Black Passing

The Black Passing is an ominous region characterized by a massive, sprawling ravine that scars the landscape, a grim testament to the cataclysmic events once unleashed by the Spire of Eternity. The region is surrounded by desolate, dark sands that shift continuously, shaped by winds that carry a sense of foreboding. This eerie terrain is frequently enveloped in thick, black vapors that rise from the depths of the ravine, cloaking the area in a perpetual, suffocating fog.  
  The jagged edges of the ravine slice through the earth, creating hazardous pathways and precipitous drops. The vapors are not only a visual barrier but are toxic, known to cause the mysterious "White-Eyes" affliction—a condition that slowly robs wanderers of their sight, leaving their eyes a ghostly white.   Despite its dangers, the Black Passing is rumored to be the site of powerful ancient artifacts buried before the time of the Spire’s wrath. The hostile environment and the legends surrounding it have deterred most, but the allure of forgotten treasures and the mysteries of the past continue to draw the brave and the reckless.  


The Black Passing is notorious for its dangerous black vapors that pose a significant risk to all who venture near. Exposure to these vapors leads to a condition known as "White-Eyes," where individuals lose their iris color, leaving their eyes entirely white. This affliction blinds those affected, adding a layer of risk and mystery to the already perilous environment.  


Characterized by its massive ravine and the shifting sands that now cover what was once fertile land, the Black Passing serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of the Spire of Eternity. The landscape is marked by jagged terrain, with the ravine cutting deeply through the earth, emitting its hazardous black vapors.  

Cultural Impact

Due to its dangerous conditions, the Black Passing is largely avoided by travelers and locals alike. The area has become a subject of dark folklore and cautionary tales, warning of the irreversible blindness that afflicts those who dare to explore its depths. This has made it a region shrouded in mystery and fear, often discussed in hushed tones by those aware of its history.
Location under

Cover image: by DALLE


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