Fortress of Dragsa

The Fortress of Dragsa is composed of the Dragsa nation, which controls several cities across the Kallonia continent, and the Republic of Misty Waters from The Scareguards Archipelago. During the ongoing war with the Redoe Alliance, the human nation of Dragsa underwent a process of militarization, resulting in a highly regimented society under a centralized government. They also harnessed the power of the Roots of Life, which allowed them to create armies of beastkin and imbue their elite troops with magic. After transforming one of their largest port towns into a formidable fortress, it was renamed the Fortress of Dragsa, a name that soon came to represent the entire country. The nation's religion heavily emphasizes the Roots of Life as a divine blessing and regards their queen as a prophetess. Presently, there are several distinct groups within the nation, each with its own objectives and allies. Despite appearing unified on the surface, these factions do not share a unified vision of how to lead the country or wield their power. As the Fortress grows stronger, so does their cruel treatment of the beastkin races, leaving many to wonder if their thirst for power has gone too far.   They are also allied with the Republic of Misty Waters, a coalition of pirate groups who rule over the Scareguards archipelago's floating islands. Somewhat unstable coalition to say the least. The Fortress of Dragsa also has strong ties with several overseas nations, thanks to their agreement with the pirates, allowing for safer trade.   Fortress of Dragsa. To humans, they are the symbol of strength and hope—the ones who drove away the specter of certain doom from the clutches of the ruthless elves and dwarves of Kallonia. For the non-human races, they are oppressors who only recently arrived, seizing everything in sight and driving them away from the continent. All of this is done underthe command of the merciless Queen Anara, regarded by Dragsans as more of a goddess than just a mortal ruler. Oddly, I feel like both perspectives are right.   Dragsa is a human kingdom that has expanded its dominion across almost the entirety of Kallonia. Where dwarven cities carved from stone once stood, now stretch golden fields of “Morality is the shield of the weak. One that fails them in their time of greatest need.” Queen Anara, Undying Ruler of the Fortress of Dragsa crops as far as the eye can see. Where the elven villages once peeked from the woods, there are now bustling communities of lumberjacks, toiling till the sun sets. At its zenith, Dragsa held near-total control over the continent, thanks to their mastery of magical technologies. Despite this, their greatest weapon which allowed them to secure supremacy over everyone has now become a threat that has turned against them—the Beastkin. Today, Kallonia is no longer under the undivided rule of Dragsa. Instead, the land has become a battleground where human and non-human forces vie for control. The once-unquestioned reign of Dragsa is now tested by the united front of the Beastkin as well as the other races, marking a new chapter in the unfolding history of Kallonia.  

Politics, Trade, and Chaos

The city stands as a bustling and prosperous trading hub with its lively harbor and the constant ebb and flow of ships. From Kallonia, the Fortress collects the wood, crops and other farm products from the whole continent as it flows to them via the Leose river. Each day, a multitude of vessels arrives and departs, laden with goods that traverse the entire continent. Simultaneously, ships from Dragsa navigate upstream, carrying the crafted wares from the Fortress's workshops or the exotic treasures acquired from overseas merchants. Similarly, merchants from allied nations embark on journeys to Dragsa, seeking to exchange their goods for the abundant crops or the intricate magical trinkets and tools crafted in the city of Aaheron. The perpetual exchange of commodities links the distant regions in a web of economic exchange.   The political landscape of the Fortress of Dragsa is complex, yet oddly stable. As the dominant power on the continent of Kallonia, the Fortress holds sway over the majority of the land, with only the Banewood Forest and a few scattered islands remaining under the rule of the rebellious beastkin. While Encura's existence has a huge symbolic effect for the beastkin, they are not a threat to Dragsa neither politically nor economically. Despite this, the ongoing Beastkin Revolution fuels tension among the citizens of Dragsa, sparking sporadic uprisings within their own territories.   To the east lies the continent of Redoe, controlled by The Kingdom of Hyste Talma. The ongoing conflicts primarily manifest as skirmishes on the sea, forcing Dragsa to disperse its armies widely to safeguard its extensive territories. This constant state of tension divides the Fortress's forces into smaller units, each tasked with securing its share of the contested sea routes. Despite the military challenges, Dragsa's strategic position on the western trade routes puts a heavy strain Hyste Talma's economic situation. Ships must pass through their territory to reach Redoe, providing an advantage to the Fortress. If the Fortress can offer the traders a deal that is equivalent to or better than what they'd get at Redoe, they will surely go for the trading partner who is closer to them.   To the southeast lies the Republic of Misty Waters. The Fortress is in a somewhat unstable coalition with them. The alliance primarily exists to ensure safe passage for traders from various overseas nations. Through an agreement with the pirates, the Fortress secures safe trade routes, shielding merchants from the threat of sudden attacks.   Dragsa finds themselves in an uncertain predicament regarding the Disciples of Chaos. Thus far, the faction has refrained from establishing direct contact with the Fortress, seemingly confined to the distant continent of Herja. Queen Anara keenly observes the rapid advancement of the Disciples from afar as all the kingdoms who were either neutral or allied to them on Herja are collapsing. Despite the fast expansion of the Disciples, the Fortress remains embroiled in their own internal conflicts, rendering them incapable of extending assistance to other kingdoms. Queen Anara, with the wisdom borne of several centuries of existence, perceives the unfolding events to be unnaturally accelerated, which leaves her to ponder the reasons behind this unsettling phenomenon.  

