City Rats

City Rats is a derogatory term created for the rat-like race that escaped from the Dragsan Laboratories. Initially, they were treated as monsters that needed to be exterminated, like vermin. However, in present times, they are a fairly common sight in most cities of the Deuslair.   Cities and their slums. These are the main places where you can find them. I saw some traveling around the world but never saw one living on a farm or in a small village. Thought it might be due to people's mentality there and not the other way around. In cities, it is easier to blend in with other beastkin.   Escape from the Dragsa. It seems the Dragsa did not intend to let this race loose; rather, they just escaped from their laboratories one day. The denizens of the Fortress of Dragsa held a deep-rooted prejudice against the City Rats, perceiving them as nothing more than vile creatures to be eradicated like common vermin. The notion of accepting these seemingly monstrous beings seemed unthinkable. However, as time unfurled, this group of beastkin began to be accepted. The City Rats, once reviled and cast aside, began to find a glimmer of acceptance within the expansive embrace of the Dragsan society. Or maybe that is too much of a word. Tolerated. People started giving them the lowest jobs and buying their haphazardly made markets. They were allowed into the stores. At least if they had money. It became increasingly apparent that these creatures, once labeled as vermin, possessed a profound sense of community and resourcefulness. Soon, City Rats' unique abilities and talents emerged from the shadows, too. They showcased their adeptness at navigating through the intricate network of tunnels and hidden passageways that crisscrossed the city, serving as invaluable guides. Mainly for the dark side of the city, the black market, and illegal activities. Including hiring for assassinations. But that is a part of society, too.   The Duvak. If we are already on the topic of grey areas, I have heard intriguing rumors about the clandestine underground society of assassins the City Rats have established. While I have never personally laid eyes on them, they exist as enigmatic creatures of legend, their presence whispered about in hushed tones throughout the darkest recesses of the Fortress of Dragsa. The Duvak are said to be masters of weapons—deftly wielding razor-sharp knives or short axes with deadly precision. They are shadows in the night, striking swiftly and silently, leaving no witnesses in their wake. Born into a world rife with violence and chaos, it is rumored that they undergo rigorous training within the brutal gladiator pits nestled amidst the beastkin slums. It is there that they refine their combat skills and hone their expertise in the art of assassination. Curiously, despite their reputation for ruthlessness, the Duvak are said to hold values of loyalty and honor dear. Once they accept a job, they are unwaveringly committed, and willing to lay down their own lives to protect their clients. They are beastkin of their word, executing their missions with unparalleled efficiency and unwavering resolve. The mere thought of their existence sends shivers down one's spine.   With their weird origins, contrary to the rest of the beastkin, they never really were slaves to the Dragsa nor rebelled against them. At the same time, they are not exactly accepted as their citizens. They are somewhere in the grey area–not exactly second-grade citizens but far away from the slaves.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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