing their missions with unparalleled efficiency and unwavering resolve. The mere thought of their existence sends shivers down one's spine.   Yet, it is this very loyalty and honor that has garnered them a certain level of respect, even among the darkest corners of the city. In a world teetering on the precipice of uncertainty, where trust is a rare and fragile commodity, the dark side of the city yearns for something solid to depend on. And perhaps it is the Duvak, with their unwavering commitment and unyielding resolve, who provide that sense of stability and reliability that transcends the boundaries of legality.
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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