Dark Secrets of Dragsa

Sinnalor Tu’ur

“Sinnalor Tu’ur” is a name for the fighting arena created by the beastkin. A place where gladiators fight to prove their worth, earn money, or just fight to the death. The place started pretty small but as people from both inside and outside the walls started to frequent the matches, and a few sponsors wanted to invest in it. The money started to flow and the beastkin expanded the arena more and more until it grew to its current massive size.   As is usually the case with names created by beastkin, this one also stems from mispronounced elvish words. The “Tu’ur” is commonly used by Vepri as synonym of strong, while Sinna comes from elvish word “Srinna”, a word used for someone testing the limits of what is possible. The ending “lor” shows up in many names of the places, so overall it might just mean “a place to test one's strength” or maybe the limits of said strength. Though when asked, even beastkin themselves are not sure of the true meaning. While the existence of the place is widely known to the public, the betting which takes place are in a legal gray zone. The Church of Order doesn't treat gambling as a sin, so technically nothing illegal is taking place, but the fights often only finish when one side dies, which quite clearly goes against the teachings of the Church. Despite this, countless beastkin who frequent these fights are aware of the fact that that lots of money is passed through the hands of people and beastkin. Even the Royal Guards and nobility frequently bet on them.


The First Humans on Kallonia

If you ask anyone from Dragsa how their kingdom was created, they will gladly spin a few tales of how Order itself put them on the land, or how some hungry lions granted them this land after offering them their flesh… other such ramblings. Nothing but fairy tales meant for the ears of kids. Each more fanciful than the last. My favorite one is how Queen Anara herself dragged this land out of the sea for her people, all the way before she was officially born if I read the dates correctly. It also conveniently overlooks the elven and dwarven ruins found under almost every other rock in Kallonia. Since we're on the topic of elves and dwarves, it is worth mentioning that they tell a totally different story. You might not believe it seeing how it looks today, but in times forgotten by the people currently inhabiting the land, Kallonia was mainly made up of elves and dwarves, not humans. They lived harmoniously across the vast expanse of the continents of Kallonia and Redoe. At least, that's what they claim. The elves dwelled within the dense forests, where the towering trees served as their shields, while their homes blended harmoniously with the greenery of surroundings. Thanks to an intimate understanding of the flora and fauna, they were masters of the natural world, attuned to the delicate balance of life that flourished in the woodlands and plains. The dwarves thrived in the heart of the majestic mountains and grassy fields under the scorching sun, where they were using their skillful craftsmanship to shape the very earth itself.   The tribe which would later become Dragsans were not the first humans to reach the shores of Kallonia—there were already dozens of thriving human settlements since decades ago. The land was huge and welcoming so the ones living there had no reason to drive anyone away. The land seemed absolutely stunning for the Dragsan newcomers, as they had never seen a land as rich and vivid as this one in their entire lives. Their lips felt the cool embrace of spring for the first time, and by closing their eyes, they were transported to a world of serene rivers and joyful birds. The greenery of lush forests and fruit-filled bushes painted a starkly different image compared to the untamed savannah in their homeland. Many saw this place as a true paradise, so they did what every human does whenever they see something beautiful—they cut everything down and took it home. Of course, they didn't have a place to stay yet, so they started with using the trees to create their new homes. Clearing the area was also required to cultivate the crops that they brought with them. One may think that the elves, the ancient protectors of the woodlands, were not happy about this course of actions and it would even be possible to say that the harmony between the inhabitants of Kallonia began to fracture here. But this was not the case— the dwarves did similar things.   The seasons changed and dead leaves filled the ground. Soon, there were few villages filled with the laughter of children. At this point the elves, with their slow nature, began to interact with the various human tribes, teaching them about the woodland creatures, medicinal properties of herbs, and magic that comes from living in harmony with nature. The dwarves were much quicker on the uptake and while the humans were hostile to them during their very first meetings due to the dwarves often being grumpy, their stubbornness eventually lead to them trading and visiting human settlements. Annoyed at seeing their poor excuse for a home, they taught them how to properly build wooden houses and a few things abut agriculture. As the dwarves saw the human's talent for learning new things they were happy to bestow their knowledge onto them. Soon they began to recruit the humans into their guild—years of honest work is the best way to learn a few things and dwarves would never decline someone's sweat, blood, and tears. Apprentices became masters and in turn took on their own apprentices. The humans were reluctant to share their own secrets, and seemed irrational in the eyes of the dwarves, which could have possibly harmed relations. But this was not the case— the elves did similar things.   All in all, despite being newcomers to the land, the humans were fitting along nicely with the rest of the races surprisingly well. Slowly, the humans built their own home. The only inhabitants of the land who were more hesitant to interact with them were the ancient clan of Dryads called the Yv’anda. They observed the humans from the safe shadows of their trees. One could say that they were overly cautious and maybe a bit too cold toward strangers to this land. But that was not the case—because the elves and dwarves did similar things. And Dryads still remembered what that led to.  

Roots of Life and Anara

In the next centuries, the small human settlements began to grow, turning modest hamlets into thriving villages and towns. Their influence over Kallonia expanded as more lands were needed for new homes and fields. And although there was still enough land for everyone, and even unexplored areas where nobody lived, the denizens of Kallonia began to sense that their world was becoming crowded. It became as clear as the sky that, in the ceaseless march of time, humans would surge ahead of the long-living races. The landscape, once shaped by the wisdom imparted by these ancient races, was now being altered by the innovative and rapid actions of humanity. Initially, humans were the students, learning from the wisdom of dwarves and elves. Now it was their scholars who delved into the mysteries of magic, and their explorers sought to conquer the seas and discover unknown lands. Some ventured deep into the sacred woods where the Dryads resided, aiming to uncover their secrets. It was precisely at that point in time that a talented human mage named Afrafasti discovered a mysterious crystal in a cave deep in the forest of Banewood. With some experimentation, he was able to discover the fact that the crystal had healing properties, and was able to cure diseases that were considered a death sentence at the time. This earned Afrafasti the title of the Heavenly Healer. The crystal was a magical ore that created branching patterns of green veins on cave walls, and was thus aptly named the “Roots of Life.”   As many human towns joined together, people started to create cities and kingdoms of their own—as if following in the footsteps of their long-living teachers. Among them was the Dragsa tribe. Some elves and dwarves were quite eager to help the new settlements, and many even joined the new human kingdoms, looking to integrate into them. On the other hand, there were dwarves that didn't want such a future for their offspring. The first to react when the wind of change started blowing in their lands, were King Ebbe of the Dwarven Mountains and elven Queen Alma of the Sunset Plains. They found themselves grappling with the perpetual advancements of humans as the new villages and towns were popping up everywhere along their borders. Amidst this unfolding scenario, both rulers recognized the need for unity against the rising tide of humanity and devised an unprecedented solution to saveguard the next generations— the creation of an allied kingdom, far away from the reach of humans. To ensure the safety of their culture no matter what happens in Kallonia. To solidify this decision and give an example for their people, they offered their own children in an arranged marriage. After that, they sent them into the continent of Redoe along with any willing citizens—all in the hopes of creating a better future for their descendants. Later on, this new kingdom, created by both dwarves and elves would be known as Hyste Talma.   Meanwhile, the changes on the continent of Kallonia were picking up the pace. In this flourishing age, teeming with diverse civilizations, the human kingdom of “Dragsa” emerged. For reasons unknown to many, they stopped going to the Banewood forest and started to look for the Roots of Life in other parts of the world. Further north, deep underground, they unearthed a large deposit of the “Roots of Life.” Today, this is where the city of Aaheron is located.   Initially, the kingdom of Dragsa harmoniously collaborated with the other inhabitants of the realm. Together, their mages started to develop technologies to harness and extract power from the veins of the Roots of Life. They were creating cures, concoctions that enhance one's magical growth, artifacts of great power, and even technologies for faster building and farming. However, as Dragsa experimented more and more on the potential of the Roots of life, suspicions arose among the other kingdoms. They began to question the true nature and origins of this enigmatic substance. While Dragsa treated it as a natural blessing given to them by the land, the first denizens of Kallonia were a bit more inquisitive. Or maybe their knowledge of history was just deeper. One day, an elven mage found a burial chamber next to a Roots of Life deposit—all of the buried creatures were elves. What's more, is that they held staves and strange tools that had the runes of a primordial god engraved on them—the god of Order. At that point, all of the pieces came together, he connected the deposits of the Roots of Life with the myth of Order's burial. He shared this discovery with the other kingdoms and it wasn't long before they reacted to this revelation.   Soon, a decree resonated across the lands, forbidding Dragsa from wielding the Roots of Life. The other kingdoms asserted that it was the sacred remains of the god of Order, invoking charges of blasphemy against its use for magic and any further research. It is not certain whether this proclamation held the weight of truth for all of the kingdoms or maybe it just served as a veneer for ulterior motives. Seeing how all their neighbors are turning against them, the dying Queen Anara felt uncertain about her country's future. She was childless and old. But her people needed someone strong at the helm even more than ever. She also knew that the dependency of Dragsa on this magical resource had already grown too strong. Because of that, she decided to accept an experimental operation from one of the court mages. The immortalization procedure. The injection of the power of the Roots of Life directly into her veins, brought her immense pain and it seemed like she was dying for the first two weeks. But after that, her body began to regenerate, bringing forth youth and strength. Along with progressing loss of human characteristics… but that was a small price for ensuring the future for her people. The stage for a conflict was slowly setting in her eyes, and she was sure that it would pit the once-united civilizations against each other. Shattering the harmony that had prevailed for centuries was more than certain.  

The First of the New Races

In the second century of Anara's Reign, the Kingdom of Dragsa found itself embroiled in a fierce conflict with the elven and dwarven kingdoms of Kallonia. What began as minor skirmishes on the borders swiftly escalated into an all-encompassing conflict that engulfed the entire continent. Despite not being the instigators of the war, Dragsa was not the one losing. And it was determined to keep it that way. The dwarves, renowned for the prowess of their warriors, defended their mountain strongholds with unwavering vigilance, while the elves protected their sacred woodlands with unmatched archers and powerful mages that are attuned to nature's energies. While both the elves and the dwarveswere known to be superior to normal humans, Dragsa's strength stemmed not only from the magic of the Roots of Life, but also from its population of humans. As the conflict grew in scale, all the humans in Kallonia felt that in the eyes of long-living races, they are foreigners to the land. While the elven and dwarven kingdoms now viewed humans as undesirables, the kingdom of Dragsa embraced a welcoming stance towards all humans. Humans by their nature bore numerous children, which eventually resulted in a vast manpower pool. While they might not posess the sturdiness of a dwarf or the agility of an elf, their sheer numbers tipped the scales of battle. For every elven archer, there were three human archers; for every dwarven axe swing, there were four human swords parrying in response.   Yet, each victory in battle came at a great cost. Casualties were inevitable. And with each year of conflict, the people's morale and hopes for the future were fading. Cities were filled with the laments of mothers whose children never returned and full of cries from war orphans. The neighboring kingdoms were smaller, but defeat only fueled the desire for revenge in the dwarves and elves. Soon, it wasn't just a fight between the Old Kingdoms and Dragsa, but between humans and “them.” Each country that fell sparked the war with another, leading to a vicious cycle of perpetual conflict. Despite Dragsa's ability to tip the scales with the power of the Roots of Life, they realized that if conflict will keep escalating, relying solely on numbers and magical might could not ensure victory. With how the war was going, it was only a matter of time before their numbers would start to dwindle or people would succumb to despair. A new approach was needed. Something to break the cycle of war.   Then Queen Anara proposed a simple solution.   If the number of soldiers is dwindling… just create more.   If people lament the loss of loved ones… use lives that they do not care about.   That’s how the idea of beastkin came into light.   Among the first races that emerged from their laboratories were the Medusas, designed to support human armies on land with their magic and unique killing skills. However, the Medusas did not fully meet all of Dragsa's expectations, as they turned out to be too individualistic. Despite this, Dragsa persevered in their quest for power. Beastkin dying instead of humans on the battlefield was still the preferred outcome. But as the conflicts escalated with each passing year, even the addition of the Medusas failed to quell the fears of the people. A sense of urgency grew, and the need for a safe haven became apparent.   If such a place could also safeguard their trading routes they could deal with two most pressing issues at the same time. Unfortunately, the majority of Kallonia consisted of flat plains and occasional hills. If they wanted to give citizen a safe haven, where no war can reach, no natural shelters were in sight. At least on land.   A rapidly growing port city called Mossveil was chosen. It was on the side of one of the biggest rivers on the continent, Leose, making it a bustling trading spot between merchants looking for ships to sell their cargo. This also meant that all food and construction materials would be easily accessible. And so, their plans began to take shape. Dragsa commenced the construction of a giant fortress nestled in the delta of the Leose, near Mossveil. The plans were big, as it was intended to house all the people in its empire.   However, as the construction was underway, Dragsa became aware of a looming threat from an overseas kingdom. Tensions were rising between them and Hyste Talma. Dragsa, unwilling to wait for their adversaries' actions, took preemptive measures by creating aquatic beastkin to protect them from any potential naval threats.   Among them, the Slithers were deemed to be the most perfected race, designed to be the equivalent of foot soldiers in naval combat. A race of perfect aquatic warriors with deadly instincts, keen senses, and agility on par with the elves.   All these events would set the stage for a rebellion that would shake the foundations of Dragsa and lead to the creation of both Encura and the Banewood Asylum.  

Beastkin Revolution

The first to rebel against Dragsa's oppression were the Medusas. They were the first beastkin created, way before people even started using that name. Created deep within Dragsa's laboratories, these beings possessed a distinctive fusion of magical prowess and predatory instinct, giving them the combat skills to freeze enemy movements and create powerful illusions. They were a strong supportive force for the human army, perhaps even too strong. Contrary to what Dragsa expected, they lacked a sense of loyalty and even had problems with proper teamwork. Instead, they possessed a strong sense of independence. This innate individualism likely led them to question their role and purpose in the service of Dragsa and caused them to disobey orders from superiors. No need to mention that this put them at odds with Dragsa's expectations of complete obedience. Medusas escape was not something which happened overnight and was a gradual process which Dragsa could not prevent. In the same year when The Kingdom of Hyste Talma declared war on Dragsa they started to slowly disappear from their ranks. Through smart use of the illusion magic, they were able to slowly fake their deaths or suicides. Each year the number of Medusas dropped… but there were no bodies. It was strange no matter how you look at it, and Dragsa’s mages knew what was going on. But at the same time they could not do anything about it—their armies needed the Medusas in the most fierce and hopeless fights. These chaotic battles made it easier to hide the betrayal. To explain the rapid decline of the Medusas and maintain the morale of their armies, Dragsa's highest officials started to spread fake information about the Medusas being recalled and reserved only for special operations.   In the time that the Medusas fully escaped Dragsa's grasp, usually hiding in other continents or Kingdoms, their position in the army had already been replaced by other beastkin. After perfecting the process, the number of different races Dragsa's scientists produced increased. All of the elven and dwarven prisoners that Dragsa captured helped their scientists in the creation of new creatures. Among them, two races were the most numerous—Slithers and Kutauri. The former were made to serve as soldiers of the sea and the latter were half-human, half-horses, made initially to support army supply lines but then also used across the whole Empire as workers on the fields. The army needed food and growing demands made it harder to feed everyone with each year. While the Medusas were treated as second class citizens with some control over their freedoms, their younger cousins were not so lucky—all of them were regarded as slaves.   The Slithers, the merfolk beastkin, rebelled not even two decades after them. Their rebellion was much quicker and more spectacular. But also more bloody. They joined forces with the dwarves of Hyste Talma—the first from the Redoe Alliance. The one that led the dwarves was Brandur Rockhustle, who is the father of the current dwarven Chieftain—Tidor. It led to a naval battle known to humans as the Great Defense of Southern Path, while the beastkin called it the “Kin Blood Battle,” as beastkin fought beastkin on both sides. The fighting was fierce, but neither side emerged victorious. Countless lives were lost on both sides and the final battle at the sea supposedly painted it red for a few weeks. For the Redoe Alliance, this was not enough to crush Dragsa completely. For the merfolk, this was enough to slow Dragsa's expansion and allowed them to establish their own state—the nation of Encura.   It was the first nation entirely made from beastkin who escaped from Dragsa. A nation forged in the flames of defiance and the pursuit of freedom. The aquatic beastkin who were opressed and created only as weapons meant to be used by Dragsa marked the beginning of a new chapter in Deuslair's history. The Fortress of Dragsa was no longer an unbeatable force on Kallonia. And just like the children of abusive parents, the illusion of control over the beastkin was broken. Dragsa's battle over the continent should have been over already, as most of the elves and dwarves were either subjugated, killed or pushed away from Kallonia. And yet they found themselves in another conflict, now within their own kingdom. The tension between Dragsa and the beastkin was rising each year, leading to bigger and smaller uprisings. But it took almost 200 years for the Kutauri to successfully rebel and break free from Dragsa. This time, Dragsa was ready and had already amassed an army of their newest beastkin race—Vepri. The Queen did not take kindly to the actions of the Kutauri and ordered the “Purges of Beasts”— the death of over 10,000 beastkin, most of them Kutauri. Women and children were tortured and their mangled corpses decorated the streets of the Fortress. All while the human citizens cheered and encouraged Dragsa's armies to deal with the rebels faster. It became another bloodstain on the history of Deuslair. Nevertheless, the cruelty of the Queen could not vanquish the hope of the beastkin. They fled to the Banewoods and were taken under the protection of Yv’anda Dryads.   The Fortress of Dragsa never fully extinguished the flames of the Beastkin Revolution—both beyond their borders and within their own territories. Meanwhile, Hyste Talma and the rest of the Redoe Alliance pose a constant threat. Letting their guard down even for a moment results in yet another burned village or a naval fleet brought down. This brings us to the present day, 250 years after the last large Beastkin revolt, but the fighting never stopped. Over time, Dragsa's citizens grew accustomed to the never-ending war with the Beastkin.

Technological Level

Dragsa's Laboratories

While the Mages of Life officially only operate in a few places in the Fortress of Dragsa, countless rumors claim that there are secret laboratories under the city where much more sinister experiments are taking place. The Mages obviously deny such claims, but quite a few strange hybrids and monsters have escaped outside of these “non-existent” laboratories. So far neither the guards nor the hired adventurers were able to find them in the maze-like sewers under the Fortress. It seems that without a proper guide finding them would be impossible, if they truly are located there.

Trade & Transport

Slaves on the Black Market

In Dragsa, slaves are actually owned by the kingdom and not by individual people. People can buy a lease for them, which is in effect for a specific amount of time. If at any point the slave buys out their freedom, the leaseholder gets a refund for unused time they still had on the lease. Because of that, people can trade the slaves between them, similar to as if they were selling their leases, but they cannot exactly “sell the slaves.” Because of this, trading slaves to other countries is not possible… at least within the legal framework of Dragsa. Many beastkin can be found in black markets in the other parts of the world, or in cages atop of Misty Waters’ ariships. Seeing all of that it is not hard to guess that quite a lot of noble houses disagree with these laws or just plainly feel above them. There are several ways of getting slaves out of the Fortress:
  • Faking a death, either in an accident or murder.
  • Pretending they escaped.
  • Not registering births made by slaves within noble households in order to resell them as teenagers.
  • Reselling the lease to black market agents, who fake their identity and cannot be traced when it expires.
…and so on. Still no matter what tricks the nobles use, it is treated as damage to the kingdom’s property and these cases are meticulously checked, especially if one demands refunds on top of suspicious circumstances, unless said noble has someone from the Church in their pockets. Corruption always spreads its roots deeply.

Slang and Idioms

“Offer one's flesh to the lions.” It is used when you say that someone is sacrificing themselves for the greater good. The whole saying is a reference to the Dragsan myth, where two women offered their own flesh to sate the hunger of a lion pride and let their family pass.   “People inside and people outside.” These terms refer to the people who live within the walls of the Fortress of Dragsa and the people who live outside of these walls, in the poorer regions.   “Wall Huggers” A derogatory term which the beastkin use against people living within the walls of the Fortress of Dragsa.   “The line of Ra…” Whenever someone refers to the line of Ra, they're referring to the royal bloodline of Anara. It can also refer to Anara herself since she is the last living descendant of that bloodline, excluding the related families.   Measuring the Era Dragsa actually measures time not from Anara ascending to the title of Queen but from the founding of their kingdom. However when the Church of Order grew in power they had chosen to rewrite how dates are recorded in homage to the Queen. This has led to curious and somewhat absurd entries in history books, such as stating that Anara's birth year is year 80 of the Anara's Reign.
Founding Date
1 AR
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
The official currency in Dragsa is known as Ra coins. There are silver, gold, and platinum coins. Ten coins of a lower denomination are worth one coin of a higher denomination. While there are no official coins for anything lower than one silver coin, people use small copper pieces from other kingdoms or chunks of metal. The most popular form of currency are leftovers from mining, with the metal often being shaped like a twig, and as such are colloquially known as just twigs or sticks. The Ra currency is widely used in Kallonia and also accepted by traders outside of the continent.
Legislative Body

In Dragsa, the legislative functions are centralized and closely linked to the monarchy. Laws and policies are predominantly shaped at the highest levels of power, reflecting the autocratic nature of the regime.

Authority and Function:

Monarch's Role: Queen Anara holds the ultimate legislative authority, directly influencing or dictating the creation of laws and policies that govern the kingdom.

Noble Influence: Influential houses such as House Bloodoak and House Ironsmith contribute to the legislative process, especially in matters related to their expertise in magic, military, and technology. These houses may propose regulations or modifications to existing laws, particularly those affecting their interests.


Legislation in Dragsa typically originates from the royal advisors and the inner circle of the monarchy, with input from key noble houses. These proposals are then refined and officially enacted by Queen Anara, solidifying her role as the central legislative figure in Dragsa.

Judicial Body

The Church of Order serves as the judicial branch in Dragsa, blending religious doctrines with the kingdom's legal framework. This integration underscores the theocratic elements within Dragsa's governance.

Authority and Function:

Church of Order: Responsible for interpreting, adjudicating, and administering Dragsa’s laws. The Church ensures that legal standards align with the religious and moral teachings considered divine by the populace.

Bringer of Harmony: A high-ranking priest who acts as the chief judicial authority, overseeing the application of laws and resolving complex legal disputes. This position holds significant influence over legal outcomes and doctrinal interpretations.


Judicial proceedings in Dragsa are conducted by priests of the Church of Order, who evaluate cases based on the laws influenced by religious doctrine. The Bringer of Harmony may intervene in particularly significant or contentious cases, providing final judgments.

Executive Body

The executive functions in Dragsa are carried out by the Paladins of Order and supported by the Royal Guards. Together, these groups enforce the laws and maintain order within the kingdom.

Authority and Function:

Paladins of Order: Act as the primary law enforcement officers within Dragsa, ensuring compliance with the laws across the kingdom. They operate under the guidance of the Church of Order, using both force and religious authority to maintain control.

Royal Guards: Tasked with the security of the Fortress of Dragsa and the safety of the nobility and royal family. While their primary role is protective, they also assist in enforcing laws within and around the capital.


The Paladins of Order patrol Dragsa and handle most legal enforcement duties, from minor infractions to major crimes. The Royal Guards focus on security within the capital, managing threats to public order and responding to emergencies involving the elite of Dragsan society.

Official State Religion
Official Languages
Notable Members

Articles under Fortress of Dragsa

Cover image: by DALLE


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